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PAA Bell 412 Heli gunner raining down hell from above

Pity we don't have our own AC-130 type craft with multiple weapon stations. A few of them flying over the BLA will put the fear of all time in them.
Is it not possible for the PAF to modify some of the c130 in service into the AC130?
Pity we don't have our own AC-130 type craft with multiple weapon stations. A few of them flying over the BLA will put the fear of all time in them.

Is it not possible for the PAF to modify some of the c130 in service into the AC130?
Not sure, but I suspect the US builds each AC-130 from the ground up from the production stage (i.e., it doesn't mod existing C-130s). It would make sense because those aircraft have a specific sensor and weapons-compatibility stack. Not only that, but the real "punch" is the 105 mm gun, and I don't know if pairing that (with its feedback, momentum, etc) to the regular Herc is feasible. The AC-130 is basically one-of-a-kind.

The closest outside vendors got is building lighter applications by modding the C-295, C-27J, and An-132. You won't get the 105 mm gun with any of those, but you do get a decent load-out via a 35 mm cannon plus limited ATGM and PGB-carrying capability. I suspect the PAF never went with any of these options because they were still too niche to justify procurement (as doing so would take funds away from a general-purpose logistics asset).

That said, given the chronic and perpetual instability in our Western front, I think we need to form permanent service arms for each of COIN, CT, Anti-Narc, Anti-Smuggling, etc. I can see a powerful federal police force manage CT, Anti-Narc, Anti-Smuggling/Trafficking (akin to Canada's RCMP). However, COIN will need a standing military force comprising of regular infantry, MRAPs, LAVs, UAVs, fixed-wing strike aircraft, and niche assets (like AC-27J, ISTAR, etc).

IMHO, ideally, we'd rework our existing paramilitaries into a unified National Guard (for COIN) and a National Police Force (for CT/Narco/Smugg/Traff). You'd bracket these two forces with the ISI to form a 'National Security' cluster to mirror 'National Defense' (i.e., Army, Navy, Air Force, SPD). @SQ8 @Signalian

In turn, you'd have a Chief of Nat-Sec and a Chief of Nat-Def.

Anything regarding India runs through the Chief of Nat-Def, while internal instability goes to the Chief of Nat-Sec. I think this could be a way to delineate the decision-making, skills, and human resources aspect between the two. You'd avoid the risk of military leaders muddling the two and ensure that we have a full-time focus on both.

Moreover, the culture for handling internal threats isn't the same as fighting a standing military force. Nat-Sec could focus on things like intelligence, busting financial streams, deeply studying local culture environments, pre-empting threats, creating civil buy-in, etc.
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That helicopter is flying at around 3,000 ft and he's firing a MG3 machine gun

there is NO WAY he can hit a designated target from that height and the way he is swinging that gun is ridiculous

this is not targeted engagement that is what we can in the spray and pray

the location is open and clearly populated and inside Pakistan? inside really ?

then this war will go on for next 100 years, only solution is a diplomatic one and at no point should the Pakistan military be used to attack inside Pakistan unless there is imminent threat

there is no place for that in a civilised society in 2022
That helicopter is flying at around 3,000 ft and he's firing a MG3 machine gun

there is NO WAY he can hit a designated target from that height and the way he is swinging that gun is ridiculous

this is not targeted engagement that is what we can in the spray and pray

the location is open and clearly populated and inside Pakistan? inside really ?

then this war will go on for next 100 years, only solution is a diplomatic one and at no point should the Pakistan military be used to attack inside Pakistan unless there is imminent threat

there is no place for that in a civilised society in 2022
What ze f***?

1) that is not a MG3. Its looks more like a M240B

2) civillians were evacuated from the area.

3) we dont know what the heli was doing. It couldve been a harassing fire to force the militants to fire back, ultimately revealing their positions, so a AH1F could pick them off.
What ze f***?

1) that is not a MG3. Its looks more like a M240B

2) civillians were evacuated from the area.

3) we dont know what the heli was doing. It couldve been a harassing fire to force the militants to fire back, ultimately revealing their positions, so a AH1F could pick them off.

correct was a typo
These guns are now replaced by minigun.
That helicopter is flying at around 3,000 ft and he's firing a MG3 machine gun

there is NO WAY he can hit a designated target from that height and the way he is swinging that gun is ridiculous

this is not targeted engagement that is what we can in the spray and pray

the location is open and clearly populated and inside Pakistan? inside really ?

then this war will go on for next 100 years, only solution is a diplomatic one and at no point should the Pakistan military be used to attack inside Pakistan unless there is imminent threat

there is no place for that in a civilised society in 2022
Congratulations, you’ve just unlocked the concept of “suppressive fire”…

It’s not supposed to be an accurate weapon when fired from a helicopter anyways. That’s the job of the troops on the ground. It’s covering them so the militants keep their heads down.

There are no civilians in the area.

The entire war in the last 20 years has been fought inside Pakistan. I’m not sure why you’re so mad over this particular engagement. We used much more than this on our own soil to win said war, it worked out just fine for us.

And if you had taken time to read the title of the video, you’d realize this threat is long over and was dealt with by the army.

Please do some research before you speak. Thanks.
That helicopter is flying at around 3,000 ft and he's firing a MG3 machine gun

there is NO WAY he can hit a designated target from that height and the way he is swinging that gun is ridiculous

this is not targeted engagement that is what we can in the spray and pray

the location is open and clearly populated and inside Pakistan? inside really ?

then this war will go on for next 100 years, only solution is a diplomatic one and at no point should the Pakistan military be used to attack inside Pakistan unless there is imminent threat

there is no place for that in a civilised society in 2022
It's called suppressive fire. For example, if you watch combat footage of Afghanistan you'd see US soldiers spraying machine guns into the battlefield from cover to prevent the Taliban from shooting at them. Even if it doesn't hit its intended target it has a psychological effect on the terrorists.
That helicopter is flying at around 3,000 ft and he's firing a MG3 machine gun

there is NO WAY he can hit a designated target from that height and the way he is swinging that gun is ridiculous

this is not targeted engagement that is what we can in the spray and pray

the location is open and clearly populated and inside Pakistan? inside really ?

then this war will go on for next 100 years, only solution is a diplomatic one and at no point should the Pakistan military be used to attack inside Pakistan unless there is imminent threat

there is no place for that in a civilised society in 2022

Please consider it as some 'Gora Fauji' and USA/Western helicopter are there and ignore 'Pakistaniat' in it.
This will give you some satisfaction, calmness and vision that this is a 'state of the art system' into an action.
Just out of curiosity, what if one of those bullet shell casing lands on someone's head from that height?
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