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PAF and IAF Training

you have a bad habit of twisting the words, no one said PAF looks better than IAF. So stop twisting.

Muradk, I do not have any bad habit, keep it for you...photos posted here of Indian pilots are deliberatly picked...later discussion started about color combination.....You failed to raise voice against basic motivation...But I know you will not accept that.
Muradk, I do not have any bad habit, keep it for you...photos posted here of Indian pilots are deliberatly picked...later discussion started about color combination.....You failed to raise voice against basic motivation...But I know you will not accept that.

no dude thats not the case.. they were picked randomly and being dark is nothing to be ashamed off.. please search some handsome looking IAF pilots and open a new thread about how cool looking studs IAF pilots are..
Muradk, I do not have any bad habit, keep it for you...photos posted here of Indian pilots are deliberatly picked...later discussion started about color combination.....You failed to raise voice against basic motivation...But I know you will not accept that.

Enough:angry: I will not repeat this again. You have no idea who I am. I am the only poster on this forum who would without any doubt say that IAF pilots are one of the best. I have fought 2 wars with IAF I know there flying capabilities.

Stop being a cry baby. Nobody here is emphasizing that Indian pilots are ugly or of low caste. We are just posting pictures of our air force pilots with no intention of disrespect. This is a Pakistani defence forum. What you and your types do on your own forum is very much known to the members here, at least we dont go down to that level of childishness and stupidity.
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Stop being a cry baby. Nobody here is emphasizing that Indian pilots are ugly or of low caste. We are just posting pictures of our air force pilots with no intention of disrespect. This is a Pakistani defence forum. What you and your types do on your own forum is very much known to the members here, at least we dont go down to that level of childishness and stupidity.

yes their forums are full of stupidity and extremesim against pakistan.no real facts, no professionalism, only LALA LALA LALA :rolleyes:

back on the topic
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^^^i thought we were discussing PAF and IAF training and not the colour of our skins or whether our pilots are "studley" in their g-suits. studley dosnt help in a dogfight, flying skills does!
^^^i thought we were discussing PAF and IAF training and not the colour of our skins or whether our pilots are "studley" in their g-suits. studley dosnt help in a dogfight, flying skills does!

Thanks Fatman,
I fully agree with you, but people here are more interested in color and color combinations. Lets back to topic..
It reminds me of the good old days of the Dutch F16 force... I had the oppertunity to visit maintenance (destructive and non destructive testing, life cycle etc you know the whole treat) and talk to engineers and pilots. It was indeed not the looks that made the pilot the best. The best pilot at that moment would not even be recognised as a pilot and if you saw him you even might laugh. But in the air he was pretty much the one. And that adds the logic that a nice plane is handy but it is finally the pilot that takes the real game into his hands.
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