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PA TANKS comparison with contempory tanks

another pathetic troll.. get a life.

Going by your logic T-72 must be the best MBT around with over 25000+copies produced.
What a poor argument.

T-72 is one of the most successful tank projects of history. Whats wrong? Do you even know anything about warfare?

Facts are simple : $ 5 million per one Arjun with this capability is just not "indigenous". Al Khalid-1s are a far more successful "project" for the reasons I already mentioned.

It is probably due to the fact that Al Khalid-1 is an indigenous Pakistani tank with alot of indigenous development. Also, the components that aren't indigenous comes from China/Ukraine etc...

While Arjun has more "foreign" parts to it and they also come from expensive sources (Like German Engine vs Ukranian Engine)...

Overall, Al Khalid tank is a far more successful project than Arjun tank (uptil now).

Why would I have an agenda to portray Al Khalid as superior? I just took the authentic available specs from both sides, and compared them, and Al Khalid-1 comes out to be superior than Arjun-1. As simple as that.

O.K lets put it in this way : "Average rate of fire" of Al Khalid-1 is superior to "Average rate of fire" of Arjun-1. Does this change anything now? Stop being a touchy kid.

I couldn't find the muzzle-velocity stats for Arjun..can you tell me what it this? Also, a rifled 120 mm gun can fire "longer rounds" but a smoothbore 125 mm gun can't? Autoloaders have limitations but they are a new technology in the tanks. Autoloaders keep on getting improved. Al khalid-1 has upgraded autoloader...

Unless you give me stats/facts of rounds used in both Al Khalid-1 and Arjun, you are just blabbering.

Al Khalid-1 and Arjun fire similar rounds...it is just that Al Khalid-1 has more firepower as it carries more rounds, has autoloader, and a great FCS that allowes it to fire more rounds per minute than Arjun...

Unlike you, I'm just talking on facts that I know.

To troll.
You didn't compare available data... else you wouldn't have concluded.

Average applies for many factor... in a battle Al Khalid average rate can be as low as 0 if auto loader stops working... It doesn't give the proper picture of the rate of fire in different conditions... in battle there is no average.

Its around 1700m/s for KE rounds... offcourse the smoothbore can but the ato loader limits the size beside Al Khalid gun would brust if it tries to fire a heavy long rod... due to low max.. chamber pressure.
the size of the tank and the auto-loader desing of Al Khalid limits the length of rounds.

You can look on ARDE/DRDO sites for Arjun stats.

No they don't Al Khalid uses two piece ammo... you have no idea about what you are talking here.

You are jumping here and there and talking nonsense.

Leaving the Chinese to border police?

We cannot have tank running on the mountains... although some tanks are present in Leh... but they number only in 100... or even low.
Special light tanks would be used to run over Tibetan Pleatue... along with improved T-90s being ordered... that too would number only in 100s compared to over 3000 tanks for Pakistan border.
T-72 is one of the most successful tank projects of history. Whats wrong? Do you even know anything about warfare?

Facts are simple : $ 5 million per one Arjun with this capability is just not "indigenous". Al Khalid-1s are a far more successful "project" for the reasons I already mentioned.

It is probably due to the fact that Al Khalid-1 is an indigenous Pakistani tank with alot of indigenous development. Also, the components that aren't indigenous comes from China/Ukraine etc...

While Arjun has more "foreign" parts to it and they also come from expensive sources (Like German Engine vs Ukranian Engine)...

Overall, Al Khalid tank is a far more successful project than Arjun tank (uptil now).

atleast stick to one version of the word indigenous.
To troll.
You didn't compare available data... else you wouldn't have concluded.

Average applies for many factor... in a battle Al Khalid average rate can be as low as 0 if auto loader stops working... It doesn't give the proper picture of the rate of fire in different conditions... in battle there is no average.

Its around 1700m/s for KE rounds... offcourse the smoothbore can but the ato loader limits the size beside Al Khalid gun would brust if it tries to fire a heavy long rod... due to low max.. chamber pressure.
the size of the tank and the auto-loader desing of Al Khalid limits the length of rounds.

You can look on ARDE/DRDO sites for Arjun stats.

No they don't Al Khalid uses two piece ammo... you have no idea about what you are talking here.

You are jumping here and there and talking nonsense.


I rest my case here. As I said, you are just coming up with "speculations" where enemy gets the worse while you gets the best...

Also, you just further consolidated my conclusion that Al Khalid-1 is superior to Arjun-1 as it carries more firepower and has superior mobility etc.

Muzzle Velocity of Al Khalid-1 too is superior to Arjun...There goes your "our rounds will do more damage bs"...

Actually, similar rounds fired from Al Khalid-1 might do more damage than they'll do when fired from Arjun...

atleast stick to one version of the word indigenous.

F-35, Boeing 787 has components, parts that aren't "indigenous" but still, I'd call these products as "U.S products" .....:rolleyes:

Al Khalid-1 is Pakistan's indigenous effort. No?

I rest my case here. As I said, you are just coming up with "speculations" where enemy gets the worse while you gets the best...

Also, you just further consolidated my conclusion that Al Khalid-1 is superior to Arjun-1 as it carries more firepower and has superior mobility etc.

Muzzle Velocity of Al Khalid-1 too is superior to Arjun...There goes your "our rounds will do more damage bs"...

Actually, similar rounds fired from Al Khalid-1 might do more damage than they'll do when fired from Arjun...

I have not even concluded... I am not the one who is saying Al Khalid is better than Arjun... and you say I speculating.

How ?

How does muzzle velocity alone makes Al Khalid rounds superior ?

How exactly[120mm rifled vs 125mm smoothbore]... Arjun rounds can produce more than 6500bars chamber pressure which would blast the gun of Al Khalid.

F-35, Boeing 787 has components, parts that aren't "indigenous" but still, I'd call these products as "U.S products" .....:rolleyes:

Then how Arjun is not indigenous and Al Khalid is ?
I don't have time to correct your nonsense here... go and give a good read on both Arjun and Al Khalid and also western and soviet tank designs before coming for debate.
@DARKY I hope your generals are as naive as i think they are.

Much assured you can be on that part.. specially considering the recent developments near your border... with India.
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t-90 without ERA,



same composite inserts as T-72...


compare with M1...


AK turret estimated...

Gur Khan attacks!:

T-90A/S turret composite armor looks similar to T-72B

Doc how in God's name do you have this much time on your hands ! :blink:

Koiii clinic wagheraa nahin hotaa agar hospital seh free ho jateiii hooo ! :undecided:

Khair nice find ! The T-90 was after all, or so I understand, an attempt by the Soviets to bring together the high-end (T-64s...was it ?) & the T-72s into one platform that provides value for money so I'm sure it looks similar to that !

What I do wonder is how does the T-90 Bhishma compares with the T-80UDs ?
no part time clinic -- no emergency duties either :)

actually it takes me 30 seconds to find and post this stuff and then I move away from the laptop for some hours and then come back again and post for a minute... I dont linger all the time!
no part time clinic -- no emergency duties either :)


Then I dunno what my Dad or the other Doctors in my family are up to working insane numbers of hours from 7-8 in the morning till 11 in the evening ! :fie:
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