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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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Wow 230 users browsing this thread!!! ... record of sorts. People are honking their horns in the street where I live.

possibly the story of the YEAR.....

dont expect to be hearing about Yemen or Libya or any of that protests stuff for next few days at least!
Obama's address to nation should be available online for streaming

i think he gave a very good speech; and I appreciate that he acknowledged that the actions of terrorists have killed many Muslims too --whether in New York/DC/Penn. or whether in Pakistan or elsewhere (e.g. Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Kenya, Bali, London, etc.)

I saw his speech, I was just wondering what the media was saying that it showed Pakistan in such a negative light.
He was in urban area in Pakistan? Wow.
It is my personal belief that the pakistan govt was forced to hand over osama's location amidst the growing american pressure. A form of "betrayal" if you ask me.
WASHINGTON: Osama bin Laden is dead and his body has been recovered by US authorities, US officials said on Sunday night.

US President Barack Obama was to make the announcement shortly that after searching in vain for bin Laden since he disappeared in Afghanistan in late 2001, the Saudi-born extremist is dead.

9:00 am

Former American presidents Bill Clinton and George W Bush welcome news of bin Laden’s death.

Twitter buzz:

sharmeenochinoy So did we help or did we just get a phone call saying dude he’s dead ao u better act like were in on it? #OsamaBinLaden #Pakistan

GhostOsama Did I mention that I have 72 virgins?

majorlyprofound The world must be thankful that Osama Bin Laden was in Pakistan. Would you rather have Osama Bin Laden living in your country hain?

NaheedMustafa Everyone’s becoming an expert on Abbotabad. It’s just a regular ol’ place people. Lots of military, lots of regular folk. Rich and poor.

discomaulvi “The United States is not, and never will be, at war with #Islam” – President Obama « Actions speak louder than words #BinLaden

8:51 am

Al Jazeera correspondent says operation took place near Abbottabad and that helicopters circled the compound where bin Laden was reportedly hiding.

8:50 am

A senior Pakistani intelligence official confirmed on Monday that Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attacks, had been killed. “Yes, I can confirm that,” he said, but declined to give further details, according to Reuters.

8:45 am

Obama says US cooperation with Pakistan helped track bin Laden down and that he has called president Zardari.

Both presidents agree that this is a good and historic day in both their histories.

Twitter buzz:

mirza9 The Indian press will have nothing to talk about if, as is most likely, the Pakistanis were instrumental in catching/killing Osama bin Laden

Nadir_Hassan Obama mentions Pakistan cooperation. That’s good

NickKristof Obama says troops engaged in firefight today on Osama compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, recovered his body.

cyalm Oh hell, they were tracking him in Pak since last Aug

sohaibgulbadan Wow, what a coincidence that OBL’s death came two months before the start of the July 2011 Afghanistan withdrawal deadline.

8:40 am

Obama says he received tip off that bin Laden was hiding

in a compound deep inside Pakistan.

8:35 am

Obama addresses the world, confirms the death of bin Laden due to an operation conducted by the US.

8:30 am

CNN reports that bin Laden was killed by the US in a mansion outside Islamabad.

Cheering crowds have gathered outside the White House celebrating the news.

Osama bin Laden dead, say US officials: Live updates – The Express Tribune
I wont give credit to them.....its their fault....they started this mess in the first place....how do you think he made it from Afghanistan to a Mansion outside of Islamabad? THis era is known to have many ex ISI and Ex Military......

Pakistan started this mess? Pakistan created Taliban and Al Qaeda? Do you even know what you're talking about? The reality is quite ironic, you see.
ISI confirm Osama bin Laden had been killed

A Pakistani security official on Monday told AFP that he could confirm Osama bin Laden had been killed in a "highly sensitive intelligence operation", but provided no immediate further details.

"Yes I can confirm that he was killed in a highly sensitive intelligence operation," the official told AFP on condition of anonymity.

The official said he was unable to immediately confirm where, how or when bin Laden was killed.

Asked whether Pakistani intelligence participated in the operation he said only: "It was a highly sensitive intelligence operation."

Senior official in Pakistan's ISI confirms bin Laden killed - The Times of India
CNN Correspondent in Afghanistan "Nick Paton Walsh" (Live):

Pakistani Intelligence Officers were on the ground in the operation against OBL....Pakistani Intelligence Officers won't comment who pulled the trigger...

New information just aired...
Hats off to the US and Pakistanis!!...that was some bloody war. Thanks are in order.
For people who aren't aware of the geography of Pakistan, Abbottabad is only 225 km (140 miles) from the Afghan border.
possibly the story of the YEAR.....

dont expect to be hearing about Yemen or Libya or any of that protests stuff for next few days at least!

This would be a turning point in history books that our kids will study one day. 1st May 2011...
crowds have formed outside the white house - incredible
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