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PA TANKS comparison with contempory tanks

type-85III should be better or on par with t-72, inferior to AKs, t-80ud and 90.

So what's the verdict? Pakistan Army holds the upper hand (today) in terms of Tanks technology?


Type 85 Main Battle Tank

Type 85 Main Battle Tank - SinoDefence.com

The Type 85-II carried 48 rounds, including APFSDS, HEAT, and HEAT-FRAG. The APFSDS with alloy core round can penetrate 150mm armour angled at 60 degrees at 1,000m distance. The hallow-charged HEAT round could penetrate 178mm armour angled at 60 degrees. The High-Explosive round could produce a blast radius of 20m.

Fire on Move Yes, up to 25 km/h. Depending on the road and distance to the target, most crews may halt before firing.

I mean seriously... BMP-3 does better and carries a few extra men inside too.

Dear armchair troll master,

Al-Khalid will give you the opportunity to die for your country.

A true Pakistani.

Since when you have gone this retard.
You were studying ECE isn't it ?

If educated people in Pakistan are becoming like this... the what can we say... get some life buddy.
you need a break from forums really !

Just for a thought I wanted to compare T-72M1M Ajeya with Al Khalid and you would find some interesting points there... but I think that would invite more troll attacks like this.

I remember you were the one saying Russian haven't designed a turret as big as the one on Al Khalid.

you need a break from forums really !

Just for a thought I wanted to compare T-72M1M Ajeya with Al Khalid and you would find some interesting points there... but I think that would invite more troll attacks like this.

I remember you were the one saying Russian haven't designed a turret as big as the one on Al Khalid.
Al-Khalid will give you the opportunity to die for your country.

A true Pakistani.

You told the truth why PA inducted these tank. Really cost effective while it give fighting assets for PA & also work as coffins for PA.
Real multi purpose, even used after destruction.

Al-Khalid will give you the opportunity to die for your country.
good day gentleman

T-series in my opinion while formidable has had its share of setbacks especially the first chechen war really highlighted those differences. Now i am not saying the same applies to the new platform that they are working towards, i believe its based on the prototypes of t-95, however as of now based on opinions of most analysts and my canadian bias, i will propose that this thread consider the lethality of the artic reaper or wreath(strong fanboy alert) known to the world as Leopard A4. I think this tank should be considered in this thread as its always overlook, when in fact its on par with americanne M1A2 let alone the al-khalid 1,(its somewhat outdated however the al-khalid 2 does appears to be a promising successor to the al-khalid one, which is a unique tank as it is a mishmash of russè+some western technology, not alot of info on it atleast according to janes, may be the governments are hushush on it)

"While they are on the expensive side, the 120mm
What sets the A6 apart, however, from the rest of the world's 120mm equipped tanks is its longer L55 120mm cannon. With an increase in 130cm in barrel length over previous L44 cannon (55 caliber vs. 44 caliber), projectiles fired from the L55 achieve higher muzzle velocities (and correspondingly higher levels of kinetic energy.) The L55 chamber has also been redesigned to accept more powerful, higher chamber pressure charges, which will impart even more velocity and kinetic energy on anti-tank munitions (current German KE rounds fired from the L55 achieve muzzle velocities in the 1,800 m/s range, while the M829A2 APFSDS-T rounds fired from the American M256 120mm cannon are in the 1,700 m/s range. (It should be noted that while the German rounds are faster, their LKE II DM53 KE rounds use a tungsten-based penetrator :azn: (for environmental and political reasons, trust me depleted uranium is very bad for the local environment and has drastic effects on local populace that your trying to assist) which does not offer the same degree of penetration as the American 829A2, which uses a depleted uranium penetrator, whoppe do americanne always use depleted uranium.)"

source :credits to janes and some of my bias mixed with some fanboyishness, While my tone may undermine russè and thats due to gulf war , where m1a2 decimated them and now I know some pakistanie members will bring up the "monkey" model aspect , however then all i can say is first chechen-russe war.
It doesn't.

