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Our Indian headache!

By the time these lines reach you, I am sure you would have read a host of pieces on the cruelty and barbarity of the Peshawar School massacre. Let me then express my heartfelt sorrow and move on to a byproduct of the sad episode. The tragedy occurred on December 16, the anniversary of the secession of East Pakistan in which India had contributed generously. It was natural that someone would mention India on one of our talk shows, even if in passing. Distraught Pakistanis have always heard rumours that India, through the Karzai government, might have befriended the TTP.

Then, out of the blue came Narendra Modi’s condemnation of the attacks and his decision toobserve a two-minute silence in the Indian parliament and in schools in solidarity with the victims. Even a hardened Modi-hater like me was moved. Yet if we were expecting to witness a change of heart in India, we were sadly mistaken. Within no time, Indian channels started interviewing Pakistani experts on telephone and every anchor would so callously trying to tell us that this is some sort of karma for harbouring the likes of Hafiz Saeed. One talk show was titled “Bad Taliban, Good Hafiz Saeed?” Pray, what was his connection with the Peshawar tragedy? Nothing. Just the old Indian attention-seeking tactic. It has to be the ultimate victim of terror. Secular India now regularly projects its Muslim population as a potential radical threat to grab international attention. Not that it is any of my business.

Subsequently, the appearance of Hafiz Saeed on national television, some rude comments about India and Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi’s release on bail, were to prove godsend for India’s Pakistan bashing industry. Now it was as if the innocent little angels were not butchered in Peshawar but in India. Since then, the Indian media is acting as if an attack on it is imminent. Sorry to disappoint the drama queens there, but nothing of the sort is to happen. Not that anyone cares what their rabid media thinks but because Islamabad had promised to some of its closest allies that it will not let anything of the sort happen in the aftermath of Mumbai and since then, has walked the talk.

Keen as India is to remind us that we have a Muslim terrorist problem, it has never tried to search its own soul. If Pakistan is a security state today, it is because since its very inception, India has exerted tremendous pressure on the nascent country through its soft power. Guess why was Gandhiji killed? Because he had protested against the Indian government’s decision to deprive the newborn country of its due cash balance. Indian rulers and important ministers continuously kept predicting our premature demise. Indian actors have accepted some of the worst roles in foreign films depicting Pakistanis. It is not about the four open wars that the two countries fought. It is about a single indivisible cold war that India has fought against my poor country and transformed us into the great regional tragedy.

Ever wonder why Pakistanis think India might have a hand in terrorism within Pakistan? It’s new national security adviser Ajit Doval’s video is online in which he confesses of spending seven years as undercover agent in Pakistan as a Muslim shrine devotee.. Who knows how many others are here doing what?

I don’t know what this inferiority-superiority complex thing is that India keeps channelling. Perhaps, suppressed hatred of centuries spent under Muslim rule. But it has made our lives hell. India says Pakistan has a Muslim terror problem. We sure do. Terrorists just killed 132 of our children. India says it has a Muslim terror problem of its own. What it doesn’t see is that its actual problem is the Hindu terror/extremist terror problem. Why do you think Pakistan parted its ways with India? Hindu-Muslim riots there have cost 10,000 lives since 1950. Pakistan’s fault? How do you think Modi rose to power? Until India doesn’t confront this menace, its secularism will remain a sham and it won’t be the hegemon it wants to be. It has subconsciously chosen to remain a petty country not a regional power. Otherwise sirs, stop worrying about us and move on.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 20th, 2014.

When will this non-sensical obsession with India end?
Unfortunately, it's an ideological divide between India and Pakistan that would be extremely hard to bridge. The twain shall probably never meet.

Secular India now regularly projects its Muslim population as a potential radical threat to grab international attention.
This is bs of the highest order spewed out by the author of the article in the OP. Indian Muslims are not a potential radical threat. This is a figment of the author's imagination. Sadly, there are a dime-a-dozen like him in Pakistan who think so.

