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Over 300 RAW agents working against Pakistan and operates from P.Ms Sugar mills

I think someone misunderstood miserably. "over 300 raw ingredients from India are used in sugar mills" might be the correct caption.:D
I cry when I see the capability of people of my ex-country. these people have totally stopped using their brains and they baaaa baaaa whenever a herder commands them. I even feel insulted that I am posting on this thread.
I inform long ago that after Kafir Kafir game this Traitor Traitor game get worst as well, Sab ek dusre ko kafir kafir now ghaddar ghaddar.
Clear negation of the two-nation theory and if anyone else had ever said such thing, they would have labelled him a traitor in a split second. But for him laws are very different in Pakistan.
Because Jhangir Tareen belongs to PTI, so nothing wrong in that.
No there is absolutely wrong in it, its just that people like you dont want to see it for the sake of blaming others for the incompetence. So if Jhangir Tareen is harbouring Indian agents what is Nawaz government doing about it? The same question cannot be asked vice verse because its the government of Nawaz that has all the power and not Tareen.
Just the title of this thread is laughable. One can make the argument that there may be one or two such agents working there, but 300? If it turns out to be true, bravo to RAW for being to recruit and control 300 agents under the noses of ISI, who, according to some, is the best intelligence agency in the world.

When you know your PM is in bed with India and has the power to give indians work visas for a factory he owns, that number does not seem so far'fetched.
Mr. Haider i want to make correction here,you said CPEC news was broke by gen. Raheel plzzz my countryman i want to remind u that gen.Raheel came after the initiative of CPEC becoz talks and initial mutual understanding and criteria was confirm of the first tour of P.M Nawaz sharif when he visit the china after the outh on that time Gen.Kiyani was cheif so dont go every time for the credit to army.check out the news paper of april 1999 when gawadar port works started in nawaz sharif second era.on the same day makran coastal highway construction work started. I now u pties don't beleive but go to library and check the news papers plzzzz. Nawaz might be not so clever but he always has a vision and roadmap of progress for country he is not a traitor he done so many things for this country. If you need the works list i can send you.thank yo brother

It was actually musharaf who gave control of gawadar port to singapore port authority on american request...

Rahil shareef has very different mentality but musharaf behaved like american tattoo....

Nawaz sharif shud b creditted for initiation of cpec but army is now the guardian
RAW give machinery free of cost to NS, with condition can only be operated by them only
And everyone knows he is good businessman like politician:lol:
Hang them by their balls , kill them simply and then send them back home where they belong.
i know i know last time this happened when someone told on media that 2 RAW agents were arrested from Sugar Mill owned by Sharif Family... Qadri is wasting his time like always.... Even we are wasting our time

Jahangir Tareen brought Indian workers in his Mills it's a common Practice

“All of the workers were issued visas by Pakistani High Commission in New Delhi after due security checks from relevant agencies since they first started working in Pakistan,” the statement said.

Revealing more details of Indians working in Pakistan, it said that there are
4000+ Indians working in Pakistan in different industries and sectors.


you are bringing in a bunch of dark skinned Tamillians who do not know a word of Hindi to spy on Pakistan
that looks a cool spy plan to me
i know i know last time this happened when someone told on media that 2 RAW agents were arrested from Sugar Mill owned by Sharif Family... Qadri is wasting his time like always.... Even we are wasting our time

Jahangir Tareen brought Indian workers in his Mills it's a common Practice

“All of the workers were issued visas by Pakistani High Commission in New Delhi after due security checks from relevant agencies since they first started working in Pakistan,” the statement said.

Revealing more details of Indians working in Pakistan, it said that there are
4000+ Indians working in Pakistan in different industries and sectors.

When every other day it is our blood that is being spilled on our soil how can you leave any stone unturned? It is our right to know full details and as a PM of a democratic state - as said by the different agencies of the world Pakistani PM needs to be more transparent! He needs to wake up he isnt in a Sultanate!

And Pakistani people are dying for work can he not get them trained or does he like helping the neighbour without helping his own or is Pakistan not his own?

you are bringing in a bunch of dark skinned Tamillians who do not know a word of Hindi to spy on Pakistan
that looks a cool spy plan to me
You can tell their skin colour from their names?

What new level of BS is that?? :o:
Nawaz Sharif benazir and zardari miss used the power of PM chair for their own interest and good they dud nothing for nation

This shows your mentality is hidden in small box you can't see the after effects of small things into bigger benefits keep going

The works i have mention tell me 'is that all done by some one else ?don't compare P.M with zardari and benazir answer me who have done these works ...imran khan ? Jahangir tareen?or naeem ul haq?
When every other day it is our blood that is being spilled on our soil how can you leave any stone unturned? It is our right to know full details and as a PM of a democratic state - as said by the different agencies of the world Pakistani PM needs to be more transparent! He needs to wake up he isnt in a Sultanate!

And Pakistani people are dying for work can he not get them trained or does he like helping the neighbour without helping his own or is Pakistan not his own?

You can tell their skin colour from their names?

What new level of BS is that?? :o:

Tamilians are generally darker than North Indians. Not everyone. It is a large number.
A large number of them do not speak Hindi. Try to be a spy with no knowledge of Hindi/Urdu/Punjabi
If that's true then I want to point everyone's attentions to the fact that Nawaz sharif and Raheel Sharif are working hand in hand from last few years and they are almost on same page.
If we know this, then Raheel sharif knows it too. So we could have 2 conclusions:
- The news is fake
- Raheel Sharif is equally involved in this crime

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