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Over 72% want to see Narendra Modi as next PM

I have said this before that Modi supporters come in a variety of shades on the hate spectrum. I will not claim to speak for Indian muslims as I am not one and do not feel threatened in the same way they do. In my current city of residence my wife had to face the wrath of some language supremacists and both of us were victims of racism as tourists in Europe. For those few moments I knew what it is like to not be part of the majority.

I fully understand that you have no reason to trust anyone. Only you know what you are going through. I myself did not vote for Modi and will not, but the wide support he gets is for many reasons, and if his opponents continue ignoring those, they will fail to build a constructive strategy to overcome it.

Thank you for your understanding and empathy. You might as well name yourself as August Landmesser.
  1. Adityanath remains people's choice for CM Candidate in 2022, as per the poll
  2. Akhilesh Yadav is the second choic
New Delhi: As the high-octane political battle for the five key assemblies, including the largest Uttar Pradesh, has reached its peak, The Zee Media conducted opinion poll has found that over 72% of Indians want to see Narendra Modi as the Prime Minister in the year 2024.
PM Narendra Modi, who enjoys huge popularity among Indians is also opted to be the start campaign of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for the Uttar Pradesh Assembly Elections 2022.

As far as the assembly polls for the 403 seats in UP is concerned, Zee Media’s opinion poll found that BJP's Yogi Adityanath remains people's choice for Chief Ministerial candidate in 2022.

Akhilesh Yadav is the second choice, while Mayawati remains a distant third. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, who launched a power-packed ‘main ladki hoon, lad sakti hoon’ campaign focused on women's welfare and development in UP, as per the opinion poll, is being favoured by no more than 4-5% as UP's CM face.

Here's UP CM choice:

Yogi Adityanath: 47%

Akhilesh Yadav: 35%

Mayawati: 9%

Priyanka Gandhi Vadra: 5%

Others: 4%

This opinion poll was jointly conducted by Zee News in association with Design Boxed - a political campaign management company with a portfolio of conducting opinion polls. In terms of sample size, this is also the largest opinion poll ever conducted in the history of India.

He will also get 72 % vote from Pakistan as the next PM of India. He is awesome at keeping our Pakistani Neoliberals aka LibTurds in check...
Scams? Rahul Gandhi? Do you really believe that?

They voted for the genocide of Muslims that Modi has promised and Yogi will deliver.
Like you vote likes of AIMIM because they promise genocide of Hindus, isn’t it?
Fact is that we don’t care what libtards like you say, you can whine at you echochamber but aayega to modi hi. We vote him for keeping away librandus from power and we’re successful, and thats what is making their supporters seethe online. Modi is a million times better than Scamgress.
I want him as much I want him to leave the Seat for the Greater Yogi Jee :) He will truly make India a Hindu Rashtar State.
He does seem to have magical powers. I was considering voting him out this time but seeing overwhelming support from across I might reconsider. For sake of good neighbourly relations. 😀😀
If BJP sees this kind of support they might give voting rights to people from across. This shows love has no bounds.

Pakistan faces a continuous and persistent security threat, from India, from day one. So, any Indian government or leader, which jeopardizes the security of India, or seems to do it, would naturally be desirable to Pakistanis. e.g. Galwan Clash.
The communal divide in India only benefits its adversaries. Even ex military chiefs have spoken about it. If one claims to be a nationalistic and patriotic Indian, one has to acknowledge this. A divided India is a weak India. It is as simple as that.
So 220 million Pakistani are fine if Modi brings bigger hell on Kashmiris? He can, he has a good motivation for it and he has a support of entire nation.

Remember in the 1930s when Hindus brought full hell to Muslims? It was enough to make Jinnah decide he wanted Pakistan. Modi is welcome to cut India up like a suicidal maniac with a razor.
You talk like Jinnah was walking in a mall with a full pocket getting to choose what clothes to buy. Strange set of expectations.

This Hinditvadi scum has absolutely no sense, what they are talking about. They concoct and distort history, beyond recognition, to suit their trashy narrative.
Galwan Clash.
It’s too early for a jury on Galwan. India has seen worst. Pakistan has seen worst. 1962 a 1971 are examples of those times. Small skirmishes don’t decide the fate, as presumed by Modi haters.

Opposition in India is in no shape to challenge Modi and his team. That has proven to be a blessing for him. People ask if not Modi then WHO? Pappu and his team? Hell no.

Pakistanis and a lot of Indians hate Modi.
Did Pakistanis love all previous Indian leaders of standing - Nehru, Lalbahadur, Indira, Vajpayee? I don’t think so because strong and popular Indian leaders are always a nemsis to Pakistan.

Modi has worked tirelessly on economy and nations well-being. He is seen as an incorruptible guy who has no personal gains as was the case with most of the politicians who want to make money for themselves and follow dynastic politics.
Some of his policies like demonetisation was a disaster but he has managed to keep a clean image.

72% or 32% Modi is the man.
Actually its the other way round. Before him, Hindu majority of India was a divide caucus. Now they all have something to get behind -- no matter how ugly it is for minorities in India. He has polarized India alright, but he has united the divided majority.

Be careful what you wish for... you may just get it.

If tomorrow a news of 1 million killings of Kashmiris comes because of Modi's action, will you still call him "Best thing to happen"?
just a correction british ruled our place for 110 years not 200.
And as for Kashmir you dont understand..people here are eagerly waiting to launch a ghazwa e hind if anything of that sort happens.
It’s too early for a jury on Galwan. India has seen worst. Pakistan has seen worst. 1962 a 1971 are examples of those times. Small skirmishes don’t decide the fate, as presumed by Modi haters.

Opposition in India is in no shape to challenge Modi and his team. That has proven to be a blessing for him. People ask if not Modi then WHO? Pappu and his team? Hell no.

Pakistanis and a lot of Indians hate Modi.
Did Pakistanis love all previous Indian leaders of standing - Nehru, Lalbahadur, Indira, Vajpayee? I don’t think so because strong and popular Indian leaders are always a nemsis to Pakistan.

Modi has worked tirelessly on economy and nations well-being. He is seen as an incorruptible guy who has no personal gains as was the case with most of the politicians who want to make money for themselves and follow dynastic politics.
Some of his policies like demonetisation was a disaster but he has managed to keep a clean image.

72% or 32% Modi is the man.

Array Bhai: Yeh keya Dhakay Bangaalay ki maar rahay ho? :lol:

What is relationship of, what you are saying, to my post, out of which you picked two words. Nowhere, I said, that we Pakistanis like Modi, or, for that matter, any other Indian political leader. I merely surmised that from our perspective, Modi & Co are desirable; for the simple reason, that according to our perception, they are enhancing security threats for India.
I feel India should move to a system where every state, regardless of its population sends one elected representative to the government, regardless of which party they belong to. The key word here is 'government' and not parliament. Parliament can continue as it is. After all someone who has contested and won the mandate of the people should be able to serve them and not twiddle thumbs sitting in the opposition benches like a loser, because he is not a loser.
I feel India should move to a system where every state, regardless of its population sends one elected representative to the government, regardless of which party they belong to. The key word here is 'government' and not parliament. Parliament can continue as it is. After all someone who has contested and won the mandate of the people should be able to serve them and not twiddle thumbs sitting in the opposition benches like a loser, because he is not a loser.

Basically senators?(like US system)
Don't y'all already have that? (In Pak we have 23 senators per province)
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