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our soldiers will open fire if PLA troops come to our positions at LAC : India Defence Minister

This man has no shame!!

It is his government announcing that the weaponized small drones have penetrated in to Indian air space, carried out the bombing and left without interception.

Now he thinks his soldiers can stop the infiltration!!

What an Idiot.
India only has enough ammunition to supply troops for ten days
68 per cent of the army’s equipment is so old, it is officially considered 'vintage'

Since you trust this website -
China is committing ‘slow genocide’ by stopping millions of Uighur births
The world witnessed in 2019, who underestimate whom and at the end who have lost 40 soldiers + 6 crew + 1 heli + POW + Fighter jets :lol: you guys are merely a puppet of the west and laughing stock for the world!
These are only your wishes because you can't handle the truth.
the dephence ministry misspoke...he meant his indian soldiers will openly fart if PLA troops come to their positions at lac! :enjoy:
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When the firing starts I want to see how 200,000 Indian soldiers be running like.

Objectively speaking, Indians have a tendency to hype the China-India border issue, but these actions are harmful mostly to India which is being used as weak bait by the west to goad China into a major conflict. The border situation was in a pretty controllable direction, before India started provocations in Ladakh, which is disputed territory with Pakistan as well. Despite the west and Zionists selling India billions in weaponry, the Indian military remains a cumbersome, ill trained and ill-motivated 20th century rabble with very poor leadership or strategic planning capability. India simply does not stand a chance against the modernized PLA and needs to tone down its big mouth rhetoric or the next belting would be far worse.
Need to reminisces when 98,867 Indian soldiers surrendered then and were  feed by the Chinese after the 1962 WAR shameful day for Indian army Sino  Indian war surrender of Indian army... Watch640 × 570
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