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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

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  • Poll closed .

Not taking the side of the military here, but the biggest benefactors of a weakened Pakistan Army are Pakistan's external enemies, imho, which begs the question if there is an external hand in the current situation. Arab Spring comes to light in the current scenario which destabilized several countries in a single, short event and obliterated the social fabric of atleast a couple; it was literally a dream come true for CIA & Mossad.

It seems like Pakistan Army uses the above excuse to defend its kleptocratic practices, treading a fine line between national security responsibility and social uprising against itself, in order to maintain the status quo. Here, unfortunately, the Army seems to have lost the balance; turned the civilian population against itself, creating internal divisions which puts it in a serious risk of unable to defend against external threats.

Take for example the scenario that if the Army loses it's current control system right now and simultaneously India were to attack. PTI and its citizens aren't in the position nor responsible for defending the country physically, while the army has been weakened, divided, in a state of low morale, and facing internal resistance from civilians. And with news like these that armed civilians will attack military installations, pretty much benefits nobody more than the external enemy. Divide & conquer comes to mind again.

Interestingly, I think the Army may attempt to "manufacture" a foreign threat scenario in order to regain the confidence and support of citizens (which may turn out against PTI). But this just a wild estimate.

Hopefully, both PTI and Army are aware of these consequences and take them into serious consideration in whatever maneuvers they have planned to execute.
Paksitan is not kept Secured By Harami whiskey drinker and whore fuking Generals - please get this out of your head

Unloike Somaloa or Afgandusitan Pakistan has somewhat function insititutions as much as BA losers tried to destroy it - we will still fucntion alebit with limited functionality-
Secondly, It is by the grace of Allah that how much Napak Wardi walay did this to country, Atleast it is still functioning - you really ecpect these Pappajohns Haramkhore with drunkrurds will actually do something ? Read abt Yahha the whoroziers who was fuking Whores at the eve and during battles
Paksitan is not kept Secured By Harami whiskey drinker and whore fuking Generals - please get this out of your head
Then who is it secured by? Politicians? Who mans all the borders? Volunteers? Who fights in wars, skirmishes? Civil workers? All these generals started as simple soldiers, doing all of the above tasks. Some of them may have become corrupt and caused internal damage as they climbed the ladder, but it is still them, at the end of the day, who are in charge for handling external threats, not any civilian or politician which is the point you are missing.

اسامہ بن لادن کو جب ایبٹ آباد اکیڈمی کے ناک کے نیچے سے پکڑ پوری دنیا میں ذلت ہو رہی تھی آرمی چیف زرداری
سب کے منہ سے چوں نہیں نکل رہی تھی تب کون اپنی آرمی کے حق میں دنیا کے میڈیا کے سامنے بولا میں بولا پاکستان کے حق میں آرمی کے حق میں

“When the only tool you have is a hammer, you will treat all your problems as nails”
Not taking the side of the military here, but the biggest benefactors of a weakened Pakistan Army are Pakistan's external enemies, imho, which begs the question if there is an external hand in the current situation. Arab Spring comes to light in the current scenario which destabilized several countries in a single, short event and obliterated the social fabric of atleast a couple; it was literally a dream come true for CIA & Mossad.

It seems like Pakistan Army uses the above excuse to defend its kleptocratic practices, treading a fine line between national security responsibility and social uprising against itself, in order to maintain the status quo. Here, unfortunately, the Army seems to have lost the balance; turned the civilian population against itself, creating internal divisions which puts it in a serious risk of unable to defend against external threats.

Take for example the scenario that if the Army loses it's current control system right now and simultaneously India were to attack. PTI and its citizens aren't in the position nor responsible for defending the country physically, while the army has been weakened, divided, in a state of low morale, and facing internal resistance from civilians. And with news like these that armed civilians will attack military installations, pretty much benefits nobody more than the external enemy. Divide & conquer comes to mind again.

Interestingly, I think the Army may attempt to "manufacture" a foreign threat scenario in order to regain the confidence and support of citizens (which may turn out against PTI). But this just a wild estimate.

Hopefully, both PTI and Army are aware of these consequences and take them into serious consideration in whatever maneuvers they have planned to execute.

There is no external hand. None whatsoever. This is being orchestrated by the generals. Plain and simple. The generals have become addicted to power, status and wealth. Anyone who comes along and challanges their world will be tortured, brutalized and killed. It just happens to be that IK challenged these generals. The outcome will be the same if tomorrow someone else decided to do the same.

No doubt. External parties are set to benefit from this fall out. The blame lies squarely with the men in khaki. The generals understand how to deescalate. The key lies in their hands. Thus far the generals have displayed extreme stubbornnes.
Yes indeed, I strongly believe that this is the beginning of the end of the army's influence across the country's organizations. The way IK talked and the way he advised Police, Politicians, Reporters, and media housed to not accept illegal orders coming from unknown people, was really amazing. Poor ISPR thought that it will be easy to blame IK and he will not respond. Army should better realize now that the dynamics of politics is changed since now IK holds people power and no doubt currently he is the most powerful person in Pakistan.
they can never do politics, give speeches, etc.. in equal footing, army cannot beat politicians in politics. IK never played on army's turf, that is violence like MQM, TTP, or in some extent TLP..

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