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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

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  • Poll closed .
There is a clear way forward.

The Army Chief is an organisational head not a head of a constitutional body.

Any organisational head can be removed by the SC for refusing to follow orders. Lets say for refusing to provide security to elections.

Things can be managed here within the realm of constitution and without breaking institutional discipline.
Happens, fake azzadi ki cost. someone has to pay. Innocent will pay with their blood while those at the top only want power
asking for fair election within the constitution is too much cost for patwaris who were ghulam from their birth to sharif family
Do you remember, recently an alleged PTI worker was provoking others to burn cars or property because police attacked him allegedly, on the day of IK attendance in ISB Court? People exposed him on camera and he ran away. Be vigilant.
We all know lumber 1 and PDM mafia injects terrorists that destroy property to discredit legitimate protests. Pretty sure it was army doing what it does best.
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Breaking: Islamabad High Court has declared the arrest legal

What did anyone expect in this? It was bound to happen since, they got the person from premises and Court was merely watching and still can't do. They just done & dusted the sanctity of the Court but, those rules are only for the beloved children or friends of their own. What an insult for both institutes in a single day.
Question is, will Pakistan become another Egypt or Turkey
Pakistan does not need to be anyone, its experiences in its history were at least as difficult as Turkiye, with the struggle against the focal points of tutelage and those who wanted to shackle to the people of Pakistan. With this historical consciousness, the Pakistani people now need to be themselves. They needs to break this vicious circle. There is only one power in the world that can do this, the person you see when you look in the mirror.
Doesn't make sense. Are the corp commanders fighting in Kashmir?
They’ve probably gone underground for their own safety.

IHC has legalized IK’s arrest. Surprised?

PTI really needs to announce a leader in the absence of IK. That way, the protests can be organized and not resort to violence.
No but gully butts have their chance now.... I wouldn't ignore the fact that even foreign agents are taking full advantage of situation. Protestors aside, there will be people waiting for this to happen. You cannot just legitimize all the ill because of protests. This is going to be labelled to PTI soon. You aren't looking at further results or what's coming next. I am still getting reports that most of people are unaware of violence by PTI. Do you remember, recently an alleged PTI worker was provoking others to burn cars or property because police attacked him allegedly, on the day of IK attendance in ISB Court? People exposed him on camera and he ran away. Be vigilant.
No amount of shenanigan will save PTI from the contempt of institutions for what they are doing. The entire corp commander house is burned down. They are attacking military mess, vandalized officers cars, burned down official vehicles and now resorting to more violence.

PTI leadership is hiding
The awaam is emotional and delusional. They are willing to burn the whole country down for a man who is not worth it. PTI is more anti state than all other factors combined. Once things pan out and the army is broken down who will they blame next?
Man stfu!!!

You think this frustration is because of person? It’s for the deeply corrupt system that you’ve been suck its balls on non stop. I hope they burn down GHQ and kill every one of the traitors and their supporters like you.
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