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Pet dogs that mauled lawyer in Karachi's DHA put to sleep

Ah, i really understand the pain here. I can't think of doing this to my dog.

Are you a fan of that foul Indian woman Maneka Gandhi who is responsible for all dog attacks on humans in India since the late 1990s and for cats in India to have become almost extinct ?

What if your dog is responsible for tearing up the face of a five-year-old kid or for your dog to gang up with the stray dogs in your neighborhood and attack an elderly person ?

About cats, at one time there were seven cats in my house. Now all killed due to dogs.

A good city, a harmonious city, is a compromise between humans and cats. A city where the humans don't care when the sound of a human or cat being attacked by a gang of dogs, is a place where injustices happen and nobody cares. Think about that.
Are you a fan of that foul Indian woman Maneka Gandhi who is responsible for all dog attacks on humans in India since the late 1990s and for cats in India to have become almost extinct ?

What if your dog is responsible for tearing up the face of a five-year-old kid or for your dog to gang up with the stray dogs in your neighborhood and attack an elderly person ?

About cats, at one time there were seven cats in my house. Now all killed due to dogs.

A good city, a harmonious city, is a compromise between humans and cats. A city where the humans don't care when the sound of a human or cat being attacked by a gang of dogs, is a place where injustices happen and nobody cares. Think about that.
Lol. It's like you have grudge over dogs for something happened to your cats. But some of us have wonderful emotions attached to our dogs. Don't go belittling them. Dogs left to streets are the reason for their misbehavior. A trained dog is wonderful companion in your life. It's just stupid to hold grudges against dogs IMO.
About cats, at one time there were seven cats in my house. Now all killed due to dogs.

Cats are many a time more adorable, playable and good companions, the dogs are called the man best friend...and at the same time it is his worst enemy(for other men), for cats and other species too.

I know many instances where dogs mauled and hurt many children and adults badly, in some case face ripped apart.

In one case in Karachi in an apt. building at the rooftop, a person has bought their dog there and it chased one of the playing children, the child was so scared that he ran away in despair and in doing so fell from the roof top and died...it was a 12 floor bldg.

People don't know how to keep dogs, there are no open spaces, and many dogs species are intrinsically dangerous and attacking, like Pit Bull (by default it will attack), many more breeds are hardwired to attack.

Still I love dogs and specially the loyalty dogs have for their owners...cats love their surroundings, dog love their owners and will die saving the owner...this is intrinsic to dogs...

BTW cats can save humans too and they are loyal as well...its not about choosing between dogs and cats, both are lovable.

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I know many instances where dogs mauled and hurt many children and adults badly, in some case face ripped apart.

That "face ripped apart" thing happened in one incident here too. A gang of stray dogs ripped apart the face of a five-year-old young girl and her parents had to do rounds of hospitals across the city for four hours because none had the necessary injections. Thankfully, they found one.

Cats are many a time more adorable, playable and good companions, the dogs are called the man best friend...and at the same time it is his worst enemy(for other men), for cats and other species too.


BTW cats can save humans too and they are loyal as well...its not about choosing between dogs and cats, both are lovable.

I remember @waz saying about this cat that she was legend.

Lol. It's like you have grudge over dogs for something happened to your cats. But some of us have wonderful emotions attached to our dogs. Don't go belittling them. Dogs left to streets are the reason for their misbehavior. A trained dog is wonderful companion in your life. It's just stupid to hold grudges against dogs IMO.

Read the below :
In one case in Karachi in an apt. building at the rooftop, a person has bought their dog there and it chased one of the playing children, the child was so scared that he ran away in despair and in doing so fell from the roof top and died...it was a 12 floor bldg.

And read this :
"Later, the dog began pulling her legs and dragged her a few feet. My son Kashish spotted it and tried to save Kanchi.

The girl can be seen crawling on the ground as dog attacks her.

Though he lifted her in his arms, the dog kept chasing her, grabbed her clothes and snatched her away from Kashish," she said.

The CCTV footage showed the elderly women, who could barely walk, trying to pacify her pet dog, which ignored her and went after the toddler.

However, Kashish didn't gave up. He tried to keep his sister Kanchi away from dog's reach by lifting her in his arms and ran away. He couldn't go too far, since the dog blocked his way several times to grab his sister.

"For almost five minutes, the dog chased Kanchi. Luckily, Kashish saved her. When I learned about the attack, I shouted for help from my gallery. Later, the dog was tamed, after the security guard and some passers-by came to the rescue. Both my children escaped without any major injuries," Kamini, who has warned the dog owner to get rid of the pet or face police action, said.

