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PAF Able to Stop Drones - ACM

This or any Pakistani government does not have the BALLs or the will to shoot down any US drones.

Dear Dr. Araz - can i qualify your statement. the GoP may or may not have the balls or will but the military does!

^^^^^^ Well said sir....Valid point raised.....as the situation moving towards where this [GoP:tdown: - Millitary:tup:] could be a turning point ultimately soon......!
As far as today's GOP concerns .....CEOs sold their balls at cost..........while there 'Will' just to trade more to enhance their foreign reserves.............!

Here i must say that, enemies trying continue to jeoperdize our social and economic structure besides insecure borders ........ .. either GoP or patriotic Millitary agencies or both of them must keep their eyes open to confront and control before time.......as its really surprising that there is no news in media, no measures taken by Gop to control the situation which is expected to be worst in the economic hub Karachi, once again similar to 1986, as there are severe clashes have began by attacking on businesses, blown up carpet's & Imported fabric's shops, especially all tea stalls forced to close down since last last 4 days............informations that Just after Eid it will be severe.
I think Karachities may be aware of it......but its makes me worried that no one raise such sensitive issue which may lead towards serious law & order situation, ethnic differneces and ultimately jeoperdize country's social & economy structure !

I appreciate if some of my fellow guide me the reason behind this silance upon stated issue!!!
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As the Yank say they are targeting the bad guys so I don't see the problem with this.

What would be the significance of a Pakistani drone doing the same job?
As the Yank say they are targeting the bad guys so I don't see the problem with this.

What would be the significance of a Pakistani drone doing the same job?

my Dear JK!;sir
"As the Yank say they are targeting the bad guys so I don't see the problem with this."
1.how they can decide who is bad , who is good !whatever afghan drug mafia suggests or unleash as a information ,US acts without conforming that ?

2.Yanks only belive & act with thier own intersts, they dont mind killing olders, they doesnt mind killing, childerns on the name of "WAR OF TERROR"?

3. the main reason why pakistan should do it by themselves is, growing fear of security, & sense of no hope among the ordinary citizens.
there fore its is very important that, these drones attacks should be stopped immediatly, & PAF should be equiped with these drones , i guss it can great results , because of the fact , that PAF & PA has more valid info of the terrorists!:agree:
From "the Long War Journal":
US strike in North Waziristan kills 3

By Bill RoggioNovember 29, 2008 7:06 AM

The US launched another unmanned Predator aircraft strike in Pakistan's Taliban-controlled tribal areas, according to reports from the region.

The Predator fired several Hellfire missiles at a Taliban and al Qaeda safe house in North Waziristan. The strike took place in Chashma, a village on the outskirts of Miramshah, the main town in the tribal agency, Reuters reported.

"A missile was fired at a house owned by one Taj Mohammad, and we have reports of two men killed," a Pakistani intelligence agency official told the news agency.

At least three people have been reported killed, according to the Xinhua news service. The target of the strike is unknown. No senior Taliban or al Qaeda leaders have been reported killed in the attack.

The majority of US strikes inside of Pakistan's northwest have taken place inside North Waziristan. The al Qaeda-linked Haqqani family and Taliban warlord Hafiz Gul Bahadar operate in North Waziristan. The Haqqani Network has a strong presence in Miramshah region of North Waziristan.

Background on the recent strikes inside Pakistan

Today's attack is the fifth this month and the first since Nov. 21, when a safe house hosting a meeting in North Waziristan that included al Qaeda operatives Rashid Rauf and Abu Zubair al Masri was hit. Both Rauf and Zubair are thought to have been killed, however this has not been confirmed. Rauf's family claimed his is still alive. On Nov. 19, the US hit an al Qaeda safe house in Bannu. This was the first recorded US strike outside of Pakistan's tribal areas.
^^^^ Looks like the Pak AF isn't engaged yet! Some more jihadis bite the dust. Good riddance.
From "the Long War Journal":
US strike in North Waziristan kills 3

By Bill RoggioNovember 29, 2008 7:06 AM

The US launched another unmanned Predator aircraft strike in Pakistan's Taliban-controlled tribal areas, according to reports from the region.

The Predator fired several Hellfire missiles at a Taliban and al Qaeda safe house in North Waziristan. The strike took place in Chashma, a village on the outskirts of Miramshah, the main town in the tribal agency, Reuters reported.

"A missile was fired at a house owned by one Taj Mohammad, and we have reports of two men killed," a Pakistani intelligence agency official told the news agency.

At least three people have been reported killed, according to the Xinhua news service. The target of the strike is unknown. No senior Taliban or al Qaeda leaders have been reported killed in the attack.

The majority of US strikes inside of Pakistan's northwest have taken place inside North Waziristan. The al Qaeda-linked Haqqani family and Taliban warlord Hafiz Gul Bahadar operate in North Waziristan. The Haqqani Network has a strong presence in Miramshah region of North Waziristan.

Background on the recent strikes inside Pakistan

Today's attack is the fifth this month and the first since Nov. 21, when a safe house hosting a meeting in North Waziristan that included al Qaeda operatives Rashid Rauf and Abu Zubair al Masri was hit. Both Rauf and Zubair are thought to have been killed, however this has not been confirmed. Rauf's family claimed his is still alive. On Nov. 19, the US hit an al Qaeda safe house in Bannu. This was the first recorded US strike outside of Pakistan's tribal areas.

you already posted , it sir:enjoy:
This time it appears they did inform you before striking...cool

I don't understand. Was news of this strike already posted by someone else? I didn't see it. I posted it on this thread and the other drone strike thread. I am uncertain about how to bring information to both threads when the threads have overlapping subject matter.

I don't understand. Was news of this strike already posted by someone else? I didn't see it. I posted it on this thread and the other drone strike thread. I am uncertain about how to bring information to both threads when the threads have overlapping subject matter.

TruthSeeker; dear
its very easy, you already posted it on another thread thn no need to post it again here, by the way this thread is about PAF chief 's interview about the drones attacks , and PAF 'S ability to stop, them!:):enjoy:
araz; sir,
i am sory to intrup in this all !
whatever our eco-condition is? but can we ready to give up our country yet!
as your point of view , hardly we cant resist anything , due to our worse ecnomics!
so if we follow that, we cant afford a country named pakistan?

i personally , disagree with you on this matter, bad economics cant, become a cause of slavry, for instance somalia has 10 time more bad economic conditions thn us , but they never give up thier independence?:angry::cry:

Batman now.
The point I have been making all along in ths discussion is, that these are limited stikes the terms and conditions of which have already been approved. If it came to the case where US is hell bent on destroying Pakistan,let me assure you they wont do it militarily. With so many people in our beloved country willing t sell their souls for a few dollars, why kill ones own soldiers,when spending a few hundred million dollars will get you a ready made civil war.
The problem is that our higher ecelon is tooindebted to the US to get into a situation where we would face the US.
However, that said if the US was stupid emnough to intervene militarily , then it would be a really bad state of affairs for both the countries.
I will expand on this later.
lol the biggest threat to US is itself i think we should nuke US and say byebye
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