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Overseas Pakistanis, what good or bad things you find among local Pakistanis?

No need. I think I already got the answer when you thanked Rusty's comment about Pakistanis selling their mothers to go abroad. May be, you know it from personal experience.View attachment 446874

Next thread might be how local Pakistanis view overseas Pakistanis. It's always good to see others point of view.

A little moronic that you notice my like and not others? Even more oxymoronic that you’re asking for opinions and when they voice, it offends you, if that’s the case why make a thread about it? Lastly my family roots don’t need to be explained on a forum or to anyone but for your reassurance; they’re very legitimate. If you have issues with Rusty’s comment, address him - not me. Pathetic.

One bad thing thing is that local pakistanis do not like to hear what is wrong with them
and discard any advice given.

Can’t emphasise how accurate this is!
Excessive use of car horns is necessity in Pakistan because of so many hazards on congested roads

News of donkey meat was exaggerated just for media hype . You had few rare cases where donkey meat was being sold as beef but people got so scared that they gave up eating meat and started doubting every single butcher out there. If you have few families in Pakistan then its best option to get a goat and make it halal and distribute fresh meats among themselves. I have been in many countries but i could not find the taste of mutton and beef which exist in Pakistan. I miss Pakistani meats badly in UK especially beef and goat as all we get is chicken and lamb.

Yes too much obsession with ethnic nationalism and to consider themselves superior or inferior because of it is curse for our society

Ethnic nationalism goes out the door as soon as Pakistan wins a cricket match, then everyone is a Pakistani and our people.

As for meat, i didn't find much difference in the quality compared to Australia, but Pakistani vegies do taste alot yummier. I did notice alot of hypocritism in my own extended family. They find faults in everyone else and when i point out to them that they are also doing the same stuff they get offended and their default answer is "i do it coz i have no choice". I also noticed growing intolerance and fanatic influence of mullahs also growing in my family. For example when i asked my own cousins about the Islamabad Dharna by these mullahs, they were supporting them saying that this is to stop Qadyanis from forcing us to become Qadyanis. I was shocked, i told him that all this chaos is for a clause on the election nomination paper, not an alteration in the constitution, they didn't believe me and said the local masjid Imam said it, so they believe him over me because i m not living in Pakistan.

This made me realize that i can't expect Pakistan to change unless i manage to change my family's way of thinking. I have managed to change the view point of a few people but the older generation would just not budge.

Sorry but making it look like i am whinging about my family.
A little moronic that you notice my like and not others? Even more oxymoronic that you’re asking for opinions and when they voice, it offends you, if that’s the case why make a thread about it? Lastly my family roots don’t need to be explained on a forum or to anyone but for your reassurance; they’re very legitimate. If you have issues with Rusty’s comment, address him - not me. Pathetic.

Aww little girl, other users are not my favourite, you are. I had high hopes from you. I can go on and on trying to make a point but hey, who am I to judge if immigrants themselves have such views? Anyway, if I offended you than I am sorry. Now give big bro a hug :-)
Aww little girl, other users are not my favourite, you are. I had high hopes from you. I can go on and on trying to make a point but hey, who am I to judge if immigrants themselves have such views? Anyway, if I offended you than I am sorry. Now give big bro a hug :-)

Did you just ask me for a hug?
Did you just ask me for a hug?
Nope, a punch in the face. Do it, make it even and let's move on.
Nope, a punch in the face. Do it, make it even and let's move on.

Fine, punched you in the face.
So most / some of you OSPs ride taxis when you get back here? .... I have read too many complaining about taxi drivers and how they try looting you .... whereas the international airports in Pakistan seem to have those radio cabs available .... why don't you people go to the counters of those cabs? And how the heck neeli peeli taxi wala know that you are a returning expat? There must be something that you do ..... to hint him.
So most / some of you OSPs ride taxis when you get back here? .... I have read too many complaining about taxi drivers and how they try looting you .... whereas the international airports in Pakistan seem to have those radio cabs available .... why don't you people go to the counters of those cabs? And how the heck neeli peeli taxi wala know that you are a returning expat? There must be something that you do ..... to hint him.

Irrespective of a person being from abroad or local - charges should remain the same - variation on charge should only be due to the distance of the journey not the person sat in the vehicle. That is absurd.

Aww little girl, other users are not my favourite, you are. I had high hopes from you. I can go on and on trying to make a point but hey, who am I to judge if immigrants themselves have such views? Anyway, if I offended you than I am sorry. Now give big bro a hug :-)

Im your favourite user?
I’d tell you but then I’d be considered Anti-Pakistan lol
Any positives?

Ok wait iread it wrong. I commented thinking u have asked what do u see negative in overseas pakistanis i just noticed u wanted comment on local pakistanis.

they are not punctual, worst thing in pakistanis is lack of punctuality
what about positives ?
Im your favourite user?

Hmm.. well, you used to be, but, after that punch, I don't know. I just don't know. ((*adjustes painful jaw*))
Hmm.. well, you used to be, but, after that punch, I don't know. I just don't know. ((*adjustes painful jaw*))

If I’m still your favourite after that punch then that’s something
what about positives ?
I wanted to mention some more negatives too with positives. But i have observed there are some very b1tchy pakistani posters here who use those negative points,( that one had shared in good faith for sharing views in hope things can be improved) and mention them in other threads as an excuse to insult pakistan or pakistanis and as an agenda to malign the nation. Some ppl like to take out frustrations of their competely failed lives, zero achievements and scant social life by mouthing off crap on pakistan. So i did not go beyond punctuality.

As of positives, there are so many things hospitality, kindness, some people have very good ikhlaqs even if u say something offending they dont lose tempers immediately, no matter how much they hate each other in time of need they will come together e.g., i am always told abt 2005 earthquake, dont have huge egos nor act arrogant except ones from big cities.

. No smile and emotionless greetings.
YAAARRR ALHAMDULILLAH aisa may nay kabhi nay dekha infact i find irritating that how our janay walay throw so much smiles etc while meeting or want to hug when i dont want to or would like to act cold
Do many jobs pay 1lakh a month? I assume you must be in IT or a doctor...

My experiences are varied. I've met some top class professionals, genuine good people and at the same time met twice as many crooks.

I don't think the people are bad, it's the culture. The culture encourages corruption, in encourages cheating in business, it encourages half truths. People consider it the norm.

It's a point to note though, all those who I came across who stuck to halal are doing just as well as the cheats.

My experience is mostly Mirpur and airports though.
Brother I am not working in Pakistan. I fined work at a very young age and have investments in the West. As for many jobs paying 1 lakh. Yes there are in many sectors. I went to buy parathas this morning and the baker told me now he has plenty of money so I advised him not to mention it.
Business is where the money is. I am an engineer by profession worked as a research scientist but made money in business. When you work for others they get richyou stay poor
YAAARRR ALHAMDULILLAH aisa may nay kabhi nay dekha infact i find irritating that how our janay walay throw so much smiles etc while meeting or want to hug when i dont want to or would like to act cold

I am not talking about Janay walay log. I am talking about general public, people that you are not related to.
If I’m still your favourite after that punch then that’s something

You see, instead of hugging you opted for violence. Now damage has been done, pain has been inflicted. Only time will heal, and this pain killer that I took which is already making me dizy.
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