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PA TANKS comparison with contempory tanks

Indian Army can be bad for as long as the truth is hidden. Shed more info on the so called new missile, until then it is non other than the much hyped HJ-8.

Only one test and you guys claim you have it battle ready?

When things are simply repackaged; then Tests are uncalled for.
Apart from that Tests cost money,
Abhi mahengayee ka zamana, aur jaib bhi khaali.........kya karein Saieen.
The answer is pretty much there in your source

Let more info come and then we shall decide on the expression.

Dude u do realize that he has quoted this from indian sources who claim everything from pak is chinese copy.:lol:
But forgets thats how yr own abdul kalam stole the missile tech of agni from west.
Dude u do realize that he has quoted this from indian sources who claim everything from pak is chinese copy.:lol:
But forgets thats how yr own abdul kalam stole the missile tech of agni from west.

I dont think our weapons are stolen, Dr. Abdul Kalam was the project director of ISRO's SLV-3 program before he joined the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program, which should make one understand that this technology was not alien to us. But some one sure has stolen or copied Korean and Chinese designs as it is questionable how a country could have developed a missile over night while its space agency is still in the dark. Chinese M-11 platform proved good for you guys.
I dont think our weapons are stolen, Dr. Abdul Kalam was the project director of ISRO's SLV-3 program before he joined the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program, which should make one understand that this technology was not alien to us. But some one sure has stolen or copied Korean and Chinese designs as it is questionable how a country could have developed a missile over night while its space agency is still in the dark. Chinese M-11 platform proved good for you guys.
So yr base is just an assumption.
This tech was not alien to us either.Do u know Pakistan was thrd Asian Country to have launched a Rocket into space in 63

Are you by any chance talking about NASA's Rehbar series? Come on and Pakistan is yet to come out of it , whereas it was just recently when the students of IIST and VIT who launched their rockets into space.
Are you by any chance talking about NASA's Rehbar series? Come on and Pakistan is yet to come out of it , whereas it was just recently when the students of IIST and VIT who launched their rockets into space.

Grow up. Mr indian army.
Arjun 1 disaster
Arjun 2 disasterx2

Kiddo, Arjun MK1 is already in service and the MK2 has already been ordered.

The first Arjun Mk1A will roll off the MoD-owned and Avadi-based Heavy Vehicles Factory (HVF) in July 2015, and enter service in early 2016. HVF will annually produce 30 Arjun Mk1As, meaning the last such MBT will be delivered by 2019.
The first Arjun Mk1A will roll off the MoD-owned and Avadi-based Heavy Vehicles Factory (HVF) in July 2015, and enter service in early 2016. HVF will annually produce 30 Arjun Mk1As, meaning the last such MBT will be delivered by 2019.

There is no MK1 A only MK1 and MK2 (in development) The MK1 is in service with 2 regiments (+120 tanks)!
If it were not NASA's, SUPARCO should have developed modern rockets, why is it still stuck up with sounding rockets?

LOL after yr last post i have came to understand yr maturity level. So i dont wanna waste my time with u anymore.
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