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PAF CAS confirmed the SU-30MKI kill in addition to MiG-21 Bison - Alan Warnes

I long ago accepted the SU30MKI shoot down base on the circumstantial evidence. I believe PAF has definitive proof that it shared with this expert.

These kinds of aerial battles don't happen much in modern warfare anymore. Especially when its the smaller, lesser equipped air force winning. PAF credentials will sky rocket in the rest of the world.
The JF-17s were very much part of the strike package. 4 JF-17's were in the war theatre giving SD-10 radar locks to MKI's, Bisons and Mirage 2000's. They did not press the trigger. The only difference made.

PAF is very very happy with JF-17s performance without a doubt. So are Lockheed guys with F-16s recent showdown.
So, JF-17s' secrets remain locked...

Your secrets are your prisoners, when they're out you become their prisoner - Hazret-i Ali (RA)
Our IAF chief also reiterated the F-16 kill yesterday.
All these reiterations from both sides have Zero value unless a neutral source supports their claims or their is evidence of a wreckage.

Also MI-17 was shot down by a SAM unit (and not Mig 21) because Mi-17 pilot forgot to switch on IFF system, so he is wrong on that count too.

The face of a shameless ('SO')!

AbhiNoneDone did not fire a single missile meaning the 2 parachute siting belongs to Su-30MKI.

enough said :welcome::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
But the desparate second phase totally exposed Pak military.
Your argument is "totally exposed" to be insignificant. Let me remind you of your IAF's "Irrefutable Evidence" which only exposed one thing: MS Paint. :omghaha:
I wonder, if someone on the ground when the JF-17 was chasing down the Su-30 could have shot down the Su-30 with a Anza. It doesn't look like its flying over the flight altitude of the Anza and would have been a well earned kill.
Just great~ why we were sure Su30 MKI as everyone already confirmed was shot down, it was brought down by PAF Fighter jet, Indian Airforce lost two jets shot by PAF.

Finally the truth has come out, what took so long. First brilliant kill of Su30 Mki by Pakistan. Thanks to Russians who allowed to name the jet in open and expose India. Remember from start India never denied that Mig 21 Bison was the only Fighter aircraft which was shot down. And now the truth is out SU30 Mki was shot down, further injury and humiliation to India.
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