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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You just don't sit & watch burning your own house while thinking that at-least you will get rid of rats. You will control the damage, solve the issue in a way that your house is safe as you still have to live inside. If it is me, I will save my institutes, State, country and people. I will come up with a strategy to get rid of crooked lot. I wouldn't just burn down everything. We all need to save our strength (institutes), our home (Pakistan) and get rid of corrupt lot particularly. Its up-to you whether you get the idea what I am saying.
I come from a family who has served Pakistan.

Grandfather world war 2 veteran then fought in Kashmir first war. After became police captain in Karachi

Great-great-father world war 2 veteran

Mothers 2 uncles served in the forces.

My grandmothers brother served in the forces

These men and others from their generations were the real patriots.

Enough is enough. 75 years is too long
It proves that you have no idea how it works.
First, at least both of you recognize there is a disease/infestation that needs to be eradicated to survive and prosper.

Where you disagree is on the HOW to eradicate the disease/infestation.

Personally, given the fascist actions of the Army+PDM Junta, I don’t see how else to fix the situation other than to burn the house down.

Even in the US, the police unions and their lobbyists and supporters are so strong that massive protests against police brutality and calls for reforms have not made any headway. The Pakistan Army+PDM Junta is not going to back off without experiencing pain and being forced to surrender to the constitution and will of the people.
Where did the diamond necklace go and how was the stay at Surrey mansion, plus where did she get the money to buy Hermes scarfs?
Do you know how much land Bhutto family had ? Just check how much land is under possession of Moula Bux Chandio ? Do you know how much income few acres of land can generate, let alone those thousands of them ? Bhutto family wasn't a chanda collector. Atleast reach to some of level of basic knowledge before you ask funny questions.
They will never understand.
They sucked on the golden spoons fed to them by the imperialist powers in the west and have the gals to pretend to be superior and call the shots in Pakistan.
They are just cucks, in reality they are inferior to us pakistani's, being living amoung BP's for quite some times, they literally make me puke, no knowledge of current affairs, abuse the country they live in, lazy as **** and then they see these village boys thats what they call us pakistani's, in better conditions than them and literally this lits their *** up with fire.
In 2021 we entered the Age of Aquarius, which is the age of accountability where old establishments fall. This is the beginning of the end of the old order. It would be better to go with the tide than fight it.

Army needs to make a decision to abandon their alliance with the Sharifs to save further alienation and humiliation. A lot of damage has already been done.
دو روز قبل ایک اہم میٹنگ ہوئی جس میں "تبدیل" ہونے والی شخصیت اور دیگر حکام موجود تھے۔تبدیل ہونے والی شخصیت نہ توڑ پھوڑ کرنے والوں کے خلاف سخت کاروائی پر صرف اتنا کہا تھا کہ "جو کچھ کرنا ہے پولیس خود کرے "ہم"پر مت ڈالیں

@RescueRanger is above news true about Corps Commander Lahore?
Punjab Police CTD is now doing cell site dumping of protest hotspots:


What is cell site dumping:

Please share with friends and family.

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  • Do you need to bring your phone? Consider leaving it at home, or turn it off or on airplane mode.
  • Disable wifi
  • Clear your phone’s saved wifi networks so that your phone doesn’t automatically try to join a commonly named network that may be a fake network set up by an attacker.
    Disable bluetooth
  • Disable location services

iPhone users -- clear your important location history

These tips can help ensure if your phone is lost or confiscated that its contents are not accessible:

  • Disable login with fingerprint or face ID
  • This prevents you from being forced to unlock your phone without your consent.
  • Download an encrypted messenger app: we recommend Signal, turn on disappearing messages
  • Encrypt your phone - iPhones are encrypted by default when you enable a passcode, on Androids and
  • others, check privacy settings
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