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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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Obviously - for God's sake he was living in freaking luxury in a huge compound with 3 wives and family and no one knew?? Who in their right mind will believe such rubbish that they didi not know -- see there have to be all sorts of people around to support Bin laden there and all that the all seeing ISI did not notice?
In the other post you were saying army/isi couldn't have known the operation in that area was for obl. Here you're saying obl couldn't be there without army/isi knowledge. So either thy knew he was living there if they didint, which one is it? Make up your mind.
hmmm i feel raymond was spying on this mansion,and isi guys wanted to capture him,so raymond killed them
now the picture is getting clear
lets wait for more news

:angel: yeh Abbottabad is in Lahore .

you Indians need some lessons in geography before you rant
hmmm i feel raymond was spying on this mansion,and isi guys wanted to capture him,so raymond killed them
now the picture is getting clear
lets wait for more news

Height Of Stupidity, Raymond was in Lahore, And this Abbotabad we are talking about, both cities are 400Km apart
Not a mansion yar. it was at outskirts of the city not in main city.

these idiots even dont know which road is leading to PMA.

If he was killed in FATA.. i would still not be shocked..
I made a trip to abbotabad two months ago.. went through that area.. bought gloves there from a vendor..
heck for all I know now.. Mullah Omar could be living in bahria town in Rawalpindi.

And nobody would even know about it.

And ill blame the police for this..
they'll stop a guy and a girl at a check post.. and ask for a "nikahnama"
but the bearded guys with shawls will walk right past em.
Heck Ive had to spend 15 minutes at the gate of 10 core who the ladies in my car were..
while guys with gunny sacks on bicycle's rode in like it was their daddy's place.
Well, as an Indian I am happy this guy is dead. I missed the attack on the WTC by a whisker - I knew friends who were in WTC during the attack. I wish the same fate befalls Masood Azhar one day. Pakistan must have assisted in taking out Laden - inadvertently perhaps. I mean the Americans would have to inform Pak Air Force about their aircraft entering and conducting operation in an urban area, right?
What if those "retired army officers" have tipped the ISI off about the suspicious activities of OBL in that area?

Why do americans always look for half glass empty ?

Had that been the case, Obama would've mentioned pakistan more rather than just a passing comment about pakistan's cooperation
What if those "retired army officers" would have tipped the ISI off abouts the suspicious activities of OBL ?

Why do americans always look for half glass empty ?

So the intelligence knew it.

And Pakistan just invited Americans and told them "there he is" .. go for him, tiger.

Was this the only thing which can be done against the most dreaded terrorist in the world who is living in own soil??
The whole thing has so many loop holes that it can only be sold as 'swiss cheese'. And the Pakistani nation is not really a cheese eating nation.

What a hog wash to corner Pakistan for the end game,

1. Barabery and that other Alqeda topman being killed in Quetta and Karachi and then this.
2. The back lash sweetly justifies a new and stronger wave of terror, (to be orchestrated by CIA/RAW).
3. Pakistan certified as a safe haven for terrorists.
4. the US/Pak so-called joint operation creating a jaw breaker shcism between Pakistani citizens and Armed forces.
5. stronger justification for the Un to allow boots on ground to US/NATO to secure nukes in terror infested Pakistan. (india joining band wagon)

just my two cents...

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan said Monday that the killing of Osama bin Laden in a US operation was a "major setback" to terrorist organisations around the world.

"Osama bin Laden's death illustrates the resolve of the international community, including Pakistan, to fight and eliminate terrorism," the foreign ministry said.

"It constitutes a major setback to terrorist organisations around the world," it added in a statement, saying that US forces had conducted the operation around northwestern town of Abbottabad early Monday.
The presence of sympathizers in the area is pretty much accepted.
Now who these people were.. needs to be tracked down.. the local MPA.. police chief.. etc.
perhaps the ISI too needs to look into its house..

NO santro. Hazara is a very moderate area and people there are no sympathisers. you can see massive numbers of Afghan refugees spread through out hazara. buying land or house on rent is not difficult there
to the contrary seeing his dead body would have been a psychological warfare to the terrorists. . .

Terrorists are brainwashed chaps. They are not afraid to die.

Such ppl can be easily inflamed by showing them as to what the US did with their leader Osama.
Thank you for thinking and thank you for realizing who is responsible for this - no it's not Indians, this criminal was close to PMA, 2nd Div. of Pak Fauj - but no one knew nothing , saw nothing, did nothing

Disturbing questions ? -- yes, sir, firm up for more - I would be very surprised if the Fauj and ISI will come out of this "unaltered" - actually I can see Pakistan itself transformed -- This just cannot go on any longer, the Fauj leads Pakistan from one catastrophe to another and so beaten up are pakistanis they actually want ot support those who have injured them so grievously.

Could you comment on your view of what you think has happened with respect to my post? Scenario 1: Do you think the Pakistani Army/Intelligence thought of Osama bin Laden as an asset, like Haqqani, Mullah Omar; & deliberately gave him refuge there? Scenario 2: Do you think the Pakistani Army/Intelligence thought of him as an enemy, but have been infiltrated by anti-state elements sympathetic to people like Osama bin Laden, working against the interests of the Army/Intelligence, & the top leadership doesn't know about them? Scenario 3: Do you think the Pakistani Army/Intelligence didn't know about the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden at all, & had not been compromised; but was given refuge by someone else, maybe a civilian sympathetic to Osama bin Laden?

We keep hearing that the Pakistani intelligence/Army is extremely professional, & there is little if not negligible chances of it being infiltrated by elements that are working against the agencies' (Army/Intelligence) interests. But why would the Pakistan Army give refuge to a man that is a threat to the Pakistani establishment (Army/Intelligence) itself without getting infiltrated?
No one is questioning that Pakistan helped US in eliminating OBL.There's no doubt about that.But it is definitely true that SEALS shot OBL,not SSG.

As per current statements, it seems to be the case.
No substantial evidence to reject this so far.
The shame is not about killing the most wanted man. The shame is about killing the most wanted man within 100 kms of the Pakistani capital in an urban location in an area where retired pakistani army officers live.

Its completely possible, you're talking as if Abottabad was a New York City style urban area. He was hiding where no one was looking, but was caught when someone did. Pakistan army has bigger shows of incompetence than this one like not protecting us from regular aerial bombardment.
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