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Over 72% want to see Narendra Modi as next PM

Basically senators?(like US system)
I am not aware of how much power the senators have in the day to day running of the government, though I know they are quite influential. Here I am talking about every state holding some ministerial post. That will be federal, and more importantly winners from every party get a stake in the government. Right now winning in your constituency actually amounts to nothing if you are in the opposition. Yes you do get funds for your constituency, but that alone is not enough. Common sense dictates that winners should be able to take part in governance.
I am not aware of how much power the senators have in the day to day running of the government, though I know they are quite influential. Here I am talking about every state holding some ministerial post. That will be federal, and more importantly winners from every party get a stake in the government. Right now winning in your constituency actually amounts to nothing if you are in the opposition. Yes you do get funds for your constituency, but that alone is not enough. Common sense dictates that winners should be able to take part in governance.
That sounds like one big ungovernable mess
Basically a collation government on steroids
Direct election of head of state and non party election of Parliament members is best system
I think Pak should copy paste 90% of US government structure and things from governance presepctive will improve

Phillipines is basically a full blown copy paste of US stuck in SEA (to the point where they also have a gun culture due 2 amendment)

I always admired democracy in the US but it leads to massive corruption especially in devaloping countries (even if you compare corruption in US to other first world countries- US kills it)

You lose from corruption presepctive but from governance presepctive

I think US system is good
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That sounds like one big ungovernable mess
Basically a collation government on steroids
Yes it is, but good things rarely come easy. Coalition may be difficult, but only if it is a marriage of convenience, like to keep a certain party out of power. If Coalition is enshrined in the constitution it may not be that difficult. I know the nature of politics is very unsympathetic to this kind of governance, so its just a thought to keep rusty brain cells active
President CM or governors of provinces and Mayors of cities should be directly elected like USA. And all MNAs and MPAs should contest election as independent candidates
I agree with all of it except for this "independent" baloney
I think "forcing" no party election creates more problems instead of solving them

Presidential system of Government zindabad!, Pakistan paindabad!
Let's go!!!! :cheesy:
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Yes it is, but good things rarely come easy. Coalition may be difficult, but only if it is a marriage of convenience, like to keep a certain party out of power. If Coalition is enshrined in the constitution it may not be that difficult. I know the nature of politics is very unsympathetic to this kind of governance, so its just a thought to keep rusty brain cells active
Soneyo tusi teh fer mulk nu perhi jayi situation chu sut raye o... :undecided:

I hate parliamentary democracy just because it's so week and inefficient but to bring an even weeker form of governance will make sure country never grows economically as it becomes impossible to govern

I think powerful senate can help bring more equality between small and big states

So in senate both UP and GOA get same power to veto BS laws
Off-course he did....but who listened?

The difference between saying/raising voice vs Crying is...no one listens to crying (they are ignored)....in fact don't you think Modi was more successful in maligning Pakistan image as a state sponsoring terrorism and country with radical Islamist mindset.....Judge from the various sanctions we are under the level of international support we have.

China did
Soneyo tusi teh fer mulk nu perhi jayi situation chu sut raye o... :undecided:

I hate parliamentary democracy just because it's so week and inefficient but to bring an even weeker form of governance will make sure country never grows economically as it becomes impossible to govern

I think powerful senate can help bring more equality between small and big states

So in senate both UP and GOA get same power to veto BS laws
In India historically parties have been able to form governments by winning about 1/3rd of the votes because of multi party system. You just need to get more votes that your closest rival. This means that 2/3rds of the people who didn't vote for the winning party have no voice in governance. Theoretically they do, in the form of parliament, but parliament has rarely acted as a deterrent or facilitator in major decision making. It just doesn't feel right.

Moreover, things are not always black and white. I like few politicians from all parties, including the BJP and Congress and I also dislike few politicians from all parties. No one is always wrong or always right. Life is not like that, so electoral system should also reflect that. I know this kind of system requires too much maturity and its like wanting to run when you have barely learnt to walk.
The communal divide in India only benefits its adversaries. Even ex military chiefs have spoken about it. If one claims to be a nationalistic and patriotic Indian, one has to acknowledge this. A divided India is a weak India. It is as simple as that.

Your too late
  1. Adityanath remains people's choice for CM Candidate in 2022, as per the poll
  2. Akhilesh Yadav is the second choic
New Delhi: As the high-octane political battle for the five key assemblies, including the largest Uttar Pradesh, has reached its peak, The Zee Media conducted opinion poll has found that over 72% of Indians want to see Narendra Modi as the Prime Minister in the year 2024.
PM Narendra Modi, who enjoys huge popularity among Indians is also opted to be the start campaign of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for the Uttar Pradesh Assembly Elections 2022.

As far as the assembly polls for the 403 seats in UP is concerned, Zee Media’s opinion poll found that BJP's Yogi Adityanath remains people's choice for Chief Ministerial candidate in 2022.

Akhilesh Yadav is the second choice, while Mayawati remains a distant third. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, who launched a power-packed ‘main ladki hoon, lad sakti hoon’ campaign focused on women's welfare and development in UP, as per the opinion poll, is being favoured by no more than 4-5% as UP's CM face.

Here's UP CM choice:

Yogi Adityanath: 47%

Akhilesh Yadav: 35%

Mayawati: 9%

Priyanka Gandhi Vadra: 5%

Others: 4%

This opinion poll was jointly conducted by Zee News in association with Design Boxed - a political campaign management company with a portfolio of conducting opinion polls. In terms of sample size, this is also the largest opinion poll ever conducted in the history of India.

Modi should be imortalized as an Indian President - give him this honour for life. he has done more for the image of Pakistan than any leader from Pakistan.
This all sounds so good, music to the ears. Modi will take India to the greater heights...akin to a point of no return.

Was afraid and a bit skeptical that after the Covid-19 mismanagement and a huge number of deaths, demonetization fiasco, ridicule by the intl' media about the growing intolernace, God forbid Modi has to go.

Now this is better.

All hail to Modi...

he has done more for the image of Pakistan than any leader from Pakistan.
Shouldn’t Pakistan’s image be a little better then?
IK and Modi both seem to be working for it but it seems to keep going down south.
This all sounds so good, music to the ears. Modi will take India to the greater heights...akin to a point of no return.

Was afraid and a bit skeptical that after the Covid-19 mismanagement and a huge number of deaths, demonetization fiasco, ridicule by the intl' media about the growing intolernace, God forbid Modi has to go.

Now this is better.

All hail to Modi...

View attachment 810015

Modi hae, tau mumkin hae. :lol:
Shouldn’t Pakistan’s image be a little better then?
IK and Modi both seem to be working for it but it seems to keep going down south.
It has improved a lot since Modi & Co came to power, it might be going south in your dreams reality is different.
Modi hae, tau mumkin hae. :lol:

Modi hae, tau mumkin hae.

Pappu hae to Pumpkin hae...

Hope this equation never changes, after Modi another firebrand saffroni Hindutvadi in the line there. The genie of Hindutva is out of the bottle.

Pakistan suddenly started to look so tolerant, modern, progressive...thanks to Modi(and Indians for selecting him)
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