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OSINT. Indian Air force Base Bathinda.

I will bro. India has made its bases in public airports to save money. Okay super powers save money good but that mistake will give info. I have been on it for 8 months downloaded all videos 2 tb of data and I will make detailed post on each and every airbase IAF has. Lol. They are doomed.II have blue prints of their bases each and everyone of them.

If you have such important info about their bases then I believe that our agencies have even constriction Drawings
and other penetrator is not using the same tech, this is ridiculous logic you have
Do you think shrapnel destroys buildings?
Anything fired from above 30,000 feet at Mach 2-4 velocity can destroy anything coming in its way. Oops looks like I explained you how bombs/missiles work. :crazy:
If this is true then this is a serious threat... when some PDF members like @BHarwana can post such sensitive info, photos here then we are really doomed.... Hope our armed forces take necessary steps....
Anything fired from above 30,000 feet at Mach 2-4 velocity can destroy anything coming in its way. Oops looks like I explained you how bombs/missiles work. :crazy:

Not really.The bomb is designed to penetrate deep then a small explosion inside confined spaces to kill people with shrapnel and pressure wave.Hardly a building killer.Its very interesting the pakistan army's guided tour after 40 long days was confined strictly to the main madrasa which was not the target.They didn't extend it to the hostel.Also funny why they had to wait for 40 days for the tour and why if nothing happened they cordoned off the area immediately by military and kept it that way.
Not really.The bomb is designed to penetrate deep then a small explosion inside confined spaces to kill people with shrapnel and pressure wave.Hardly a building killer.Its very interesting the pakistan army's guided tour after 40 long days was confined strictly to the main madrasa which was not the target.They didn't extend it to the hostel.Also funny why they had to wait for 40 days for the tour and why if nothing happened they cordoned off the area immediately by military and kept it that way.
40 days? B¡tch what.. :lol::lol::lol:

BBC News

Balakot air strike: Pakistan shows off disputed site on eve of India election

Image captionMedia and journalists were taken to locations in Balakot
The authorities in Pakistan have allowed foreign media and defence attachés to visit the site of a disputed Indian air strike in February.

They were given access to an Islamic school in Balakot, where Indian media say militants were killed in retaliation for an attack in Kashmir.

The large building appeared to be fully intact and the Pakistani army denied it had been used as a terror camp.

The visit to the school was held on the eve of a general election in India.

Pakistan and India have been engaged in an information war over the Balakot site, where Pakistan says the bombs on 26 February landed in an empty area and hurt no-one.

India insists it killed a large number of Jaish-e-Mohamed group militants and destroyed their camp in retaliation for a suicide attack two weeks earlier in Indian-administered Kashmir, which killed 40 paramilitary police troopers.

That attack was the deadliest against Indian forces in Kashmir in decades and raised fears of a new war between India and Pakistan, which are both nuclear powers.

What were the media shown on Wednesday?
Foreign journalists and diplomats were taken by the Pakistani army on the visit to Balakot in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa state.

They were shown a medium-sized crater which the army said had been made by an Indian air force bomb.


Image captionSome 200 students could be seen at the madrassa
A single house had been slightly damaged by the blast and a man had been injured, the BBC's Usman Zahid reports.

The visitors also saw some fallen trees.

They were then taken to the Taleem ul Quran madrassa, the first such visit by foreign media.



The large hilltop building is said to have capacity for 2,500 children.

Pakistani army spokesman Maj-Gen Asif Ghafoor insisted the madrassa did "no harm" and that Indian allegations that it was a terror training camp had "no truth".

Some 150-200 children could be seen reciting the Koran in a mosque at the school.

However, a teacher and a student interviewed by the BBC said they were all local people and that the madrassa had been shut since the Indian attack.

While the media were allowed to take interviews they were told to keep them short and it was clear that the tour was being restricted.

What does India say?
Contacted by the BBC, India's external affairs ministry said it stood by its statement last month that the "counter-terrorism strike of 26 February" had "achieved the intended objective".


"The fact that media was taken on a conducted tour to the site only after a month and a half after the incident speaks for itself," a ministry official added on Wednesday.


Video captionBalakot: India launches air strike in Pakistan

When journalists from Al Jazeera visited the area - but not the madrassa - in February, they saw a sign for the school which listed Jaish-e-Mohamed founder Masood Azhar as its "leader".

The Balakot air strike has played a major role in the election campaign of Indian Prime Minster Narendra Modi who has called on first-time voters to dedicate their ballots to the pilots involved , India Today reports.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan told the BBC this week that peace with India over Kashmir would be "tremendous" for the wider region.


40 days? B¡tch what.. :lol::lol::lol:
View attachment 626417

BBC News

Balakot air strike: Pakistan shows off disputed site on eve of India election

Image captionMedia and journalists were taken to locations in Balakot
The authorities in Pakistan have allowed foreign media and defence attachés to visit the site of a disputed Indian air strike in February.