And it's amusing that he bashes Modi for the Gujarat riots. Firstly, India's Supreme Court has absolved him of all charges. Secondly, why is the author getting all het up about INDIAN Muslims? Is he their protector/benefactor who has a contract to look after their welfare? He needs to mind his own business. It would be better if he does something about the Muslim sectarian strife within Pakistan itself instead of pointing fingers at India.
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Yes sir. I realize that.

Someone (not here) even told me to be careful of Pakistani girls (or those pretending to be girls). They become friendly off the forums on chats and soon trick you into divulging personal information, phone numbers, photos, details of your cities and parks and installations and shopping centers and such, etc. Could be completely harmless of course. But I know of some guys recently who were picked up by some official cell for questioning for doing exactly such. So while its nice to see our authorities are keeping tabs and on the ball, its also scary. Am sure not one of us, on either side, would consciously or unconsciously want to betray his country.

just make sure you get their phone number but don't disclose your real name and other personal info ;) there are also Pakistani, who are using Indian flags too.
Dude, that article is Anti-India and not Liberal at all. The comment about the obsession being nonsensical was added by the OP himself, not the author.

Liberal etc essentially means anti India straight. These are just polished words to fool common people.
Not really, Liberals in Pakistan are considered to be pro-India.
Liberals are unfortunately both pro-Pakistan and pro-India which goes against core ideology of Pakistan that is solely based on anti-Indianism!
Liberals are unfortunately both pro-Pakistan and pro-India which goes against core ideology of Pakistan that is solely based on anti-Indianism!
There's nothing wrong with politically opposing a nation-state as long as you don't become bigoted towards said state's people. Sadly, many Pakistanis disregard the latter part.
Liberals are unfortunately both pro-Pakistan and pro-India which goes against core ideology of Pakistan that is solely based on anti-Indianism!

Liberals can be Pro-Any means they can love almost any country
there are many in India [Liberals] who are quite Pro-Pakistan
who is migraine to entire world?

We CONDOM attack !!!!!??
There's nothing wrong with politically opposing a nation-state as long as you don't become bigoted towards said state's people. Sadly, many Pakistanis disregard the latter part.

Why would you politically oppose a nation-state's existence like India or Israel? Does it even make sense?
Yes sir. I realize that.

Someone (not here) even told me to be careful of Pakistani girls (or those pretending to be girls). They become friendly off the forums on chats and soon trick you into divulging personal information, phone numbers, photos, details of your cities and parks and installations and shopping centers and such, etc. Could be completely harmless of course. But I know of some guys recently who were picked up by some official cell for questioning for doing exactly such. So while its nice to see our authorities are keeping tabs and on the ball, its also scary. Am sure not one of us, on either side, would consciously or unconsciously want to betray his country.

Very frightening tale..... I was also warned of not divulging any personal details..... I will not appear very often as these days after march15 .... Naah Rahega baans naah Bajegi baansuri.....
By the time these lines reach you, I am sure you would have read a host of pieces on the cruelty and barbarity of the Peshawar School massacre. Let me then express my heartfelt sorrow and move on to a byproduct of the sad episode. The tragedy occurred on December 16, the anniversary of the secession of East Pakistan in which India had contributed generously. It was natural that someone would mention India on one of our talk shows, even if in passing. Distraught Pakistanis have always heard rumours that India, through the Karzai government, might have befriended the TTP.

As the author mentions the rumors of Indian involvement that the distraught Pakistanis have heard, it does raise a fundamental question, who raises these rumors. How many Indian terrorists are in TTP/LEJ/AQ/Hekmetyaar ranks? Every time there is a terror strike in India using Pakistani imported AKSU’s, with PoF grenades, PoF 7.62x39 cartridges, and Pakistani rations on the dead terrorists, the blame is purely on Non-State actors, but everytime there is a uzbek/pashtoon/tajik mujhhideen on a one way ticket to hell, rumor mill is rolling with RAW, Mi6, CIA and Mossad name. Have Pakistanis ever questioned why is it that Pakistan is not at any fault at any thing ever, before grabbing on to the implied rumour originating factory of ISPR, do remember that ISPR was the same organization claiming total victory in east Pakistan 12 hours before largest unilateral surrender since WWII.

