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Osmania University beef festival sparks violence

One can buy pork here in BD , its not banned. Its like ethnic food. There aren't many stores selling it, but it is available.

For Muslim folks pork is not what beef is to some Hindu folks.

One can also buy beef in India and I am sure there are more beef stalls in India than pork stalls in BD..but be discreet and respect the religious feelings of others..Thats all what we are asking for.
is that you saying or any of your religious scriptures do say that ? i have read other indians posting here that even in hindu religious scriptures beef was allowed to eat.

People's feelings tops any religious scripture..
Whats the problem with the same utensils, as both are meat. Pork is not banned bcs no one is asked for it.

There is a problem with same utensils, people have no problems others eating pork.

MF Hussian paintings are not banned.

they are
He went on a self exile as he was fearful of facing Indian courts and he died in Qatar after renouncing Indian Citizenship.

so is salman rusdie, he is on self exile cuz of threat from religous nut jobs.
is that you saying or any of your religious scriptures do say that ? i have read other indians posting here that even in hindu religious scriptures beef was allowed to eat.
Our religious scripture speeks of not harming any animal, nor Cow OR Pig is exclusively mentioned.
On the other hand PORK has the same composition more or less equilavent to BEEF, and why is that it is banned in ISLAM.
BTW some brief history on india's reputation on banning beef

Madhya Pradesh has, with the enactment of the Cow Slaughter Prohibition (Amendment) Act, 2010, joined states that have strong anti-cow slaughter laws and makes even carrying a small tin of luncheon beef or even serving veal an offence that could fetch a jail term. In places like J&K, such laws have historically been in force. Elsewhere, ruling parties - Congress, BJP and others - have either introduced legislation or tightened existing laws.

The recent MP enactment fixes a seven-year jail term for violators, imposes a minimum fine of Rs 5,000, lays the burden of proof on the accused and overrides the softer law of 2004 that stipulated a three-year jail term and a fine of Rs 5,000.

The new law gives a police officer not below the rank of head constable or an authorized person the power of entry, inspection, search and seizure. It outlaws transportation of cows outside the state.

Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Punjab have the toughest anti-cow slaughter laws. The existing Rajasthan law of 1995 was amended in 2004 and a 10-year jail term fixed. Illegal transporters can be put behind bars for five years. Those guilty of causing injury to a cow can be imprisoned for three years.

Likewise, a 1995 Punjab Act provides for a maximum 10-year jail term for cow slaughter or a fine of up to Rs 1,000 or both. The burden of proof, like in MP, is on the accused. In Uttarakhand too, a violator can be imprisoned up to 10 years and fined. It is a non-bailable offence. Illegal transporters can face three years' imprisonment. In Haryana, punishment for a similar crime is a maximum of five years in prison and a fine up to Rs 5,000.

In Himachal, the slaughter of cows and progeny is prohibited since 1979. The law was enacted by the then Janata Party government. Initially silent on transportation of cows for slaughter, the law was amended in 2010. Violators can be punished with up to five years in jail or fined up to Rs 51,000 or both.

Some states in the northeast and those like Kerala and West Bengal allow beef sale and slaughter.

The Dogra Maharajas of Kashmir banned cow slaughter in 1896, also disallowing transport and sale of beef. The rulers not only outlawed cow slaughter but also banned the killing of buffalos. The offence attracts a three-year jail term and a fine of Rs 5,000.

An anti-cow slaughter law has been in force in UP since 1955. Enacted by the Congress, the law initially allowed slaughter of old cattle. In 2002, the BJP government amended the Act and imposed a blanket ban. A violator faces a two-year prison term or Rs 1,000 fine or both. It is a cognizable, non-bailable offence. Cow slaughter was banned in Jharkhand in 2005. It attracts five years of rigorous imprisonment or Rs 5,000 fine or both.

The Gujarat assembly amended the Animal Preservation Act, 1954, on September 27 2010 and imposed a seven-year jail term for cow slaughter.

Cow slaughter is banned in the National Capital Territory under the Delhi Agriculture Cattle Prevention Act, 1994. Export, import and sale of beef are illegal. Transportation of cattle for slaughter is banned and those found in possession of beef are liable to be punished. Violators can be imprisoned up to five years and fined up to Rs 10,000.

A lot of thing you have stated here are outright false.While Madhya pradesh,Himachal,Uttranchal and Gujrat have anti beef laws,there is no ant beef law in UP or Delhi.Your data is based on propaganda sources.I do not have time to scrutinise law of each state and google is not too helpful in finding some obscure law of a state of India.some case studies may be helpful.