They were given access to an Islamic school in Balakot, where Indian media say militants were killed in retaliation for an attack in Kashmir.

The large building appeared to be fully intact and the Pakistani army denied it had been used as a terror camp.

The visit to the school was held on the eve of a general election in India.

Pakistan and India have been engaged in an information war over the Balakot site, where Pakistan says the bombs on 26 February landed in an empty area and hurt no-one.

India insists it killed a large number of Jaish-e-Mohamed group militants and destroyed their camp in retaliation for a suicide attack two weeks earlier in Indian-administered Kashmir, which killed 40 paramilitary police troopers.

That attack was the deadliest against Indian forces in Kashmir in decades and raised fears of a new war between India and Pakistan, which are both nuclear powers.

What were the media shown on Wednesday?
Foreign journalists and diplomats were taken by the Pakistani army on the visit to Balakot in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa state.

They were shown a medium-sized crater which the army said had been made by an Indian air force bomb.


Image captionSome 200 students could be seen at the madrassa
A single house had been slightly damaged by the blast and a man had been injured, the BBC's Usman Zahid reports.

The visitors also saw some fallen trees.

They were then taken to the Taleem ul Quran madrassa, the first such visit by foreign media.



The large hilltop building is said to have capacity for 2,500 children.

Pakistani army spokesman Maj-Gen Asif Ghafoor insisted the madrassa did "no harm" and that Indian allegations that it was a terror training camp had "no truth".

Some 150-200 children could be seen reciting the Koran in a mosque at the school.

However, a teacher and a student interviewed by the BBC said they were all local people and that the madrassa had been shut since the Indian attack.

While the media were allowed to take interviews they were told to keep them short and it was clear that the tour was being restricted.

What does India say?
Contacted by the BBC, India's external affairs ministry said it stood by its statement last month that the "counter-terrorism strike of 26 February" had "achieved the intended objective".


"The fact that media was taken on a conducted tour to the site only after a month and a half after the incident speaks for itself," a ministry official added on Wednesday.


Video captionBalakot: India launches air strike in Pakistan

When journalists from Al Jazeera visited the area - but not the madrassa - in February, they saw a sign for the school which listed Jaish-e-Mohamed founder Masood Azhar as its "leader".

The Balakot air strike has played a major role in the election campaign of Indian Prime Minster Narendra Modi who has called on first-time voters to dedicate their ballots to the pilots involved , India Today reports.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan told the BBC this week that peace with India over Kashmir would be "tremendous" for the wider region.


Madrasa was not even target.Well monitored visit after 40 days to false area.And no penetrator bombs do not make blast craters.

I think there should be no doubt about the failure on part of IAF in its conduct of its Balakot Strike. This has been discussed to death on this forum in its relevant thread and there are a number of third party news articles on it that one can sniff out the truth. Here's a report on this issue by Reuters.

You believe what you believe,thats information warfare.What is more important is whether pak security apparatus got the message or not.
You believe what you believe,thats information warfare.What is more important is whether pak security apparatus got the message or not.

You are forgetting the message that was conveyed quite swiftly to the Indian government. And believe me, had the bombs actually killed some one, you would be calling 27th Feb a day or mourning.
Madrasa was not even target.Well monitored visit after 40 days to false area.And no penetrator bombs do not make blast craters.
Ok pajeet I can understand your pain. 'Terrorists' died = 0
A mujahid crow embraced martyrdom & multiple poor tries destroyed. That's your accomplishment.

While on the other hand.
Mig21, su35 & Mi17 heli shot down with multiple dead soldiers of yours. That's our accomplishment. The funny thing is, we didn't even shoot your chopper down. Your military were so panicked that they burned asses of their own peti brothers. Doobara aana :rofl:

Edit: lmao forgot the jewel in the crown. Abhi-none-done taken as a POW while being given a red nose from patriotic Kashmiri. :lol::pakistan:
You are forgetting the message that was conveyed quite swiftly to the Indian government. And believe me, had the bombs actually killed some one, you would be calling 27th Feb a day or mourning.

If you were actually as fearless and strong as you portray you wouldnt hand over abhinandan next day without anything in return.Nor would indian drones be currently flying freely over Azad Kashmir providing targeting information to artillery units without the PAF daring to come anywhere near LOC because it knows IAF ROE has changed.
The message that was sent was that suicide bombing and use of high explosive in insurgency in kashmir was off limits,and ISI got the message all clear.There have been no fidayeen attempts or large explosive transfers since then.

Ok pajeet I can understand your pain. 'Terrorists' died = 0
A mujahid crow embraced martyrdom & multiple poor tries destroyed. That's your accomplishment.

