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PA TANKS comparison with contempory tanks

Are the tanks exported to Bangladesh and Morocco downgraded versions of AL-Khalid?
India and Bangladesh now have growing ties. Joint military exercises are being conducted. Surely they can inspect BD's MBT-2000s. How much extent this can harm Pakistan?
Are Saudis rethinking to buy Al-Khalid or at least invest on Al-Khalid 2?

Al Khalid has seen intense war in probably THE toughest trains--Swat Valley against very well dug in Talibans with RPGs and other anti-tank weapons..

Same argument can be made for indian tanks..they haven't seen war ...
What are performance details of Al-Khalid in Swat? Was Al-Khalid ever hit by any anti-tank weapon there?
Al Khalid-1 already matches/outperforms anything india has to put in the battle-field. When india gets something better than Al Khalid-1 then Al Khalid-2 will kick in...

For now, Al Khalid-1 is doing just fine
How many Al-Khalids have been upgraded to Al-Khalid 1 specs?
How many Al-Khalids have been upgraded to Al-Khalid 1 specs?

Around 300-400 until few months back.

Its not only a up-gradation, its like building a whole new tank almost (With new, upgraded BMS, Pakistani-made improve gun, improved auto-loader, installing APS, increasing round carrying capacity significantly etc etc)...
Are the tanks exported to Bangladesh and Morocco downgraded versions of AL-Khalid?
India and Bangladesh now have growing ties. Joint military exercises are being conducted. Surely they can inspect BD's MBT-2000s. How much extent this can harm Pakistan?

Al Khalid is based on MBT-2000s but is a significantly superior tank...There is no harm as such...Much of the electronics of Al Khalid is build in Pakistan..so indians won't have any clue about Pakistani tanks regardless..

Are Saudis rethinking to buy Al-Khalid or at least invest on Al-Khalid 2?

I don't think so....Saudis have money to buy the best Western Tanks...

What are performance details of Al-Khalid in Swat? Was Al-Khalid ever hit by any anti-tank weapon there?

Probably couple of RPG hits, they don't do much to the tank. Even Al Zarrars faced couple of RPG hits (Only 1 was destroyed in FATA though)...No Al Khalid was destroyed ...just 1 Al Zarrar...

Here is one of my thread comparing Al Khalid-1 vs the most latest Israeli tank Merkava IV ...

Al Khalid-1 does a good job in mobility and firepower, but in armour..Merkava IV just DOMINATES! To built tanks with very, very thick armor...you have to make tank very heavy...which isn't suitable in Pakistani conditions...

Al Khalid-2 will be a heavy tank still (50 ton+) ...
Does india made any contract with russia for new (latest upgraded) t-90M. Or is there any confirmation for up-gradation of current T-90S to t-90M?
on such tiny bumps even i wont feel them on bicycle

i would rather show you what real bumps around the world are.
look how much bigger the bumps are and than watchout the suspension system of al khalid

Why does the side coverings of alkalidh always crumple or fell apart.. No one seems to be asking or botherd about it. watch the armour plates on both side near the front wheels.
3:00 to 3:15. I have seen another vidieo where it hangs in one hinge..

is it not that crucial ? does that area need less armour.. kind of mudgaurd or something?
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Why does the side coverings of alkalidh always crumple or fell apart.. No one seems to be asking or botherd about it. watch the armour plates on both side near the front wheels.
3:00 to 3:15. I have seen another vidieo where it hangs in one hinge..

is it not that crucial ? does that area need less armour.. kind of mudgaurd or something?

Al-Khalid was past Al-Khalid 1 is present and Al-Khalid 2 is future so talk about present or future rather than past... :yu:
Does india made any contract with russia for new (latest upgraded) t-90M. Or is there any confirmation for up-gradation of current T-90S to t-90M?

India has ordered 350+ of the latest T-90SM with 1250HP engines with other upgrads and another 300 are speculated to be ordered soon that will make number as 2011+300=2311 T-90 tanks of all variant...and all T-90s In Indian service are already upgraded with 1000HP engines..
Wrong. Your statement is based on comparing figures from the internet, which are not even correct. Real war is a completely different situation though and the AK has never seen combat yet.