For UP

This news is from 6 april 2012.In this a muslim minister of UP government has issued a diktat that beef would not be sold in his constituency at a more than Rs 70/- per KG.

UP minister dictates beef rates in Amroha, shops shut down - Indian Express

This could only happen if Beef was being sold openly in UP, so your assertion about UP is false.

Regarding Delhi and J&K,you are clutching to straws for sake of your agenda.In J&K Beef was banned by Dogra rulers and it is not banned in J&K today.and it is not banned in Delhi as it is openly sold in Delhi and by openly i don't mean available on demand but cooked on roadside and advertised.It is called Bada here.

For rest i don't have much knowledge but their integrity is also in doubt.
People's feelings tops any religious scripture..

what feelings ? you had a dream or summit & next morning u went & killed everyone for eating beef ? i question what are those feelings linked too ? people may have strange feelings like one might have a feeling to stop certain castes from drinking well from the same water ? i see a same pattern here
so is salman rusdie, he is on self exile cuz of threat from religous nut jobs.
you are talking as if you do not have religious nut jobs in your country, there is a nother thread which is about a 80 year old murderred after aquital by police for blasphmy by a mullavi.
Now what MF chose for him self is his choice. It was his idea. We can not blame him neither can we morn his decession. So get a life and talk some thing relavent to the topic.

what feelings ? you had a dream or summit & next morning u went & killed everyone for eating beef ? i question what are those feelings linked too ? people may have strange feelings like one might have a feeling to stop certain castes from drinking well from the same water ? i see a same pattern here
junk is junk, no credible talk but all nonsence.
what feelings ? you had a dream or summit & next morning u went & killed everyone for eating beef ? i question what are those feelings linked too ? people may have strange feelings like one might have a feeling to stop certain castes from drinking well from the same water ? i see a same pattern here

Kindly provide some links regarding people getting killed for eating beef.
Educated people here are boasting about how great eating mercilessly murdered animal is.....
I am a staunch Veg supporter ..... why dont you(Indian and Pakistani and others) go and cutout your son's flesh and cook it..
May be it will taste something new... whats harm in trying it ..
Our religious scripture speeks of not harming any animal, nor Cow OR Pig is exclusively mentioned.
On the other hand PORK has the same composition more or less equilavent to BEEF, and why is that it is banned in ISLAM.

first the only reason i see here for banning beef is cuz muslims eat it,

with regards to pig - even pig is considered as a god in hinduism Varaha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Varaha Avatar (Sanskrit: वराह) is the third Avatar of the Hindu Godhead Vishnu, in the form of a Varaha (Boar). He appeared in order to defeat Hiranyaksha, a demon who had taken the Earth (Prithvi) and carried it to the bottom of what is described as the cosmic ocean in the story. The battle between Varaha and Hiranyaksha is believed to have lasted for a thousand years, which the former finally won. Varaha carried the Earth out of the ocean between his tusks and restored it to its place in the universe. Vishnu married Prithvi (Bhudevi) in this avatar.

Varaha is depicted in art as either purely animal or as being anthropomorphic, having a boar's head on a man's body. In the latter form he has four arms, two of which hold the wheel and conch-shell while the other two hold a mace, sword or lotus or make a gesture (or "mudra") of blessing. The Earth is held between the boar's tusks.

The avatar symbolizes the resurrection of the Earth from a pralaya (deluge) and the establishment of a new kalpa (cosmic cycle).

The Varaha Purana is a Purana in which the form of narration is a recitation by Varaha.

the only reason hindus want to ban beef is cuz they want to force their opinion/habits on people thts exactly what facists do.

BEEF, and why is that it is banned in ISLAM.

Not just islam, Chirstianity/Judaism/Islam all these three religions consider pork to be unclean & unhealthy.

Kindly provide some links regarding people getting killed for eating beef.

why dont u provide me some links that people are not killed for eating beef, stupid logic. in the topic it says one person killed for eating beef, how stupid this can get ?
There is a problem with same utensils, people have no problems others eating pork.

Its a govt run hostel.Have to do with what you got.

Source please

so is salman rusdie, he is on self exile cuz of threat from religous nut jobs.

I think he became British Citizen much before he wrote the Satanic Verses. On the otherhand MF Hussian went on self exile after cases were filed against him in Indian Courts.
Educated people here are boasting about how great eating mercilessly murdered animal is.....
I am a staunch Veg supporter ..... why dont you(Indian and Pakistani and others) go and cutout your son's flesh and cook it..
May be it will taste something new... whats harm in trying it ..
The diating habit of each individual is their choic but enforcing the same on religious grounds is the thing we are talking about. If you are veg good for you but taking extream words against NON VEGs can be avoided.
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