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PA TANKS comparison with contempory tanks

al khalid armour

do we use ceramic based armour such as chobham in al khalid

or China/ soviet based fused alumina or silica in our local armour

i heard that pak developed indigenous armour for al khalid with some help from Ukraine
but not much info is available

if any body has plz share
THIS IS A LIST WITH military-today.com

Top 10 Main Battle Tanks

Often we receive many questions which is the best main battle tank in the world. Which is the greatest modern MBT and why. Our Top 10 analysis is based on the combined score of protection, firepower, accuracy and mobility. All of the tanks mentioned here are incredibly powerful and devastating, however none of them have seen combat against each other during military operations yet. Analysis is based on specifications and available data. Crew training of the tank is also important, as performance of the actual tank depends from the crew performance.
Currently top 10 best tanks in the world are these:

Nr.1 Leopard 2A7 (Germany)

It is a recent version of the proven and successful Leopard 2 design. It has additional armor and updated electronics.
The Leopard 2A7 is well protected against conventional and urban warfare threats, such as RPG rounds and IEDs.
This tank has better accuracy and longer range of fire comparing with other tanks due to it's powerful gun and advanced fire control system.
This MBT is powered by a proven engine, developing 1 500 hp. Despite increase in weight vehicle has increased mobility due to improved suspension components. Cross-country performance is similar to other Leopard 2 series tanks.
The Leopard 2A7 is not yet in production. German plans to upgrade 50 to 150 Leopard 2 tanks to the 2A7 standard. Saudi Arabia ordered 200 of these MBTs.

Nr.2 K2 Black Panther (South Korea)

Currently the Black Panther is one of the most advanced main battle tank in the world, outclassing anything North Korea or China have. Furthermore it is the most expensive main battle tank to date.
This tank uses composite armor of undisclosed type and explosive reactive armor modules. The K2 is also completed with active protection and countermeasures systems. It's protection is broadly similar to the M1A2 Abrams, considering that the K2 is much lighter.
This new South Korean tank is armed with the latest German 120-mm gun, similar to that used on the Leopard 2A6 and 2A7. This tank has a very advanced fire control system with can spot, track and fire automatically at visible vehicle-size targets, even low-flying helicopters, without needing any input from a human operator. The K2 also uses advanced munitions.
The Black Panther is fitted with a powerful diesel engine. It is fast and has a state-of-the-art hydropneumatic suspension.
Currently this main battle tanks is not yet in series production. It might enter service with the South Korean Army soon.

Nr.3 M1A2 Abrams (USA)

The M1A2 has incredible technology and armor. Also this tank has seen combat.
The M1A2 offers significant protection against all well-known anti-tank weapons. This main battle tank uses advanced armor, reinforced with depleted uranium layers.
It's gun and accuracy are slightly inferior to that of the Leopard 2A7.
It's complex gas turbine engine offers good performance, but requires tremendous amount of maintenance, logistical support and is thirsty on fuel.
The M1A2 SEP is the latest version. Other tanks can be upgraded to this standard.
The M1A2 Abrams is in service with United States (over 1 500), Kuwait (218) and Saudi Arabia (373).

Nr.4 Challenger 2 (United Kingdom)

It is a very capable tank. The Challenger 2 has the latest Chobham armor and is one of the most protected MBTs in the world today. It offers very high level of protection against direct fire weapons
This British tank is armed with a very accurate 120-mm rifled gun. Maximum aimed range is over 5 km.
Engine of the Challenger 2 is less powerful than of it's Western rivals. Also it is not as fast as other MBTs. However this tank is famous for it's mechanical reliability.
The Challenger 2 is in service with United Kingdom (386) and Oman (38).

Nr.5 Merkava Mk.4 (Israel)

It is the latest Israeli development which is a further development of the Merkava Mk.3.
The Merkava Mk.4 is one of the most protected tanks in the world. This MBT has an unusual design with a front-mounted engine which gives the crew additional protection and chance to survive if the tank is knocked-out. All Merkava series tanks have a rear compartment which ca be used to carry troops and cargo under armor. It can carry up to 10 troops when ammunition is unloaded.
The Israeli tank is armed with indigenous 120-mm smoothbore gun. The Merkava Mk.4 is equipped with new fire control system, that includes some very advanced features. One of them is a high hit probability firing against low-flying helicopters using conventional munitions.
Mobility of the Merkava Mk.4 is rather average due to excessive weight, even though it is fitted with a powerful engine.
The Merkava Mk.4 is in service only with Israel (360), as this tank is not offered for export.