About your statement - "A trained dog is wonderful companion in your life." - watch this vid about that incident. Wonderful companion indeed. :rolleyes:
judiciary mafia!
they let rapist pedophile corrupt aholes murderers terrorists free but playing hero by killing dogs!
its these bastards who should be hanged the corrupt judges!
Actors speak up for dogs ‘sentenced to death’ due to handler’s negligence

Yashma Gill and Shahroze Sabzwari recently took to Instagram to condemn the killing

Entertainment Desk
July 14, 2021


The two German Shepherds that mauled a lawyer in an upscale Karachi neighbourhood last month were “put down”, according to a compromise agreement reached between the canines’ owner and the victim.
While rights activists have called the agreement between Humayun Khan and Mirza Akhtar Ali Advocate preposterous, celebrities have also been vocal about their condemnation of the agreement on social media.

Actor Shahroz Sabzwari took to his Instagram stories to demand justice for the dogs and question why such swift action isn’t taken when it comes to rapists and murderers. He wrote, “Let’s be this quick in serving justice when it’s related to rapists and murderers and the ever-fleeing corrupt politicians. Or do the victims need to be big shot lawyers for the law to act this quickly? #DogKillings #JusticeForDogs”

Actor Yashma Gill posted a video to her Instagram urging people to be kind to animals. She wrote in the caption, “Now that the death sentence has been executed, it’s ironic to see how quick ‘justice’ was served. It was so easy to place a death sentence on animals who could’ve never been put to trial. We as humans are supposed to be their voice. They are helpless in this human world and the majority clearly does not side with them.”

The starlet added, “Rather than having temporary and non-efficient solutions like putting the dogs down or blaming pet owners for attacks, etc., there should be a proper system set by the law for purchasing and raising pets.

She concluded her note saying, “Setting up a proper system is the best and only solution for a situation like this one. So how does it make sense that we are to hold the animal responsible and not the owner?"
Previously, actor Mashal Khan shared a similar sentiment about putting the dogs down. The Suno Chanda actor took to Instagram and shared, "In a country where rapists, murderess and paedophiles roam free, two dogs are given the death sentence for their owner’s negligence."

The CCTV footage of the incident that went viral on social media showed the two canines pouncing on Mirza Akhtar and pinning him to the ground as he helplessly tried to defend himself. It was only after the owner’s son intervened, the dogs spared the lawyer – badly mauled and bleeding.

Mirza Akhtar "agreed for the sake of Allah [to] forgive Humayun Khan", states the agreement – dated July 6 – between the two parties. Sources told The Express Tribune that the dogs’ owner Humayun Khan was sitting next to his pets in a state of grief when they were injected with poisonous injection.
The CCTV footage of the incident that went viral on social media showed the two canines pouncing on Mirza Akhtar and pinning him to the ground as he helplessly tried to defend himself. It was only after the owner’s son intervened, the dogs spared the lawyer – badly mauled and bleeding.

No, those two dogs shouldn't have been killed. Instead they should have been put in front of these three actors speaking for them. In a closed stadium. And live TV / web broadcast.
If this happened in America those dogs would be put down too. And the owner would probably be restrained from having any more dogs.
A similar incident happened 1-2 years ago when these dogs attacked the son in law of one of the neighbours on the same street / road. He was admitted to a hospital for a few days. Surprisingly, no police complaint was filed.

Owner of the dogs is very rich and influential in the sense that he has some retired military friends taking care of him after he gets into trouble.

Drunken late night parties at his place are a norm.

His case proved again that you can easily get away with money even if you are at fault

He is retired police officer himself. Owner of Clippers. Should have been behind bars. Its the responsibility of the owner as to how dogs are raised. I see many long hair German Shepard's twice the size of these ones who attacked, when I go to walk in virgina waters, without any leash mingling in public. This breed is not even considered vicious here. It all down to how one raise the dogs.
Owner gives his final good byes to his dogs

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absolutely heartbreaking. he failed at first by not properly training, socializing, and securing his dogs...

and he failed them a final time by not being able to save their lives.....

please dont hate on such a magnificant , loyal , and amazing animals because of bad owners....

RIP to this beautiful german shepherd..... what a shitty world.
I wish our country was so efficient in putting down corrupt dogs like Nawaz Sharif and Asif Zardari.

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