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PAF and IAF Training

The above pic posted by Adux is of Indian Sukhois make stopover in Tanagra AB, Greece, on their way to England

The above pic is from Kostas Pantios
Via the ‘F’ man @ ACIG.

Posted in AFM.
Just another piece of information from my US Navy friend. Presently just two three weeks ago some Indian Naval pilots also graduated on the Goshawk T-38. Infact both Pakistani and Indian pilots were undergoing training at the same time.


Goshawks are T-45 not T-38 Talons.

Hehehe, Let me the first one to say this...SPANDEX

All those over weight flab ridden pilots are going to look "funny"(understatement) in that...lol
I dont know much about Indian Navy pilots but both the Indian pilots are In India when the photo was taken If they were in USA they always have an Insignia which has Indian Flag /USA flag Plus a lot more on the G Suite like the PAF pilots and the second Indian Pilot photo has a Rhino's badge which means he is not a student, and the back ground is not of a USAF BASE.
And friend Advanced sea Carrier traning is not done on T-38s.

Dear Muradk,

I never said that the Photo was taken in a USAF base. The photo taken is definately in India with the Harriers in the background most probably Goa where they are based. As regards the second part regarding training of Indian Naval pilots in USA please read below.


[Indian Naval pilots to train in US military academy

Government is going ahead with plans to ink a defence agreement with the United States to train Indian naval fighter pilots, specially for carrier landings and take offs, according to top naval sources here.

With India all set to induct its new super carrier INS Vikramditya (Admiral Gorshkov) towards the end of 2007, the Navy is feeling the pinch in training fighter pilots as the number of slots at the Air Force's MiG training units located at Tezpur are inadequate.

"To overcome these deficiencies and to prepare naval aviators to fly MiG29K, which will be acquired to operate from the Russian carrier", naval officials said that under the new agreement it was proposed to train naval pilots at US Naval training institutions.

"An agreement is likely to be signed in another ten to 15 days and naval fighter pilots would start commencing training by September end," naval officials said.

They said naval pilots after grading on piston-engined HPT-32 basic trainers will proceed to US Navy's air station at Corpus Christie in Texas.

The institution trains pilots and navigators for the US Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and even the US Air Force.

"While initial flying training will be on Beech T-34C Turbo Mentor followed by conversion to advanced training on Boeing British Aerospace T-45A Goshawks at US Naval Air Station at Meridan.

"Training of Naval pilots would include carrier landings and take offs, before they graduate and return to India to fly the MiG-29ks", officials said. The NDA Government before bowing out from office had signed a seven-billion USD deal to acquire 60 British Aerospace Hawk 100y trainers--- 25 outright and 35 to be assembled in HAL-- but curiously this did not include any provision for buying the naval variants of the trainers.

Naval officials said like IAF it was not possible to send Naval pilots to train in United Kingdom on the Hawks as there already were large batches of IAF pilots training there.

However, even the British naval pilots are being trained at Meridan and at US naval air station at Kingsville in Texas as the naval variants of the hawks, called the Goshawks are jointly manufactured by American aviation major Boeing and BAe.

Defence sources said that training Indian pilots at US naval training institutions worked out far cheaper than sending them to be trained in UK." The naval fighter pilots would log much more flying hours at almost half the cost", they argue.

The US air station, according to sources, trains around 200 pilots a year, which besides the US Navy, Marine corp, Coast Guard include foreign pilots from Italy and Spanish Navies. After graduating these pilots move on to fly high performance aircraft like Boeings F/A-18 Hornets, which US is offering to India.
He was talking to airbus not you, for the pictures on the first page. and it is the T-45 Goosehawk the Navy guys train on

Apologies I mistook the Turbo Mentor for the Goshawk. As per the article they will train on both.


Ps : Apologies to MuradK to. Must have misread his post.
Airbus you my friend have the wrong info
First of all both the pilots from PAF are Flying Officer's and they are in Dover flying T-38s. Not a Wepons School. T-38 are Advanced trainers not fighters as per USAF.
After 100th GDP PAF started to send alternate courses to USA to fly T-38's instead of sending them to 2 SQD in Pakistan. You get your Flt lt rank after FCU and by that time they are on F-7s Mirages and F-16s depends how the pilot performes.

thanx for correcting me.............
and these r some old pictures of my friends 3 years ago now they r flt lt's..........

Yar the only thing I dont like about IAF is Blue Coverall and green G suits does'nt make sence.

I swear no dressing sense only. But the new all brown suites looks much better.

Hehehe, Let me the first one to say this...SPANDEX

All those over weight flab ridden pilots are going to look "funny"(understatement) in that...lol

I wudnt wear it.
Air Cdre Kaiser Tufail: Great Man, Super Professional, Excellent Human and Born Leader. Its sad to see him retiring as an Air Cdre.
Yar the only thing I dont like about IAF is Blue Coverall and green G suits does'nt make sence.

There are many other things which i also dont Like ...

What is the Plane behind the UMAR of Pakistani TOM Curise:confused:
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