Then, out of the blue came Narendra Modi’s condemnation of the attacks and his decision toobserve a two-minute silence in the Indian parliament and in schools in solidarity with the victims. Even a hardened Modi-hater like me was moved. Yet if we were expecting to witness a change of heart in India, we were sadly mistaken. Within no time, Indian channels started interviewing Pakistani experts on telephone and every anchor would so callously trying to tell us that this is some sort of karma for harbouring the likes of Hafiz Saeed. One talk show was titled “Bad Taliban, Good Hafiz Saeed?” Pray, what was his connection with the Peshawar tragedy? Nothing. Just the old Indian attention-seeking tactic. It has to be the ultimate victim of terror. Secular India now regularly projects its Muslim population as a potential radical threat to grab international attention. Not that it is any of my business.

What was his connection? His connection was none to the Peshawar attacks, but was to the Mumbai tragedy. The emotions that you are witnessing in Pakistan were the same we witnessed during the Mumbai attacks, and it pains us to see the perpetrator not just walking free but taunting the Indian establishment and wearing the massacre as a symbol of pride. It is the same exasperation we feel when we see the IC 817 hijacker roaming free in Pakistan. Our frustration to see terrorists and terror infrastructure sprawling in Pakistan is misinterpreted by the author as callousness is extremely unfortunate and resonates the attitude of Pakistani establishment towards India’s pleas to curb terror mechanism in Pakistan.

Subsequently, the appearance of Hafiz Saeed on national television, some rude comments about India and Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi’s release on bail, were to prove godsend for India’s Pakistan bashing industry. Now it was as if the innocent little angels were not butchered in Peshawar but in India. Since then, the Indian media is acting as if an attack on it is imminent. Sorry to disappoint the drama queens there, but nothing of the sort is to happen. Not that anyone cares what their rabid media thinks but because Islamabad had promised to some of its closest allies that it will not let anything of the sort happen in the aftermath of Mumbai and since then, has walked the talk.

“Islamabad had promised to some of its closest allies that it will not let anything of the sort happen in the aftermath of Mumbai” In other words, Islamabad did let Mumbai happen and has the ability to control Non-State actors. Isn’t that admission of guilt right there? Pakistan has long used assymentric warfare against India as an extension of it’s foreign relations, but it’s time to realize that playing mujhshideen is becoming a big business with all of the petrodollars coming in. If a band of LET members take up some contract work for LEJ, it’s fair game. And if there are hands to be hired in Pakistan, then who is culpable in fostering such environment? Is it India or is it your own administration.

Keen as India is to remind us th, at we have a Muslim terrorist problem, it has never tried to search its own soul. If Pakistan is a security state today, it is because since its very inception, India has exerted tremendous pressure on the nascent country through its soft power. Guess why was Gandhiji killed? Because he had protested against the Indian government’s decision to deprive the newborn country of its due cash balance. Indian rulers and important ministers continuously kept predicting our premature demise. Indian actors have accepted some of the worst roles in foreign films depicting Pakistanis. It is not about the four open wars that the two countries fought. It is about a single indivisible cold war that India has fought against my poor country and transformed us into the great regional tragedy.

Quite well put, but in retrospect might have left out quite substantial chunks of events such as Kashmir invasion, 65 war, 71 Genocide, Kargil war, and slew of terror acts in India that originated by Pakistani facilitators. As again, in almost every narrative that originates from Pakistan, there is never any introspection, it all has to be India’s fault. The reality remains that the great regional tragedy is due to not single election held in Pakistan until last couple of decades, the tragedy is that even the speech of your founder is no where to be seen as it has secular connotations, the tragedy is that the nation built of muslims has more muslims killing each other than the rest of the muslim world put together. If Pakistan cannot comprehend it’s own realities then comprehending Indian frustrations are a tall order to call out.

Ever wonder why Pakistanis think India might have a hand in terrorism within Pakistan? It’s new national security adviser Ajit Doval’s video is online in which he confesses of spending seven years as undercover agent in Pakistan as a Muslim shrine devotee.. Who knows how many others are here doing what?