Nr.6 TK-X (Japan)

The TK-X or Type 10 is the latest Japanese development. It entered service in 2012. Currently it is one of the most advanced main battle tanks in the world.
This new lightweight MBT is more agile, however less protected than contemporary tanks.
It is armed with a 120-mm smoothbore gun, broadly similar to that of the Leopard 2A5 and M1A2 Abrams. It also has advanced fire control system.
This tank has great mobility due to it's impressive power-to-weight ratio, Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) and state-of-the-art hydropneumatic suspension.
The TK-X is in service with Japan (12). This tank is not available for export customers as far as Japan's laws do not allow export of military equipment.

Nr.7 Leclerc (France)

This French main battle tank entered service in 1992. A number of design features of the Leclerc were later used on other Western tanks.
The Leclerc has advanced composite armor with add-on modular armor.
It has a powerful gun and high hit probability against stationary and moving targets. Also it has a hunter-killer capability.
This tank has good mobility due to it's 1 500 hp engine and hydropneumatic suspension.
Currently it is in service with France (406) and United Arab Emirates (388).

Nr.8 T-90 (Russia)

The T-90 is currently the only tank produced in quantity in Russia. It is not as sophisticated as it's Western rivals, however it uses proven technology and is cost effective. Currently it is the most commercially successful main battle tank on the global market.
The T-90 has a small profile which makes it a harder target to hit. Significant drawback of the T-90 is that ammunition is stored in the main compartment, rather than a separate compartment with a blow-out panels.
The T-90 is not as accurate against long-range targets, however it can launch anti-tank guided missiles in the same manner as ordinary munitions.
Original version has poor power-to-weight ratio due to it's underpowered engine.
The T-90MS is a recent version with new armor, new engine, new gun, improved turret, updated observation and aiming system.
The T-90 is currently in service with Russia (approximately 700), Algeria (305), Azerbaijan (20), India (620), Turkmenistan (40) and Venezuela (50~100).

Nr.9 Oplot-M (Ukraine)

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine continued development of the T-80UD main battle tank. Their latest version is the Oplot-M.
The Oplot-M is fitted with explosive reactive armor of new generation. This MBT inherited from it's predecessor automatic ammunition loading system, however ammunition is stored in the main compartment, rather than a separate compartment with a blow-out panels.
The latest Ukranian tank is not as accurate against long-range targets as Western rivals, however it can launch anti-tank guided missiles in the same manner as ordinary munitions. The Oplot-M has a hunter-killer capability.
The Oplot-M completed Ukrainian Army trials and is due to enter service with Ukrainian Army.

Nr.10 Type 99 (China)

This Chinese MBT shows a mixture of Russian and Western influence in it's design and technology.
Like the Russian/Soviet tanks the Type 99 also lacks accuracy against long-range targets, however it is also capable to launch anti-tank guided missiles in the same manner as ordinary munitions.
Automatic loading system of the Type 99 was copied from the Russian/Soviet design. Hence it's drawback, as ammunition is stored in the main compartment, rather than a separate compartment with a blow-out panels. This MBT is fitted with unique active laser protection system, which uses a high-powered laser to disrupt missiles laser or infrared guidance signal, disable enemy observation optics and damage eyesight of enemy gunner. This active laser protection system can also be used against helicopters.
The Type 99 is fitted with a powerful engine and has good mobility.
The Type 99G is the latest version with some improvements.
Currently The Type 99 is in service only with China (approximately 200).
22 stored in the carosel, rest are in the armoured bins at the back, side, no round is left exposed in the turret.

Its 24 as far as most of the posters show as stored in auto-loader... There is no armor bin at back side.

None of the tanks have ammo in Turret other than the ones who have specially designed bustle for that purpose.

There is no bustle in Al Khalid for ammo storage... and back side of the Hull contains engine... Only place remains near drivers cabin.. but too small to store rest of the 24-25 or 27 rounds... along with their charge... will leave no room for the driver.

well the turret of AK is already bigger than the one on the t-90MS



Really ?
An Interesting find Al Khalid might be using detachable armor module as found in Chinese ZTZ-99.


Note the yellow part is the armor and green part is hollow... one can see the bolts used to bind the hollow part to the main turret clearly... as in many other Al Khalid photos.

