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Over 3000 Pakistanis protested against Nawaz in New York City !

here, empty seats are normal if you're not important nation


I think this is obama

importance = seats full
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and nation

Come on, does he even care about what people think of him? As long as his factories are running, he's all happy. Saudi gov't will love his stay.

This guy is going to be gone, but the embarassment of Pakistan will stay.

what will you make of a person who is foreign minister and prime minister both at a time? who is being labelled as His Highness and the world knows about the rigging election allegation and his stubbornness not to audit the election or bring reforms,

how on earth will anyone take such a person any seriously?
Actually fake picture?



@Chak Bamu @Jungibaaz

@kobenhaven @syedali73 @janon @IceCold @omlete fry @Rashid Mahmood

Can't believe desperation of die hard imran khan fans. Now you may say "hey look, those people were sitting there all day, hearing one by one," but notice the guy in second row who is leaning over chair? exact same. lighting on nawaz coat is same too. Also his head is a bit blurry whereas picture is very clear.

Moral of story, don't go around spreading or believe in every picture you see.
what will you make of a person who is foreign minister and prime minister both at a time? who is being labelled as His Highness and the world knows about the rigging election allegation and his stubbornness not to audit the election or bring reforms,

how on earth will anyone take such a person any seriously?
I don't take him seriously, but lies, u turn, propaganda, falsely accusing everyone who's not on your side is someone i'll also not take seriously.

A short trailer of NY Protest at UN Headquarters. Overseas Pakistanis have given their verdict against Nawaz Sharif. You will also find PMLN counter protest towards the end of this short clip, just don't blink your eyes.
there are quite a few millions of overseas Pakistanis.

Sure you can say "but they all can't come to NYC!!" Well then, don't use "overseas pakistanis," rather, NYC pakisanis
I don't take him seriously, but lies, u turn, propaganda, falsely accusing everyone who's not on your side is someone i'll also not take seriously.

sorry for taking you seriously. Adios !


اقوام ِ متحدہ کی عمارت ’گو نواز گو‘ کے نعروں سے گونج اٹھی

It seems like United Nations doesn't consider Nawaz Shareef democratic either!
you should see some other leaders speeches and see the attendance. Pakistan isn't important on the global scale anymore. It's only importance is that west hopes it doesn't fall to terrorists and they get their hands on nukes. Otherwise they'd left us like afghanistan. Which is why there won't be a heavy attendence. Not many countries want to invest in Pakistan

Bro again the question is who brought Pakistan to this level within 7 years, irony is that we don't have foreign policy and the funny part is that we don't have even foreign minister. we are losing our regional importance too, India is more active then ever before, Iran is playing his part in world politics and Pakistan is getting dormant day by day, the only issue is good leader ship who can take stance on world issues, but here in Pakistan our idiot PM is not even dared to face his own people so forget about foreign leaders and diplomats. unless we get rid of these corrupt and sold leaders we wont be able to resurface on the world political map. in more simple world our PM and government is prostitute of foreign pimps.
Actually fake picture?

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View attachment 90087

@Chak Bamu @Jungibaaz

@kobenhaven @syedali73 @janon @IceCold @omlete fry @Rashid Mahmood

Can't believe desperation of die hard imran khan fans. Now you may say "hey look, those people were sitting there all day, hearing one by one," but notice the guy in second row who is leaning over chair? exact same. lighting on nawaz coat is same too. Also his head is a bit blurry whereas picture is very clear.

Moral of story, don't go around spreading or believe in every picture you see.

Agree. Fake pic.
Is this fake also.......

Look at how these people are standing behind fences, obeying laws.

Here, they run over parliament fences, fight police, threaten them and whatnot.

Anyway, this protest is more of the strength of PTI in nyc than about gonawazgo. Look closely how many flags carry PTI sign. Let's be honest, not entire Pakistan wants to vote PTI no matter what.

So, it was more of a "PTI" thing than "gonawazgo."

bro in America they don't shell peaceful protest, they don't jail people for no reason, they don't torture people for nothing, they don't use police as their personal army, they don't shoot their own peoples with live bullets, they don't consider them Jahil and animals, they don't consider protesting people homeless and terrorists, they don't consider them anarchist. but on the other hand in Pakistan they do all the above with peaceful peoples and they use unnecessary power and force against them to suppress them.
Bro again the question is who brought Pakistan to this level within 7 years, irony is that we don't have foreign policy and the funny part is that we don't have even foreign minister. we are losing our regional importance too, India is more active then ever before, Iran is playing his part in world politics and Pakistan is getting dormant day by day, the only issue is good leader ship who can take stance on world issues, but here in Pakistan our idiot PM is not even dared to face his own people so forget about foreign leaders and diplomats. unless we get rid of these corrupt and sold leaders we wont be able to resurface on the world political map. in more simple world our PM and government is prostitute of foreign pimps.
True that, I don't disagree. But I don't understand why people think Imran can bring a change, when he is no better than Nawaz.

People have to wake up and stop believing that just because there's a new party, it doesn't mean it contains honesty. So many ex mush, ppp and pmln members are in PTI. They've steel mills, have bunch of land and so forth. What Pakistan needs is land reforms, which isn't going to happen till we stop electing guys with bunch of land.
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