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Owning dogs in Pakistan

No wonder so many Muslims are practicing Yoga & following Sanatan dharm..

So they now practice no divorce, no inheritance by daughters, practice sati, practice caste system, lend high-interest loans to farmers and make them commit suicide etc etc ? :D

The desperate souls trying to run away from Afghanistan are actually Muslims seeking liberation from their core identity, everyone is just so scared to tell the truth.

What is that core identity and what is that truth ?

No in general,not just dog loving. Basically dogs and cats. Unfortunately this craze from the Western world has come here too. They often see their pets are far more important than humans and fanatically protest for animal rights. A similar craze that came from the West in the last few years is Veganism.

Well, cats persons like me and Lenin and Gaddafi and Prophet Muhammad are generally more empathetic to human sufferings than the dog persons.

If you want to pick and choose what information you're going to read - it's say the person reading the site is not the intelligent one.

You will have to simplify your statement.

The question to your answer is on that very site. It's literally in the first sentence of the answer he gave.

No, he is trying to find a loophole "kill only rabid dogs".
30 years ago there was different situation in villages, most of villagers kept dogs because of fear of thieves, i had seen almost every villager kept the dogs, but now hardly one or few homes kept the dogs in whole village, but you need to understand population is always greater in cities than villages, in cities you can see stray dogs, but you will hardly see any one from lower class has dogs,but richer have costly breed of dogs like German shepherd and etc
Villagers still keep dogs and in villages some specimens of german shepherd though unpedigreed are still awesome. Whether the dog is due to threat or due to interest, there is a fondness for dogs in villages. There are more villages than cities, so the percentage of Pakistani population living in rural areas is more- Its 62%. There are more dog fighting events in rural areas than in cities where gulter, bully and other desi breeds take part. same for sight hunting breeds.

Middle class keeps dogs on their roofs and terraces if they dont have space in their garage or lawn. I have seen many middle class people breeding dogs on their roofs. There are middle class people who even keep dogs inside their rooms.

German shepherd isnt a costly breed. Long haired is in more demand than stock hair. Working breed is usually stock hair. Then some non-pedigree are more expensive than other non-pedigree. One reason could be a premature litter where the pedigree mother is under age so pups cant get pedigreed and papered.

In 1990, a pure pup was worth Rs. 5000. In 2000's, it jumped upto 20-25000. After 2009-10, a good GSD pup was around Rs 35,000. It still stands at same price starting from 35,000. The pedigree ones are Rs. 80,000 +. Rottweiler is within same domain, 35k, 45k etc. Labrador is cheaper Rs 20,000-35000. Toy breeds like Pug and Shih Tzu are bit expensive.
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Its also the lower and middle class that sell dogs on cash. While upper class does that too, most upper class educated people exchange dogs/pups since some of them say that selling dogs or buying dogs is prohibited in Islam.
So they now practice no divorce, no inheritance by daughters, practice sati, practice caste system, lend high-interest loans to farmers and make them commit suicide etc etc ? :D

You very well know these things are out of practice today & we are open to criticism, we dont kill if offended. But you are just scared to face the truth, why will the creator allow killing of animals, killing of fellow human beings?
Make hell on earth in exchange of virgin & alcohol in heaven? do u think creator will say this?
what will u do with virgin and alcohol when you have no body?
Why do you oppose Taliban & TTP when they want to practise Quran without any sugarcoating like you to make things look sane & civilised.
Please don't get too off-topic, I just want to discuss dog status in muslim countries.
You very well know these things are out of practice today & we are open to criticism, we dont kill if offended. But you are just scared to face the truth, why will the creator allow killing of animals, killing of fellow human beings?
Make hell on earth in exchange of virgin & alcohol in heaven? do u think creator will say this?
what will u do with virgin and alcohol when you have no body?
Why do you oppose Taliban & TTP when they want to practise Quran without any sugarcoating like you to make things look sane & civilised.
Wtf is wrong with India bro?...
From asking Greeks and Iranians to come back to thier Hindu roots to saying you're suger coating books but not realizing what's being said in thier books is probably much worse than whatever stuff Abrahamic religions have that needs sugarcoating
Dislike Abrahamic religions in general but love Israel (historically speaking daddy of all Abrahamic religions) only because of thier reputation as being vhemontly anti-muslim

Oh boy...
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