Here's how ZTZ-99 turret looks[al khalid turret might appear similar]


And here's the module used on the turret.


off course those extra ceramic tiles are absent on Al Khalid and instead ERA tiles are there.
saw it in from inside at 2 IDEAS expos, 2004, 2006, you can rant all you want. The so called Hollow part is filled with composite material.
Its 24 as far as most of the posters show as stored in auto-loader... There is no armor bin at back side.

None of the tanks have ammo in Turret other than the ones who have specially designed bustle for that purpose.

There is no bustle in Al Khalid for ammo storage... and back side of the Hull contains engine... Only place remains near drivers cabin.. but too small to store rest of the 24-25 or 27 rounds... along with their charge... will leave no room for the driver.



Really ?

yes really

in the above image AK only has a 2 tiles of thin era while the t-90ms has a massive era all over the turret

please post a picture of t-90ms without era

i still don't undertand why the Al khalid still has no massive era layout pictures?

the al zarar has era all over the turret and front but Al khalid at max has only 4 era tiles at max.

i mean it need massive era layout like on the russian tanks
yes really

in the above image AK only has a 2 tiles of thin era while the t-90ms has a massive era all over the turret

please post a picture of t-90ms without era

i still don't undertand why the Al khalid still has no massive era layout pictures?

the al zarar has era all over the turret and front but Al khalid at max has only 4 era tiles at max.

i mean it need massive era layout like on the russian tanks

Hence ?

Its still bigger... in size.

There are none... It has a bustle which makes it larger than the one on Al Khalid... besides that the hull also contains auxiliary power unit.

Perhaps because of the inability to develop safer ERA tiles like the K-5 and Designing proper arrangements.


Count them you'll find more than four.

Sure it does need something like K-5/Nozh/Dohzad etc... to be a safer tank... However Chinese couldn't develop such tiles in early days and now it has switched to Non-explosive ceramic tiles leaving all the investment on ERA to be done by Pakistani side[Which has not been possible due to low funds and improper metallurgical base] or chose the older ERA developed by them during early 90s... which is often seen on Al Khalid tanks.

Ok, I'll be modelling my comparison on @AUz 's model. He opened a thread comparing Al Khalid with Merkava...

So here goes...

The advantage of one tank over the other is highlighted as "blue" ...

Weight :

Al Khalid-1 : 48 tons
Arjun-1 : 58.5 tons.

Speed :

Al Khalid-1 : 72 km/h
Arjun-1 : 72 km/h

Main Armament :

Al Khalid-1 : 125 mm smooth bore gun

Arjun-1 : 120 mm rifled gun

Payload Capacity :

Al Khalid-1 : 49 rounds

Arjun-1 : 39 rounds

Engine :

Al Khalid-1 : KMDB 6TD-2 6-cylinder diesel 1,200 hp (with upgrade)

Arjun-1 : MTU 838 Ka 501 diesel 1,400 hp

Power/Weight :

Al Khalid-1 : 26 hp/tonne

Arjun-1 : 23.9 hp/tonne

Armour :

Al Khalid-1 : Composite armour, RHA, ERA
Arjun-1 : Steel/composite Kanchan armour. (slight advantage)

Operational Range :

Al Khalid-1 : 500 km

Arjun-1 : 450 km

Protection :

Al Khalid-1 : VARTA active protection system

Arjun-1 : ??? (Couldn't found any- Tell me which APS is installed in Arjun and I'll edit appropriately)...

ATGMs and rounds carried :

Al Khalid-1 : Kombat , 9M119 Refleks (AT-11 Sniper), APFSDS, HEAT-FS and HE-FS etc.
- Can fire DU round Naiza too.

Arjun-1 : LAHAT, APFSDS (Kinetic Energy) rounds, HE, HEAT etc

Rate of Fire :

Al Khalid-1 : 8-9 rounds per minute.

Arjun-1 : 6-8 rounds per minute.


Feel free to point out any mistakes I made. I used all the data from Indian forums/Wikipedia (verifiable only), Pakistani forums, defence journals etc ....

It is as neutral as it gets.

Al Khalid-I is clearly superior to Arjun-I and also, Pakistan Army has alot more Al Khalids than Indian Army has Arjuns..this fact tells that Al Khalid project was way more successful than Arjun project (As evident by history too. Arjun was over-weight, was rejected, had to undergo changes etc)..

