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Osmania University beef festival sparks violence

you are talking as if you do not have religious nut jobs in your country, there is a nother thread which is about a 80 year old murderred after aquital by police for blasphmy by a mullavi.
Now what MF chose for him self is his choice. It was his idea. We can not blame him neither can we morn his decession. So get a life and talk some thing relavent to the topic.

junk is junk, no credible talk but all nonsence.

so did salman rusdie & talisma nasreen, why would people wanna live in india a 3rd world when they have a chance to live in 1st world ?
so did salman rusdie & talisma nasreen, why would people wanna live in india a 3rd world when they have a chance to live in 1st world ?

Taslima nasreen is living in India by her own choice.
first the only reason i see here for banning beef is cuz muslims eat it,

with regards to pig - even pig is considered as a god in hinduism Varaha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
what is your point, you are repeating the same that i told, our religion propagates love for all living creatures and says be vegitarian, At same time does not say kill the person who eats non veg. This is the freedom that our religion offers and that is the reason there are a lot of HINDUS who eat all meat be it cow or pig (we non veg eating HINDUS do not discriminate against any animal wild or domestic when it comes to food)
Not just islam, Chirstianity/Judaism/Islam all these three religions consider pork to be unclean & unhealthy.
if it is so, I dont see Christians or Jews creating fuss as MUSLIMS do when it comes to pork.
Epic fail on your part. Next time chose your examples wisely
And you people give us and rest of the world lectures about human rights and freedom of expression and
religion.....Shame on u people:angry:
An example:
An Indian Hindu/Sikh drawing a scripture of "Allah" and mocking him...Will Pakistanis digest it??Well they didn't do it for the Danish Cartoonist...Liberty..wut?

Though i believe there should be a freedom to eat anything...and these stupid protests seem more to be political and radical than sensible..

I m a veggie though!
The diating habit of each individual is their choic but enforcing the same on religious grounds is the thing we are talking about. If you are veg good for you but taking extream words against NON VEGs can be avoided.

Of course I am no one to dictate anyone nor I have any such power to do so....
But again even there is no justification in eating nonveg other than the taste which is much less value arugument for killing something..... remember killing
so did salman rusdie & talisma nasreen, why would people wanna live in india a 3rd world when they have a chance to live in 1st world ?
yet what is your point mate, its their choice. There are over 1.2 billion others who live in INDIA and you are taking about a few who had a passion to go to other nations. Salman Rasid is not welcomed in INDIA because hindu leadership that represents 80% population(HINDus) It will offend the MUSLIMS in INDIA. on the other hand you and your kind will promote any thing and every thing against other religion to glorify your religion.
Not just islam, Chirstianity/Judaism/Islam all these three religions consider pork to be unclean & unhealthy.

Epic Fail..No Christian celebration is complete with out pork dishes especially in the Western World.
Of course I am no one to dictate anyone nor I have any such power to do so....
But again even there is no justification in eating nonveg other than the taste which is much less value arugument for killing something..... remember killing
The people who are eating or not killing there are shops which have people who kill.
I think you can have your eating habits to yourself or if you have the power buy the entier catle and poultary industry and let these animals free in the jungle.

Except a few casts like Bramins and Iyers and Iengars, every other caste and religion have their own ways of eating habits and interfering in such matters will invite dis harmoney in a country like INDIA which has the highest number of local languages, more sects of people based on cultural influence.
MF paintings are not banned. Anjem CHowdhury is not a Indian citizen, Salman is. Get the difference ?

oii look ur fellow is saying some thing here below

I think he became British Citizen much before he wrote the Satanic Verses. On the otherhand MF Hussian went on self exile after cases were filed against him in Indian Courts.

Hypocricy at its best, they want to ban anjem choudry & but want to invite salman rushdie lol

Its a govt run hostel.Have to do with what you got.

by your logic you agree ban of beef in half of indian states is wrong ?
Epic Fail..No Christian celebration is complete with out pork dishes especially in the Western World.

And the troll failed to realised that pig is considered as unclean even among hindus.The reason that pig is universally considered as unclean is because it eats sh1t,religious reasons became hanger on quite later.
The only thing that is different is that we love COW for providing us MILK, on the other hand you despise PIGS because some one who was part of history of Makha and Madina hated the taste of it or some other reason and told the rest of you folks not to eat it and you guys are following it till today and will do so until human kind is dead or PIG kind is dead.

I don't know why you guys have so much descrimination to this poor

Pork is no different than dog or any animal without cloved hoove.
Epic Fail..No Christian celebration is complete with out pork dishes especially in the Western World.

you are such a dot head -- pork is banned in chrisitanity

New International Version (©1984)
The pig is also unclean; although it has a split hoof, it does not chew the cud. You are not to eat their meat or touch their carcasses.

New Living Translation (©2007)
And you may not eat the pig. It has split hooves but does not chew the cud, so it is ceremonially unclean for you. You may not eat the meat of these animals or even touch their carcasses.

English Standard Version (©2001)
And the pig, because it parts the hoof but does not chew the cud, is unclean for you. Their flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall not touch.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
"The pig, because it divides the hoof but does not chew the cud, it is unclean for you. You shall not eat any of their flesh nor touch their carcasses.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcase.

GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)
Also, you may not eat pigs. (Although their hoofs are divided, they don't chew their cud.) Never eat their meat or touch their dead bodies.
On the contrary, the rural population in at least northern India, is predominantly vegetarian and the Rajputs too limit themselves to Chicken & Mutton. Olympic medal winners boxer Vijendra Singh or wrestler Sushil Kumar, both rural Jats,are strict vegetarians.I myself eat chicken & mutton but when i go to my ancestral village, people get shocked when told even this.
oii look ur fellow is saying some thing here below

Hypocricy at its best, they want to ban anjem choudry & but want to invite salman rushdie lol

by your logic you agree ban of beef in half of indian states is wrong ?

Mr troll,

Salman rushdie is not an Indian citizen but a person of Indian origin.He is also a PIO card holder which gives him right to visit India without a visa.Anjem does not have this right.

PIO Card Advantages, PIO Card Restrictions

Sometime this is confused with nationality by some countries.
And the troll failed to realised that pig is considered as unclean even among hindus.The reason that pig is universally considered as unclean is because it eats sh1t,religious reasons became hanger on quite later.
I don't think the WHITE PIGS are feed sh$t. They are feed potatos and are kept in good health for being sold as pork meat.
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