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Owner of Popular Afghan Restaurant in Canada Bamyan Kabob Racist attack on Pakistanis!

Lol you have a racial inferiority complex. Stop applying that skin whitening cream and be comfortable with yourself and your skin tone.

I am a proud Nubian Indian..Black and Beautiful..if you guys donot want to associate with us..Its all fine and dandy with us...just stop being obtruse about the views your compatriots express on this forum...are you some sort of Indian Pakistani or something..not wanting to tackle my original points?
Nah we first of all we are children of hazrat Adam(A. S) then we are children of chengez Khan
Chengez Khan?? Paks are Mongols? Long Live Pax Mongolica
I am a proud Nubian Indian..Black and Beautiful..if you guys donot want to associate with us..Its all fine and dandy with us...just stop being obtruse about the views your compatriots express on this forum...are you some sort of Indian Pakistani or something..not wanting to tackle my original points?

You're making me feel very embarrassed for you.
I was of the opinion that afghans and the afghan war/problems should be treated with respect, love and the same as we treat our fellow Pakistanis. But now its time that we should have a dedicated thread about how to invade afghanistan and that too with brute force.
Let me just say this. We, the Pakistani Pashtun don't identify ourselves to Afghans. The few that do i.e. PTM members are scolded by the majority. Afghans are unanimously rejected by Pak Pashtun. If you want to know what the Pak Pashtun sentiment is against Afghans just visit Peshawar. If Pak Pashtun could have it their way these Afghans would be kicked out this very minute. I once met a very respectable Imam of a very big mosque in Peshawar. Everyone is fed up with Afghans. Even Imams. Criminals. Mafias. Drug dealers. Prostitutes. Thugs. That is the reputation of Afghans in Peshawar. Pure scum.

Aight so I'll tell you some funny stories.
1. I actually first learned about what ISI was when I was 12 years old cuz this Afghans kids parents started asking me questions about it LMAO. They also started asking me if I have family in the Pakistani army and what my parents think about the Taliban. Imagine how much of a low class POS you have to be if ur asking kids questions about geopolitics. It was an Afghan that said this bs, not an Indian.
2. I once went with my cousins to an Afghan restaurant. One of the couples is Afghani-Pakistani. The establishment was full of Pashto speakers so naturally she told one of the waiters to get her something. The restaurant was full of Gorey btw. The waiter comes back excited and starts asking us all sorts of personal questions once she revealed that she married a Pakistani, the waiter legit made a face and became kind of cold to us LMAOOO. The bill was $400 and we gave no tip LMAOAOAOA
3. Afghan obsession is really on some next level sh*t. Everytime someone mentions there are Pashtun from Pakistan, wear Pashtun Kachi/frock, or mention they are from Peshawar. The Afghan Troll Army on tik tok gets so pressed everytime someone from Pakistan mentions they are Pashtun.

Pakistanis are really waking up to the smell of coffee we've been really asleep for the past 40 years man. I know people who were asleep until Feb 27th 2019 happened and they realzied who our biggest enemy was. Now, I hope this incident wakes people up more. A lot of people still under the illusion of Afghani Pakistani bhai bhai.
Blaming all Afghans for this man's actions is also racist.

It is not "one guy" more like a million LOL
Recently, they have moved next door to me, bought a house, which I should have bought. My wife is still furious why I didn't buy it. But that's another story.
I already have few running with them. Two of the midget brothers were about to get it right between the eyes. But their elder brother is more sensible, he apologised to me and promised that his younger brother wouldn't try to steal part of my parking space on regular basis.

They have 4 cars, and think they own the street now. They park every night blocking the path to a common right of way. I can simply report it to local council with photographic evidence and get their car pounded.

god sake same here drugs, bag heads, dick head mechanic garages with knobhead customers and themselves park on resident door step when they have car park. down our end nothing gets done police dont give a sh it. i want out now is the time people are fed up and wishing to go bak to pakistan for peace.
No one "preys" on anyone LMAO

They have always acted like this tho....

do you live in uk
god sake same here drugs, bag heads, dick head mechanic garages with knobhead customers and themselves park on resident door step when they have car park. down our end nothing gets done police dont give a sh it. i want out now is the time people are fed up and wishing to go bak to pakistan for peace.

do you live in uk

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