Both tanks are equipped with state-of-the-art IBMS, thermal imagers, night visions, ballistic computers etc...

Al Khalid-1 is equipped with autoloader while Arjun-1 is loaded 'manually'. I also regard this as an advantage of Al Khalid-I..but this is debatable. I'm not gonna put my personal opinion in an objective comparison.

Al Khalid-I is superior to Arjun-I in firepower and mobility. Arjun might have slight advantage when it comes to armor.

So, conclusion, Al Khalid-1 > Arjun-1


I hope now you know why, in my view, Al Khalid-1 is a superior tank.

Al khalid tank


Arjun tank

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Ok, I'll be modelling my comparison on @AUz 's model. He opened a thread comparing Al Khalid with Merkava...

So here goes...

The advantage of one tank over the other is highlighted as "blue" ...

Weight :

Al Khalid-1 : 48 tons
Arjun-1 : 58.5 tons.

Speed :

Al Khalid-1 : 72 km/h
Arjun-1 : 72 km/h

Main Armament :

Al Khalid-1 : 125 mm smooth bore gun

Arjun-1 : 120 mm rifled gun

Payload Capacity :

Al Khalid-1 : 49 rounds

Arjun-1 : 39 rounds

Engine :

Al Khalid-1 : KMDB 6TD-2 6-cylinder diesel 1,200 hp (with upgrade)

Arjun-1 : MTU 838 Ka 501 diesel 1,400 hp

Power/Weight :

Al Khalid-1 : 26 hp/tonne

Arjun-1 : 23.9 hp/tonne

Armour :

Al Khalid-1 : Composite armour, RHA, ERA
Arjun-1 : Steel/composite Kanchan armour. (slight advantage)

Operational Range :

Al Khalid-1 : 500 km

Arjun-1 : 450 km

Protection :

Al Khalid-1 : VARTA active protection system

Arjun-1 : ??? (Couldn't found any- Tell me which APS is installed in Arjun and I'll edit appropriately)...

ATGMs and rounds carried :

Al Khalid-1 : Kombat , 9M119 Refleks (AT-11 Sniper), APFSDS, HEAT-FS and HE-FS etc.
- Can fire DU round Naiza too.

Arjun-1 : LAHAT, APFSDS (Kinetic Energy) rounds, HE, HEAT etc

Rate of Fire :

Al Khalid-1 : 8-9 rounds per minute.

Arjun-1 : 6-8 rounds per minute.


Feel free to point out any mistakes I made. I used all the data from Indian forums/Wikipedia (verifiable only), Pakistani forums, defence journals etc ....

It is as neutral as it gets.

Al Khalid-I is clearly superior to Arjun-I and also, Pakistan Army has alot more Al Khalids than Indian Army has Arjuns..this fact tells that Al Khalid project was way more successful than Arjun project (As evident by history too. Arjun was over-weight, was rejected, had to undergo changes etc)..

Both tanks are equipped with state-of-the-art IBMS, thermal imagers, night visions, ballistic computers etc...

Al Khalid-1 is equipped with autoloader while Arjun-1 is loaded 'manually'. I also regard this as an advantage of Al Khalid-I..but this is debatable. I'm not gonna put my personal opinion in an objective comparison.

Al Khalid-I is superior to Arjun-I in firepower and mobility. Arjun might have slight advantage when it comes to armor.

So, conclusion, Al Khalid-1 > Arjun-1

Al khalid tank


Arjun tank

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Ok, I'll be modelling my comparison on @AUz 's model. He opened a thread comparing Al Khalid with Merkava...

So here goes...

The advantage of one tank over the other is highlighted as "blue" ...

Weight :

Al Khalid-1 : 48 tons
Arjun-1 : 58.5 tons.

Speed :

Al Khalid-1 : 72 km/h
Arjun-1 : 72 km/h

Main Armament :

Al Khalid-1 : 125 mm smooth bore gun

Arjun-1 : 120 mm rifled gun

Payload Capacity :

Al Khalid-1 : 49 rounds

Arjun-1 : 39 rounds

Engine :

Al Khalid-1 : KMDB 6TD-2 6-cylinder diesel 1,200 hp (with upgrade)

Arjun-1 : MTU 838 Ka 501 diesel 1,400 hp

Power/Weight :

Al Khalid-1 : 26 hp/tonne

Arjun-1 : 23.9 hp/tonne

Armour :

Al Khalid-1 : Composite armour, RHA, ERA
Arjun-1 : Steel/composite Kanchan armour. (slight advantage)

Operational Range :

Al Khalid-1 : 500 km

Arjun-1 : 450 km

Protection :

Al Khalid-1 : VARTA active protection system

Arjun-1 : ??? (Couldn't found any- Tell me which APS is installed in Arjun and I'll edit appropriately)...