Go ahead and try.

(Remember, I'm not comparing these tanks in isolation. I'm comparing these tanks in Indo-Pak scenario..Anyways, go ahead and try to show how T-90 is above M-1..lol...T-90S is even inferior to Al Khalid, forget about M-1)

sir will u please tell me from when a 1400hp engine is not better than a 1200hp and the power to weight ratio u have mentioned is just opposite
so also in indo-pak scenario the ground pressure of arjun is lesser than al khalid
this means alkhaid will get bogged more often than the arjun:azn:
sir will u please tell me from when a 1400hp engine is not better than a 1200hp and the power to weight ratio u have mentioned is just opposite
so also in indo-pak scenario the ground pressure of arjun is lesser than al khalid
this means alkhaid will get bogged more often than the arjun:azn:

1400HP engine doesn't provide Arjun-1 with decent power/weight ratio. Arjun's power to weight ratio is less than 24 hp/ton, while Al Khalid-1's engine provides 26 hp/ton to Al Khalid-1, AND it is cost effective/less fuel consumption, so therefore, engine of Al Khalid-1 is an "advantage" over Arjun's engine.

And power to weight ratio I mentioned is opposite? You mean to say DRDO site of India is lying?

Al Khalid-1 is a 48 ton tank, it won't get "bogged down" in deserts/plains/mud etc. Arjun has way more chances of getting bogged down...

Ground pressure of Arjun is lesser than Al Khalid-1? Can I get the stats from any credible source?

Overall, Al Khalid-1 remains a superior tank to Arjun.

1 to 1 tank battle, Arjun might win.

136 Al Khalids vs 80 Arjuns? Al Khalids will be victors. Your Army knows this, hence they are upgrading T-72s, buying ton loads of new T-90S tanks from Russia, and developing Arjun-II tanks etc.

As of now, hypothetically, Pakistan's armor will defeat the attacking Indian armor.

Pakistan's T-85IIs are also superior to Indian's upgraded T-72s.
Pakistan's Al Khalid-1s are superior to both Arjun and T-90s of India.

Pakistan also has more quantity of modern tanks than India (Al Khalids, Al Khalid-1s, T-80UDs, T-85IIs)....

Not to mention, second line armor of Pakistan consisting of highly upgraded Type-59 Al Zaraars etc.

Here's one picture of "second line" tank of Pakistan Army


Do you see all the advance features? ERA, thermal imagers/gun sights, 125mm smoothbore gun etc.

Pakistan's paramilitary forces use this tank.....

Common are you again joking???

You really need to see IA tank fleet. you are comaring 4500 tanks with 2500 tanks of PA.:whistle:

On the 2nd line tank of PA, t72 are the 2nd line tank of IA, wanna compare them with al-zarara. All strike formations are now use the t90. We are operating more than 600 t90 + 100 arjun. How much in PA. :azn:

Now come on to the tank mobility & tank protection-

T90 uses 1250hp engine & also has little lower weight compare to Ak, so its mobility is better, because twice of them use torsion bar suspension.

T90 use Kontakt-5 ERA. So Ak dont have any comparable ERA like that.

& also the electronic systems of t90m are better than Ak. So don't get wrong yourself buddy. T90 is much better than Ak.

Now although Arjun has lower weight to power ratio compare to these them ( although it not so much low & comparable to all world class tank), but it uses hydropnematic suspension system which give more stability to tank hence tank can be operated in much more speed which fire on move. So even AK & t90 may be able to achieve much more speed, but they need to reduce their speed if they are gonna fire.:smokin:

Thats why Arjun was able to out run than t90, even has lower weight power ratio & higher weight.:azn:
Yes absolutly, when Arjun crush your front line armour than you will have only Al-zarrar.:raise:

first let Arjun reach to our frount line tanks....:D
and AK is serving as frontline tank...:butcher:
yeahhh Arjun can crush our tanks if it managed to crawl near our tanks..:guns:
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