So you are not sure? How many undercover agents did US and Russia have in each others respective nation and how many resulted into terror acts. If intelligence and Terror are same coins to you, then you do have a currency problem there.

I don’t know what this inferiority-superiority complex thing is that India keeps channelling. Perhaps, suppressed hatred of centuries spent under Muslim rule. But it has made our lives hell. India says Pakistan has a Muslim terror problem. We sure do. Terrorists just killed 132 of our children. India says it has a Muslim terror problem of its own. What it doesn’t see is that its actual problem is the Hindu terror/extremist terror problem. Why do you think Pakistan parted its ways with India? Hindu-Muslim riots there have cost 10,000 lives since 1950. Pakistan’s fault? How do you think Modi rose to power? Until India doesn’t confront this menace, its secularism will remain a sham and it won’t be the hegemon it wants to be. It has subconsciously chosen to remain a petty country not a regional power. Otherwise sirs, stop worrying about us and move on.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 20th, 2014.


When will this non-sensical obsession with India end?

@Pakistani shaheens @ChennaiDude @Akheilos @Hyperion @Soumitra @TimeTraveller @pursuit of happiness @TankMan @T-123456 @madooxno9 @scorpionx @Capt.Popeye @Tridibans @christian warrior @GR!FF!N @SpArK @utraash @Falcon29 @levina @Jf Thunder @Metanoia @halupridol @Krate M @dexter @jbgt90 @Pride @Star Wars @ROCKING @waleed3601 @ShowGun @danish_vij @manojb @Wolfhound @Koovie @KingMamba @venu309 @Pak_Sher @OrionHunter @Dr. NooB NinjA @UDAYCAMPU

@wolfschanzze @TheFlyingPretzel @DRAY @narcon @madooxno9 @danish_vij @FaujHistorian @1000 @FNFAL @gau8av @ROCKING @abhi21 @naveen mishra @Marxist @Kunwar Anurag Rathore @AgNoStiC MuSliM @Krate M @MastanKhan @Agent Smith @shuntmaster @dexter @Slav Defence @sur @XenoEnsi-14 @TankMan @DESERT FIGHTER @p100 @BDforever @hunter_hunted @Mav3rick @rockstar08 @asad71 @Major Sam @pursuit of happiness @Faizan Memon @Spy Master @ozzy22 @Manticore @war khan @ShowGun @Afridistan @Razia Sultana @madmusti @farhan_9909 @ghazaliy2k @Khalid Newazi

And this last paragraph defines the exact attitude of Pakistani interlocuters which ensures there can never be any meaningful dialogue with Pakistan.
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Pakistan has a terrorism problem.

Pakistan exports this terrorism problem to its neighbors.

These neighbors will stop worrying when Pakistan stops exporting terrorism to them.
Very frightening tale..... I was also warned of not divulging any personal details..... I will not appear very often as these days after march15 .... Naah Rahega baans naah Bajegi baansuri.....

I don't understand how members of Pakistan army are posting openly here. There are some from what I understand. I was told by someone in the army on our side that they are officially forbidden from posting anything on social media and are even not supposed to give our their personal email IDs to anyone. Do we have Indian Army guys (actively serving) who post on Indian defence forums like Bharat Rakshak etc.
The author seems to be a PDF member who is taking our frustration on his article. Lets get things straight:
1) Pakistan said 26/11 was done by non-state actors so it is Pakistan's responsibility to handle properly. If you are not doing it then straight away it is lack of will power or they are supported by Pakistan directly. Period!
2) We, Indians, cry and mourn with you being a human just like you when kids are killed. I am also sure, Most of you felt the same way when something like this happened in India. It is plain human nature just like hatred as well.
3) We don't listen or care our Indian media, specially TV anchors, They are their for an agenda and we dont care about them. They dont represent us.
4) Are you a kid who thinks RAW and ISI are agents to stay at home? They have their agenda to arrange covert operation which could be of any nature including information handling so if Ajit Doval says he was as an agent in Pakistan why are you fuming?
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