ATGMs and rounds carried :

Al Khalid-1 : Kombat , 9M119 Refleks (AT-11 Sniper), APFSDS, HEAT-FS and HE-FS etc.
- Can fire DU round Naiza too.

Arjun-1 : LAHAT, APFSDS (Kinetic Energy) rounds, HE, HEAT etc

Rate of Fire :

Al Khalid-1 : 8-9 rounds per minute.

Arjun-1 : 6-8 rounds per minute.


Feel free to point out any mistakes I made. I used all the data from Indian forums/Wikipedia (verifiable only), Pakistani forums, defence journals etc ....

It is as neutral as it gets.

Al Khalid-I is clearly superior to Arjun-I and also, Pakistan Army has alot more Al Khalids than Indian Army has Arjuns..this fact tells that Al Khalid project was way more successful than Arjun project (As evident by history too. Arjun was over-weight, was rejected, had to undergo changes etc)..

Both tanks are equipped with state-of-the-art IBMS, thermal imagers, night visions, ballistic computers etc...

Al Khalid-1 is equipped with autoloader while Arjun-1 is loaded 'manually'. I also regard this as an advantage of Al Khalid-I..but this is debatable. I'm not gonna put my personal opinion in an objective comparison.

Al Khalid-I is superior to Arjun-I in firepower and mobility. Arjun might have slight advantage when it comes to armor.

So, conclusion, Al Khalid-1 > Arjun-1


I hope now you know why, in my view, Al Khalid-1 is a superior tank.

Al khalid tank


Arjun tank


Your above conclusion also lead another result-----
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Your above conclusion also lead another result-----

It doesn't.

Go ahead and try.

(Remember, I'm not comparing these tanks in isolation. I'm comparing these tanks in Indo-Pak scenario..Anyways, go ahead and try to show how T-90 is above M-1..lol...T-90S is even inferior to Al Khalid, forget about M-1)

Ok, I'll be modelling my comparison on @AUz 's model. He opened a thread comparing Al Khalid with Merkava...

So here goes...

The advantage of one tank over the other is highlighted as "blue" ...

Weight :

Al Khalid-1 : 48 tons
Arjun-1 : 58.5 tons. [Arjun weighs more than 60tons mk2 would weight 63-67tons]

Speed :

Al Khalid-1 : 72 km/h
Arjun-1 : 72 km/h [you took the top speed which has got little to no effect on tank warfare]

Main Armament :

Al Khalid-1 : 125 mm smooth bore gun

Arjun-1 : 120 mm rifled gun [Arjun Gun is L52 120mm rifled with 8400bars max chamber pressure which is the 2nd most powerful gun in service... Al Khalid gun would have max. chamber pressure of about 6000bars on the new gun perhaps... although HIT puts the figure around 5500bars on the old gun... Here Arjun gun can fire more powerful and larger rounds putting it at advantage against Al Khalid]

Payload Capacity :

Al Khalid-1 : 49 rounds

Arjun-1 : 39 rounds [Arjun rounds are longer and heavier hence more effective than the 49 used on Al Khalid... the auto loader in Al Khalid can only hold 22-24 rounds hence it would have to stop to reload the rest of the round in auto-loader giving advantage to enemy for regroup.]

Engine :

Al Khalid-1 : KMDB 6TD-2 6-cylinder diesel 1,200 hp (with upgrade)

Arjun-1 : MTU 838 Ka 501 diesel 1,400 hp [Arjun uses the German engine which is more powerful at 1400hp I don't see how the Ukrainian 1200hp beats that:rolleyes:]

Power/Weight :

Al Khalid-1 : 26 hp/tonne

Arjun-1 : 23.9 hp/tonne

Armour :

Al Khalid-1 : Composite armour, RHA, ERA
Arjun-1 : Steel/composite Kanchan armour. (slight advantage) [slight advantage ?... have you seen how thick the armor is present on Arjun ?]

