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Over 72% want to see Narendra Modi as next PM

Seething? Mate are you blind, look at this thread. All of us Pakistanis support Modi and Yogi, they are the best thing happen to Pakistan.

All this charade of inclusive secular India has been blown apart from these guys. We always knew that India was a communal sh** hole where minorities were treated like slaves, we are glad Modi is doing that openly and for everyone to see. We fully support Modi and hope he stays the Prime Minister for the next 50 years.
Sir their love for Modi is blind - long may it continue. Most people like me who knew the charade being played by previous Indian leaders are grinning ear to ear, Modi is someone who has changed the Indian image from being the victim to being the culprit - they cannot see it - their love affair blinds them. History will tell how damaging he has been - effects of his leadership will be with Indians for a long time after he is gone.
killing 1 million Kashmiris
Sir by any chance, do you please yourself when you write this?
Off-course he did....but who listened?

The difference between saying/raising voice vs Crying is...no one listens to crying (they are ignored)....in fact don't you think Modi was more successful in maligning Pakistan image as a state sponsoring terrorism and country with radical Islamist mindset.....Judge from the various sanctions we are under the level of international support we have.
You are right about it. When Nazi were creating concentration camps, Jews cried too but who listened even Soviets were in bed with Hitler...

What happened afterwards is for everyone to remember.
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I am happy that pakistani friends are happy also...

Now Pakistan new security policy for 100 years... Means forget about kashmir and not willing to fight/war...

I hope, after 100 years later again kind of Modi should come and Pakistan leader will extend for another 100 years... 

India will make all changes in kashmir without any hardern from Pakistan as Modi did it... special thanks to Imran..

Imran should win next election... We are very happy with him... Hope, he should win and stay for next 10 years..
I hope now you guys would stop whining at every forum against Pakistan.
Fundamental problem of this Hinditvadi lot is that they don't themselves believe, what they propagate.
Some old sage probably encountered some hindutvadis when he came up with "bagal main churri, munh pr ram ram".
Do you see a consistency in you feeling everyone who has accomplished more than you would in life is a fool.
Tocqueville achieved nothing in life. He was a flawed noble who wrote absolute bullshit. Its fun to read him from a historical point of view but his writings have no bearing on modern societies.

Jinnah indeed achived one great thing. Trust of all muslims in British India. Its a pity he wasted it.
You talk like Jinnah was walking in a mall with a full pocket getting to choose what clothes to buy. Strange set of expectations.
Well, the measure of a leader is to rise to the occasion. He failed miserably. So yeah, he failed to live up to the expectation of Muslims whom he asked to support him in election.
Sir by any chance, do you please yourself when you write this?
My gentle friend, can you write it such that it carries the meaning of what you are trying to say?
For all the practical purpose, Modi can have all the powers in a third world rat hole India, doesnt mean anything. Having powers in a banana republic doesnt mean much. Your so called iron lady Indra Gandhi end up with plenty of lead in her body as a result of exercising the "powers".
Yeah she did end up dead. Before that she butchered innocents in Punjab. And lets not even talk about what happened after that. You want to see the same happen to Kashmiris? I don't. And thats why I do not rejoice when Modi wins.
Fascists by nature are cowards from inside. You don't have to look deep in past. The way Modi crawled back in his hole in the aftermath of operation swift retort, and then went in hiding after losing so much territory to PLA.
Does it matter? Does "valour" matter at all? Innocent are unarmed and when Modi orders them killed, they die. Does it matter what PLA does? Doubt PLA is coming to save Kashmiris.
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Union of India has got more chance to disappear after nuke war then federation of Pakistan. Ponder over it.
After nuclear war, Pakistani will be dead. ALL of them. Indians will be alive, about one billion of them. Ponder over it. Politics does not trump lives.
My gentle friend, can you write it such that it carries the meaning of what you are trying to say?
I don't understand your fetish of killing 1 million Kashmiris. So i asked if this gives you some kind of stimulus because you have mentioned it so many times in one thread.
I don't understand your fetish of killing 1 million Kashmiris. So i asked if this gives you some kind of stimulus because you have mentioned it so many times in one thread.

This is the anger and frustration, arising out of their characteristic centuries-old impotence and cowardice. Their real "auqaat" is duly demonstrated by the Galwan Clash images, released by China. :lol:
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I don't understand your fetish of killing 1 million Kashmiris. So i asked if this gives you some kind of stimulus because you have mentioned it so many times in one thread.
There is no fetish just fear. Look at people in Pakistan jeering and cheering Modi. And then they say "Kashmiri are all Pakistani". They are cheering the guy who can and will cause Kashmiri genocide. Hence 1 million. You are shooting the messenger here folks.

Ironic what hate makes you do, right? You folks hate India so much that you cheer the very genocidal maniac who will kill all those people whom you call brothers. Just in the hope to score some points over India...
This is the anger and frustration, arising out of their characteristic centuries-old impotence and cowardice. Their real "auqaat" is duly demonstrated by the Galwan Clash images, released by China. :lol:
No one cares about some pictures in some weird valley or something. No one cares about China leaving you folks who have no better news in quite some time.

I DO have pictures of 2002 Godhara in my mind and that makes me fearful for Kashmir. Funny part is, you folks call Kashmiri your brothers.
100% Pakistanis would wlike modi to stay in Power as long as he alive, what he did to India ISI couldnt do it in last 70 nyears, so all hale to modi, agli baar phir modi sarkar.
100% Pakistanis would wlike modi to stay in Power as long as he alive, what he did to India ISI couldnt do it in last 70 nyears, so all hale to modi, agli baar phir modi sarkar.

Not trolling but, grateful for all the Pakistanis in this forum for so much wishing that Modi becomes PM in 2024. Kindly request all of you to pray for the same. Will really appreciate that.

On the topic:
a) Believe it or not, Pak Army + ISI played a sizeable role in Modi becoming PM.
b) Just a moment back, I finished speaking to a person from interior part of southern Indian state of AP (we are staying at same beach resort and happened to discuss at common smoke area. So, I do not know him before today). I am surprised that a person from interior southern part of India also has such a strong liking for Modi. The reason he gave has something to do with Pakistan (will not write the reason here, as it will serve no purpose).

Us, Indians, know India & it's problems more than you guys. We know whom to elect.

It just so happens that in this one instance, both of us (i.e. most Indians + almost all pakistanis in this forum) want to see Modi re-elected. Since you folks can not vote in India. Please help by praying to GOD that Modi should win in 2024.

Not trolling.
Seething? Mate are you blind, look at this thread. All of us Pakistanis support Modi and Yogi, they are the best thing happen to Pakistan.

All this charade of inclusive secular India has been blown apart from these guys. We always knew that India was a communal sh** hole where minorities were treated like slaves, we are glad Modi is doing that openly and for everyone to see. We fully support Modi and hope he stays the Prime Minister for the next 50 years.

I am sorry but I have to put my foot down, how dare you say 50 years.

We want them to rule for 100 years, I pray to God he can have a year from my life, I'm sure other Pakistanis would be willing to donate him few months of their lives :rofl:
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