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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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CNN REPORTING THAT Pakistan ZADARI might have been told after the fire fight at ABBOTOBAD.
U.S. President Barack Obama has announced that the world's most wanted terrorist, al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, was killed by U.S. forces on Sunday at a compound deep inside Pakistan.

Mr. Obama made the announcement during a live nationwide television address at the White House Sunday night.

This development comes nearly 10 years after the catastrophic attacks by al-Qaida operatives on the United States on September 11, 2001.

U.S. forces have been hunting the Saudi terrorist kingpin ever since.

Mr. Obama said bin Laden was not a Muslim leader, but a "mass murderer of Muslims." The president said bin Laden was captured with the help of Pakistani intelligence.

My tributes to the victims of 9/11.

They and their great country suffered a lot for no fault of theirs.
Updated at: 0834 PST, Monday, May 02, 2011
ISLAMABAD: A Pakistani security official on Monday told AFP that he could confirm Osama bin Laden had been killed in a "highly sensitive intelligence operation", but provided no immediate further details.

"Yes I can confirm that he was killed in a highly sensitive intelligence operation," the official told AFP on condition of anonymity.

The official said he was unable to immediately confirm where, how or when bin Laden was killed.

Asked whether Pakistani intelligence participated in the operation he said only: "It was a highly sensitive intelligence operation."
Security official confirms bin Laden killed - GEO.tv
So for years and before this operation the world class intelligence agance didnt know about the gem hiding 120 kms from Islamabad in a mansion.

well they may or may not have; I'm not privy to such information but I can only guess that either they waited for 'the right time' or otherwise the reliable intel just wasn't there

by the way, "120 km from Islamabad" tagline may be used by those with certain interest to smear Pakistan; but if you know the geography of where Islamabad is located you will know that even 85 km from Islamabad can entail rugged, hilly, and remote areas which are not always easily accessible.

at the end of the day -- the man labelled as the "head of al qaeda" and the "perpetrator of 9/11" atrocity is dead so therefore very symbolic in nature
Now the Victims of 9/11 can rest in peace.

Can anyone tell me was Pakistani administration was invoved or not???

Without Pakistani intelligence's help, I do not think U.S. can kill him. I think U.S. definitely receives tips from Pakistani intelligence and that is essential.
Thanks to the PA and US Army for achieving a closure on this. It is a huge news...
This war isn't over. Zawahiri, Ilyas Kashmiri and many others remain out there dangerous and committed to their twisted, perverse ambitions. So many Americans, Kenyans, Afghans, Brits, Spaniards and Pakistanis have died as a direct result of Bin Laden's sick vision. I don't care who's responsible. I'd be amazed if Pakistanis weren't involved at some level but these sort of petty claims for credit are truly irrelevant.

You must understand the fatigue of the war is getting to the Pakistanis, I'm sure the same would be true of Americans had it been fought in America and not in Pakistan. Which is why I had hoped he be caught alive and give up some intel ultimately leading to a speedy end to the war.
Obama gave credit to Pakistan, but the media in Australia and the US is casting Pakistan in an evil light.
Hats off to CIA and ISI :D! BTW BREAKING NEWS: Chuck Norris returns from trip to Middle East.
Guess what.....he was killed in a Mansion outside of Islamabad. I cannot wait to hear the American opinions about this.......Damn good job America
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