While on the other hand.
Mig21, su35 & Mi17 heli shot down with multiple dead soldiers of yours. That's our accomplishment. The funny thing is, we didn't even shoot your chopper down. Your military were so panicked that they burned asses of their own peti brothers. Doobara aana :rofl:

Incomprehensible post..
If you were actually as fearless and strong as you portray you wouldnt hand over abhinandan next day without anything in return.Nor would indian drones be currently flying freely over Azad Kashmir providing targeting information to artillery units without the PAF daring to come anywhere near LOC because it knows IAF ROE has changed.
The message that was sent was that suicide bombing and use of high explosive in insurgency in kashmir was off limits,and ISI got the message all clear.There have been no fidayeen attempts or large explosive transfers since then.

And yet your Airforce did not escalate after being bombed at military installations. Your airforce chose not to respond as it was outgunned. Simple as that. And Abhinandan was returned as an act of goodwill. I have seen the quality of the Indian drones flying in Azad Kashmir as our army keeps shooting them down. No need for PAF to come. Further, Indian Airforce is still outgunned by PAF and the IAF's higher ups know this.
And yet your Airforce did not escalate after being bombed at military installations. Your airforce chose not to respond as it was outgunned. Simple as that. And Abhinandan was returned as an act of goodwill. I have seen the quality of the Indian drones flying in Azad Kashmir as our army keeps shooting them down. No need for PAF to come. Further, Indian Airforce is still outgunned by PAF and the IAF's higher ups know this.

Goodwill?Pakistani goodwill towards that which it hates above all?
Outranged,not outgunned.PAF needed its cream 1/4rth of its whole f-16 fleet just to hold a couple of sukhois a couple of mirages and a couple of mig-21s in check.It knows very well what would happen when the entire weight of IAF would be released upon it.250 sukhois,50 mirages,65 mig-29s and others is too much.
As for drones,well you are not shooting down enough of the good stuff.If you think shooting down puny quadcopters is an achievement good for you.Meanwhile our recon UAVs are passing direct targeting information from right on top of your ammo depots and videos are also being published.I guess IA finally learned some information warfare.
We did not escalate for 3 reasons.We achieved our original objective of changing the established strategic norm with balakot.We needed abhinandan back.We had no casualities from PAF attack.
Not at all.We have new encrypted radios and R-27 active variant missiles as well as astra for BVR,with meteor and derby-ER coming.We also have new rules of engagement on the LOC allowing us the fire from our side even if enemy aircraft doesnt cross LOC like PAF pulled in 27th.The bigger question is does PAF know how to handle the rafale with spectra,or the S-400 and MRSAM deployments coming shortly?
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Do you think shrapnel destroys buildings?

I didn't said that nor expected, do you know how a bomb/shell detonated and converted to fragments/shrapnel?
They converted by a force of explosion. Could you imagine how brutal that force is?
Son get some knowledge on the subject.


north side of runway near the north western entry point is Jamming communication & land based EW equipment is located.

Satellite image.

View attachment 626386

Actual Image.

View attachment 626387

resource Image & description of equipment

View attachment 626389

Sir G, you are marvellous, you should be in some Intel gathering agency. The approach you adopted is very unique and brilliant. You extracted Intel from the material to which generally people think as hobby and not harmful.
Besides that you are ruthlessly taking on enemy, keep it up.
Goodwill?Pakistani goodwill towards that which it hates above all?
Pakistan has always released IAF's pilots. Even during the Kargil war Pak released Indian pilots. Its you lot you have always returned our pilots dead.

Outranged,not outgunned.PAF needed its cream 1/4rth of its whole f-16 fleet just to hold a couple of sukhois a couple of mirages and a couple of mig-21s in check.It knows very well what would happen when the entire weight of IAF would be released upon it.250 sukhois,50 mirages,65 mig-29s and others is too much.
Philip sent a message to the Spartans saying “If I invade Lakonia you will be destroyed, never to rise again.” The Spartans replied with one word, “If.”

As for drones,well you are not shooting down enough of the good stuff.If you think shooting down puny quadcopters is an achievement good for you.Meanwhile our recon UAVs are passing direct targeting information from right on top of your ammo depots and videos are also being published.I guess IA finally learned some information warfare.
You are more than welcome to believe that. Not the first time you have under estimated us and paid the price.

We did not escalate for 3 reasons.We achieved our original objective of changing the established strategic norm with balakot.We needed abhinandan back.We had no casualities from PAF attack.
Not at all.We have new encrypted radios and R-27 active variant missiles as well as astra for BVR,with meteor and derby-ER coming.We also have new rules of engagement on the LOC.The bigger question is does PAF know how to handle the rafale with spectra,or the S-400 and MRSAM deployments coming shortly?
Firstly, you failed to achieve your any thing substantial as IAF did not achieve its objective on 26th and 27th Feb 2019. Your new rules of engagement are looking pretty much like the old ones. Finally, when the comes for dealing with other recent and future acquisitions of IAF you will be surprised again.

Now let's not derail this thread. There exists a sperate thread for the events of 26th and 27th Feb 2019. If you wish to discuss them further, post there and not here.

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