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PAF again welcome female GD(P)s.......

Yar This is the most stupid reason i have ever heard.I can Name a million men who are shorter equivalent to women.So now where is your advantage.

As far as BS is concerned i pray with my heart that what i am talking becomes BS but if the present Policies continue my BS could become reality.

Do ask sm concerned on PDF like Sir Muradak/Mr. X. You'll get the answer. Some men has less weight than women but the ration of females are more than men.

over and out.
Come on Give the reason.Why are you running away.You started this thread.

I'm not running away...just want to avoid some of ur childish posts.
Don't want to be harsh wth any member.
My dear weight counts....weight counts and weight counts alotttttttt during G's. This is some blessing of nature to woman. Woman has more tolerant and flexible musles than man. Also quoting a research for u

Women beat men on muscle endurance
16 October 2000

When performing certain isometric exercises, the endurance of women is almost twice that of men performing the same exercise, according to results presented at a meeting of international scientists. Both sexes performed the exercises at the same percentage of their maximum strength.

The study, conducted at the University of Colorado in the US, confirmed that women outlasted men by an average of 75 per cent and, importantly, showed that the reason women had longer endurance times was not due to differences in the motivation levels between men and women, or within the nervous system, but due to differences within muscle.

Researchers found that because the weaker subjects had longer endurance times, and women were generally weaker than men, the specific reason for the gender difference in endurance time may be an interaction between muscle strength and blood flow within the muscle.

However, the researchers said that other possible reasons for the difference may include the type of muscle fibres of men and women or even the differences in hormones such as oestrogen, between men and women.
Come on Give the reason.Why are you running away.You started this thread.

bro do you think all mens are very strong comparing to womens? i can bet you there are many cowards in mens also who runs away from their responsibilities and they have a fear of death and there are many women who are far brave than men in such situations

all depends upon the individual...... yes in general sense mens are physically stronger but some womens are also really tough.....man..... Just give a chance to them and u will have a tough time fighting against them too (just come to my Gym for a day, i can show you some really strong females :lol::lol:) :D


Mens are usually stronger because they have been given such training so they can fight in the war, if you provide similar environment to a women also.......she will not remain a women..... she will be a Soldier...... and only a soldier...... and fighting with a soldier is never easy

and we are not saying you recruit 100% womens in your army......... may be 1% - 5% is more than enough and then you chose the best women among yourself and those best womens can prove to be equal or better than men in war (and that you can only find out in the battlefield :D)
@Flying eagle.

Ok Sir you took quite sometime in digging up this article so allow some time to me for the counter ok.lol
Girls as GDP!!! :no: man.... wastage of resources and accident prone stuff :agree:
@Flying eagle.

Ok Sir you took quite sometime in digging up this article so allow some time to me for the counter ok.lol

yes she is Sir :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
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ohh That's why i was wondering why a man is fighting for Women so much.So now i Understand.
ok now from the thousand of reasons there are.There is a below.And For Now i am talking only Purely Scientific Reasons if i start about cultural and Religious reasons then well it would tooo much to read.


A extract from the article below.
"Making the decision to have a baby could have been career-ending for Major Kimbrell. For safety reasons, women pilots can no longer fly once they become pregnant. They are kept out of the cockpit for nine months, plus recovery time.

"When a pilot is out of the jet for that amount of time a significant amount of retraining is required and it normally takes place outside of the squadron, back at the school house," said Major Kimbrell. "This has the potential to be detrimental to a woman's progression and continues to be a challenge for myself and other women fighter pilots."

Now Imagine if war starts when these Females fighter Pilots are on Medical leave then just Imagine what will happen.In Order to satisfy Some liberals we would had Inducted Fighter Pilots but then India would have Complete Air Dominance Thousands of Innocent Pakistanis would be killed by Indian Bombing and Billions of Dollars will be lost along with the dignity of Pakistan.

USAFs first female African-American fighter pilot
GLAD you guys need to PROVE your MANHOOD by belittling women!!!! good for you boys!! freaking two faced hypocrites! :hang2: :wave:
ok now from the thousand of reasons there are.There is a below.And For Now i am talking only Purely Scientific Reasons if i start about cultural and Religious reasons then well it would tooo much to read.


A extract from the article below.
"Making the decision to have a baby could have been career-ending for Major Kimbrell. For safety reasons, women pilots can no longer fly once they become pregnant. They are kept out of the cockpit for nine months, plus recovery time.

"When a pilot is out of the jet for that amount of time a significant amount of retraining is required and it normally takes place outside of the squadron, back at the school house," said Major Kimbrell. "This has the potential to be detrimental to a woman's progression and continues to be a challenge for myself and other women fighter pilots."

Now Imagine if war starts when these Females fighter Pilots are on Medical leave then just Imagine what will happen.In Order to satisfy Some liberals we would had Inducted Fighter Pilots but then India would have Complete Air Dominance Thousands of Innocent Pakistanis would be killed by Indian Bombing and Billions of Dollars will be lost along with the dignity of Pakistan.

USAFs first female African-American fighter pilot

Beta both the articles are infavour of female GDP's. Kindly do argu but other than
1. PMS
2. Pragnency
(Both have solutions)
3. If fall in enemy territory. etc....
Let me help u little.
Go to thread "51%", on PDF and read it.

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