Its not only about numbers and figures(you really think BTW that all this data on the internet is exactly showing the capabilities and technical features etc..?), its also about logistics, ruggedness and much much more...

well showing exact capabilities!!
That's point...
according to previous record IA have no record of hiding and specifications but all the project expected specifications are out when they are finalized.....
I just mean IA is not good in hiding comparing to their counterparts PA who just word and induce em....
i.e even now the specifications of AKs export version are out not the version in service....
No news about Abbabiel and Burraq UAV....
pakistani work on MRAP is in final stages i.e prototype is just near constructed and no specifications......:yu:
u can compare yourself...
I beleive that Arjun and LCA are not so failed projects but their announcement on specifications so early made them so and created hyper and pressure on DURDO...
I just mean it's too a factor...
It's out that Indians are working on a AWACS and a utility plane for troops(forget what it is called..:rofel: )etc etc...
lets hope these projects may be finalized in due date as per planning...:coffee:
Why does the side coverings of alkalidh always crumple or fell apart.. No one seems to be asking or botherd about it. watch the armour plates on both side near the front wheels.
3:00 to 3:15. I have seen another vidieo where it hangs in one hinge..

is it not that crucial ? does that area need less armour.. kind of mudgaurd or something?

these are not just true sideskirts but rather think metal plates.

AL khalid I has thickened side skirts.if you want i can post the picture of Al khalid I
T-90S or T-90SM are export models. Can someone share are the export models always degraded versions?
Like T-72 sold world wide were degraded versions of soviet used models.
How much percent does T-90S or T-90SM lack behind the original t-90 in russian use?

What is difference between "smooth bore gun" and "rifled cannon"?
Which one is better?
T-90S or T-90SM are export models. Can someone share are the export models always degraded versions?
Like T-72 sold world wide were degraded versions of soviet used models.
How much percent does T-90S or T-90SM lack behind the original t-90 in russian use?

What is difference between "smooth bore gun" and "rifled cannon"?
Which one is better?

rifled is used since WW2 and smooth bore is newer one...
wel technical smooth bore has a slighter edge over rifled
well I suppose T-90 sold to India are comparable to that russians are using...
I mean they are not downgraded.....:yu:
A rifled barrel will have
smooth, curving grooves cut
into. When you look down the
barrel, you will see the lines
that curve all the way around
the barrel.
It looks almost like the stripes
on a barber's spinning pole or
a candy cane.
What that does is makes the
bullet spin when it travels
through it. This spin along its
longitudinal axis imparts
stability...the same way a
football is stable in flight when
thrown with a tight spiral (or a
bicycle wheel is stable when
the bike is moving).
It makes it so the bullet will
have a consistent path when
fired through the gun. This is
what gives modern guns their
That is the only difference
between rifled and smooth
Smooth bore guns don't have
the rifling cut into them...

Can you give technical information?

smoithbore is cheap and compromises in accuracy but rifled give more accuracy bt with more weight.....
Can you give technical information?

Smoothbore give wider range of shells and rockets to be fired while rifled gun can fire just some types specific for rifled...
means smoothbore=rifled rounds+more
while rifled=just rifled rounds...
smooth bore gives high muzzle velocity to shells and speed and penetrating power also increase of shells..
Rifled gives high accuracy...
Rifles examples=Arjun,Challenger etc
Smoith bore=M1 Abrahams,Al-Khalid etc..

The disadvatages of rifling a barrel is that
it makes it slightly harder to clean and it
makes it much harder to load a projectile
from the muzzle(the end the shot comes
out of) end (try ramming a shot into a
rifled muzzleloading rifle and you'll see
exactly what I mean).One of the reasons
that rifles were not used much during the
revolutionary war because it took far
longer to reload a rifle then a musket. Of
course, this is rather a moot point since
most (if not all)military arms have been
breechloaded(loaded from the trigger
end of the rifle) since the mid 1800's.

Projectiles fired from modern
smoothbores are fin-stabilized, which
provides the same benefits to accuracy as
the spin imparted by rifling.
so in present day warfare smoth bore is more good then rifled well if you are shooting a movie and you had to shot a scene of tank firing a round and you need that round to spin than rifled gun is necessary...:haha:
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