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Osama Bin Laden Wanted To Kill President Obama

In this case i support America! there should be no compromise with extremists in early 20th century it was the Nazis ,today its the religious one.
Some people don;t understand diplomacy,so let lead do the talking.

Well bringing guns to the table certainly won't solve any problems. If the American way is to kill and hope the issues would be ressolved then this will only be a prolonged killing match - today you kill my friends and families, tomorrow or next week I kill yours?

Of course each end will have its own supporters. Personally I will and do not support what the west is doing. Considering the fact that they were never a global problem until they started meddling in the region decades ago and they are still there causing trouble today. If I walk into your house and abuse your family, then I am only going to provoke an unwanted response.
When we Americans see people in Pakistan burning the US Flag on TV and holding a huge picture of OBL.... and holding signs that say death to America.... WHAT DO YOU THINK THAT TELLS US???

War is upon you guys

That you're easy to dupe ;)

(read robots that believe what their told)
Not reading the entire topic, because why the hell WOULDN'T he want to kill the leader of the country he hated so much?
OBL's capabilities hyped and exagerated by US media. The videos that I saw in the last 15-18 years of OBL always with guards, always shooting guns did not turn out to be anything like that. What we found in the end is a old civilian man living with his family with zero trained armed guards, no attack dogs, no security guards, nothing. What happened to all the OBL hype of hundreds of die hard fighters ? It just turned out to be like the weapons of maaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssss destruction in Iraq.

As the Pakistani Prime Minister said that justice has been done, so lets conclude with that.
This is a man who had enough time to watch ****, be cut off from the world, live in his hideout for 5 years without getting out of the house; yet, he was planning to assassinate the president :lol:. And btw, which president are we talking about: Bush or Obama? These stories get funnier & funnier :lol:
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