Operational Range :

Al Khalid-1 : 500 km

Arjun-1 : 450 km [No relevance whatsoever... No tank has ever gone more than 100km in a day at the battlefield]

Protection :

Al Khalid-1 : VARTA active protection system

Arjun-1 : ??? (Couldn't found any- Tell me which APS is installed in Arjun and I'll edit appropriately)... [There is no Varta on Al Khalid... all you have is an experimental model photo... besides that its not an APS but IR jammer which failed to jam western Leaser in two tests in different countries... other than that it leaves big weak spots on Al Khalid armor if used on it.]

ATGMs and rounds carried :

Al Khalid-1 : Kombat , 9M119 Refleks (AT-11 Sniper), APFSDS, HEAT-FS and HE-FS etc.
- Can fire DU round Naiza too.

Arjun-1 : LAHAT, APFSDS (Kinetic Energy) rounds, HE, HEAT etc [The DU round used on Al Khalid are short... which have little advantage over Tungsten rods of same length... If you look for the latest Russian tungsten rounds you'll find them having better penetration than Nazia... coming to Arjun I repeat again that the rounds used are much bigger and longer... which would have more K.E.]

Rate of Fire :

Al Khalid-1 : 8-9 rounds per minute.

Arjun-1 : 6-8 rounds per minute. [you cannot exceed 8-9 rounds per minute on Al Khalid while the loader in Arjun can do 10-12 If fresh... there have been instances where the loader did about 20 or so loading in one minute... however such is not possible in rough terrain... but here again Arjun uses a better suspension to overcome that shortcoming.]


Feel free to point out any mistakes I made. I used all the data from Indian forums/Wikipedia (verifiable only), Pakistani forums, defence journals etc ....

It is as neutral as it gets.

Al Khalid-I is clearly superior to Arjun-I and also, Pakistan Army has alot more Al Khalids than Indian Army has Arjuns..this fact tells that Al Khalid project was way more successful than Arjun project (As evident by history too. Arjun was over-weight, was rejected, had to undergo changes etc)..

The weight on Arjun Mk2 exceeds from that of Mk1 your point being ?

Both tanks are equipped with state-of-the-art IBMS, thermal imagers, night visions, ballistic computers etc...

Al Khalid-1 is equipped with autoloader while Arjun-1 is loaded 'manually'. I also regard this as an advantage of Al Khalid-I..but this is debatable. I'm not gonna put my personal opinion in an objective comparison.

Al Khalid-I is superior to Arjun-I in firepower and mobility. Arjun might have slight advantage when it comes to armor.

Fire power wise and mobility wise Arjun stands superior to Al Khalid.... its mobility is better than most.

So, conclusion, Al Khalid-1 > Arjun-1


I hope now you know why, in my view, Al Khalid-1 is a superior tank.

Al khalid tank


Arjun tank


Besides that I wold like to point out the poor hardware on Al Khalid as evident from images floating around internet.



Note: The skirts are coming off in public display in front of the Guests and public... wonder what would happen in wartime.
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Besides that I wold like to point out the poor hardware on Al Khalid as evident from images floating around internet.



Note: The skirts are coming off in public display in front of the Guests and public... wonder what would happen in wartime.

Your WHOLE post is just "speculations" and nothing more. Just a good way to make indian kids happy. As it stands, Al Khalid-1 is superior to Arjun-1. I'm not even talking about Arjun-II, why are you bringing that in?

Stated "ROF" of Arjun is 6-8 rounds while you claim "Oh it can even fire 10-12"..Well any official source? Many things in Al Khalid-1 would also be classified..probably it can fire 14-16 rounds at ease? You know there is no end to speculations. So you can believe whatever you want, but according to the public authentic information, Al Khalid-1 stands superior to Arjun-1 with more firepower, better mobility, better pick-up rate (Al Khalid has superior power/weight ratio..) etc. Also, the excuse "Oh our rounds are longer hence we can carry less" is THE most childish thing I've ever seen. If you want to cry like that, I'll say it right now "Arjun is vastly superior to all tanks in the world"..I mean, c'mon....

Al Khalid carries way more rounds, has autoloader, can fire DU rounds and missiles, has better pick-up speed, has bigger canon, has superior operational range, is lighter and faster than Arjun.

Now these are the "facts" available out there...

We are all free to believe whatever we want though...

My conclusion still stands : Al Khalid-1 > Arjun.
This thread introducing new style of comparison ----
just go on wiki, see few things about them & make a big comment.

My conclusion still stands : Al Khalid-1 > Arjun.
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