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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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Without Pakistan, America was not to achieve this. Similarily, Pakistan has key for all this region.

---------- Post added at 01:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:44 PM ----------

Without Pakistan, America was not able to achieve this.
Similarily, Pakistan has key for all this region.
EX CIA director on BBC "ISI provided the intelligence to US about the whereabouts of Bin Laden, It was a political decision by Pakistan to allow US special forces to carry out the operation, Pakistan wanted to stay in the background to avoid AQ retaliations".
Its a widely known fact that nothing significant can happen in Pakistan without the help of our Intel cloud the ISI. Why do you think we would ever allow US seals on our soil and let them do an operation if we didn't know what it was?

It is applicable for OBL's hiding in Pakistan too, isn't it?
US must make preparations to gradually exit out of the region on this high.
Al Jazeera is showing an obituary for OBL.
They have benefitted the most from OBL tapes. Best time to sell them on ebay. :)
He has talked to Islamabad before that interview , our stand point is - if we disclose our role in this it could lead to hundreds even thousands of Pakistanis getting killed by Al-Qaeda affiliates in the area.

Pakistan foreign office is about to make a statement on the issue and it would be "measured" and "pre determined" to make sure that we don't get the credit for it.

Its a widely known fact that nothing significant can happen in Pakistan without the help of our Intel cloud the ISI. Why do you think we would ever allow US seals on our soil and let them do an operation if we didn't know what it was?

Well you do have a valid point about the silence on pakistan's role.
As for your second part about allowing the US special force in pakistan, you should also remember the pledge by the US that OSAMA will be killed in the hands of US forces irrespective of his location and access provided by the host govt. even if you'd denied the op would still be carried out and if such a scenario arises where US SEALS and Your forces standoff then i'm pretty sure the ramifications from the US side would be very dangerous and harming pakistan!!
American Terror Inside Pakistan. Terrorist trained by Rouge State United States Of America is being Killed by Americans In Pakistan. Pakistanis Condemn both the Terrorists Obama (& Co) and Osama.
My point, nobody knew anything.

Not possible. Somebody knew. Whether those in the know included Pakistani agencies is a matter of opinion. I wonder whether many Pakistanis who argue that there is no way that the Americans could have conducted the operation without the knowledge of the Pakistani Agencies/Army realise the dichotomy inherent in that argument when the same also argue that they (Pakistani agencies) knew nothing about Osama Bin Laden living in a comfortable house in a city close to the capital. This was a city, not some tribal badlands. If Pakistan suspected & wanted to do something with it (I have also pointed that the same would apply if the Americans trusted Pakistani agencies), all they had to do was turn up at the door in force. Could have identified who was there easily in a matter of hours, not taking as long as the Americans did because they did not trust that information with Pakistani agencies.

Unfortunately, most here are choosing to blind themselves to the facts (as presently known) and choosing to take refuge in imaginary concoctions of some pretty desperate minds.
Man the picture which is shown is not even his! bull crap, I'm happy that USA made it official that he is dead, but the pictures which are released are just fake. this is the same guy who was shown in a fake video of OBL back in years, i mean the last video of BOL. now look at the link which i'm posting and look at the picture 1 and picture 2. In pictures you will see that before 2001 his sides of the beard was white and in the picture which is supposed to be yesterday picture. His beard is black from the sides. Now every muslim know that you don't color your beard. hahaha i'm waiting for open investigation stories in months to come.
gulfnews : Osama Bin Laden killed in CIA raid in Pakistan
The multi-million dollar mansion that Osama bin Laden was living in at Abbotabad was "roughly eight times larger than the other homes in the area. It was built in 2005 on the outskirts of town," says MSNBC, quoting US intelligence sources.

The story, by MSNBC's Bill Dedman, says the compound had "12 to 16 foot walls, walled areas, restricted access by two security gates. The residents burn their trash, unlike their neighbors...and unusual for a multi-million-dollar home: It has no telephone or Internet service.

This home, U.S. intelligence analysts concluded, was "custom built to hide someone of significance."

MSNBC says intelligence sources say Osama himself participated in the gunfight with US security forces.

hmm any link for this???
Could you comment on your view of what you think has happened with respect to my post? Scenario 1: Do you think the Pakistani Army/Intelligence thought of Osama bin Laden as an asset, like Haqqani, Mullah Omar; & deliberately gave him refuge there? Scenario 2: Do you think the Pakistani Army/Intelligence thought of him as an enemy, but have been infiltrated by anti-state elements sympathetic to people like Osama bin Laden, working against the interests of the Army/Intelligence, & the top leadership doesn't know about them? Scenario 3: Do you think the Pakistani Army/Intelligence didn't know about the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden at all, & had not been compromised; but was given refuge by someone else, maybe a civilian sympathetic to Osama bin Laden?

We keep hearing that the Pakistani intelligence/Army is extremely professional, & there is little if not negligible chances of it being infiltrated by elements that are working against the agencies' (Army/Intelligence) interests. But why would the Pakistan Army give refuge to a man that is a threat to the Pakistani establishment (Army/Intelligence) itself without getting infiltrated?

I don't know about Osama being a asset and I don't know about Osama being an "enemy"

I do know that if Pakistani authorities do not come clean then they cannot complain when others put forward questions and concerns and when others paint pictures based on information available to them.

My larger concern is what else this Fauj and her agencies are involved in that will be a bigger shock --- see, this just must change --if the Fauj has any hope of recovering it's reputation it must kill it's creature and it must be restricted to the barracks under civilians control - even yesterday, gen Kiyani met with the Pounjab minister Sharif, what's the army chief doing playing politics??? What will it take for this idiot to learn that's not what we want
OK -- can we now get some idea of reaction in Pakistan, in Arabia and UAE and such ?? If someone is living in these countries, can you please give us some idea of reaction

An official in the president's office of Yemen - Osama Bin Laden's ancestral homeland - welcomed his death, hailing it as "the beginning of the end of terror", reports AFP.

The BBC's James Copnall in Sudan's capital Khartoum says a foreign ministry spokesman refused to comment on how the Sudanese government viewed Bin Laden. They're in quite a difficult situation, he says, because they're desperate to get off the US list of countries it accuses of supporting terrorism but they also have a domestic constituency which has some support for Bin Laden. There are some people here who remember him fondly from when he used to live in Khartoum in the 1990s.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has called on the Taliban to end its violence after the killing of the al-Qaeda leader: "The Taliban must learn a lesson from this. The Taliban should refrain from fighting," he said in a televised news conference.
The BBC's Jill McGivering examines the questions arising from the discovery of Bin Laden in Abbottabad - "an affluent Pakistani town, near the capital Islamabad, a place closely associated with the military". "Could Pakistan's military and intelligence services really not have known he was there? Or is this evidence that the Pakistani establishment, or parts of it, are still supporting Islamic extremists, as its critics have always claimed?"

BBC News - Osama Bin Laden dead
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