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PAF CAS confirmed the SU-30MKI kill in addition to MiG-21 Bison - Alan Warnes

No evidence provided for the su-30 so it is still a claim. Granted Pakistan has much better and more importantly consistent narrative backed by neutral sources, it still doesn’t help PAF’s overall credibility to make unsubstantiated claims
For some of us, the following words confirm more than enough. Exact word for word: "The big story breaking this morning, an F-16 of the Pakistani air force shot down a Sukhoi 30MKI, the latest of India's air force." - Rahul Kanwal (Feb 27, 2019)
Mi-17 shot down by mig-21 vs Indian SAM is a big confusion. Also undercuts PAF claim of no mig-21 weapon used. That clarification isn’t provided by Alan Warnes.
Alan's not going to give the full scoop on twitter. The fact remains that the Indians say it "may" have been a FF on Mi-17. Is there a clear confirmation from India as to what exactly happened to their Mi-17? Please enlighten do us.
My information is updated. Rather than speak in codes through a foreign journalist, PAF should update it’s own people with facts and figures so the truth is established.

Pakistan does not have to. Abhinandan was enough of an evidence and insult. It is not the job of Air Force officers to hold media briefings and fight this informational warfare.
My information is updated. Rather than speak in codes through a foreign journalist, PAF should update it’s own people with facts and figures so the truth is established.
You seem to imply yourself that CAS was summing it up as just one MiG-21 was involved in the entire skirmish. CAS never said anything like that, according to Warnes' tweet. It's YOU who is reading the wrong signals. :sarcastic:
Since PAF had established local superiority on 27 Feb. IAF was also trying to match us aircraft to aircraft. so whatever they had in the area they made it airborne. There were definitely several mig 21s airborne over kashmir region becoz Sirinagar airforce station is home to 51 Squadron of IAF which is equiped with mig 21 bisons (abhinandan was also from 51 squadron).
i am not saying that it was indeed a mig 21 that shot down MI 17 but there is a possibility becoz the place where it fell is well within indian occupied kashmir some 120 km maybe. since abhinandan was inside pakistani airsapace so it was definitely not him so the point that his weapons were not fired still remains valid.
so that leave us with two possibilities, either a spyder or another aircraft (most probabaly mig 21beco of its proximity home base)
Lets not pin all the blame on Abhinandan.

The loss of Mi17 was possibly a groundfire or one of their own hot aircraft. Only Indians can disclose this looking at the flight data.
Lets not pin all the blame on Abhinandan.

The loss of Mi17 was possibly a groundfire or one of their own hot aircraft. Only Indians can disclose this looking at the flight data.
Well let's not hope for too much on Mi-17's data as the black box for the Mi-17 has - very conveniently - gone missing! :partay:
PAF has been silent this whole time but then the only time it speaks, it does so off the record to a British journalist. It should give the same access to its own journalists. The public has a right to know as well.
Public was given release by ISPR - Alan Warnes is not just another British journo since he has over the years built some very good relationships with the PAF and has proven capable of keeping quiet when asked.
Not to mention he has written entire books on the PAF and is otherwise well respected in the aviation journalist world.

Try releasing the news to some local journalists and they’ll add cheap animation to it and add idiotic comments to release.

After all, we already have plenty of members here who are posting two-bit youtube videos and asking questions based on them as if they are verses of the Quran
Lets not pin all the blame on Abhinandan.

The loss of Mi17 was possibly a groundfire or one of their own hot aircraft. Only Indians can disclose this looking at the flight data.
i clearly said that it wasnt abhinandan
Mi-17 shot down by mig-21 vs Indian SAM is a big confusion. Also undercuts PAF claim of no mig-21 weapon used.

IAF was flying more then 1 mig-21 that day. another mig-21 shot down mi-17 or Isralie supplied Spider SAM.
Yes, there can be more than one mig-21 airborne and there can be multiple claims on what brought down an aircraft.
I disagree with the air chief and think it could have been a Spyder sam.
My information is updated. Rather than speak in codes through a foreign journalist, PAF should update it’s own people with facts and figures so the truth is established.
@Falcon26 Why are you stressing so much on an off topic discussion? PAF did not claim to have downed Mi17 since the day one and it has maintained its stance.
Furthermore, it happened inside IoJ&K and since PAF fighters were not involved in downing of Mi17 so it does not matter that much whether it was downed by a spyder SAM or another of Indian A/Cs or even crashed due to some technical fault. BTW, I'm sure CAS would have used the word "may be" but due the twitter limit of 140 words.. Alan Warnes just left the unimportant stuff out. Anyways he will be writing a detailed article soon.
My information is updated. Rather than speak in codes through a foreign journalist, PAF should update it’s own people with facts and figures so the truth is established.
It seems you are not unaware of Alan Warnes. He is one of the best aviation experts on face of the earth. He also has been shown proof. We are showing these proof for very good reasons
It seems you are not unaware of Alan Warnes. He is one of the best aviation experts on face of the earth. He also has been shown proof. We are showing these proof for very good reasons

Alan Warnes NEVER claimed to have been shown a proof.
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