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Osama Bin Laden Wanted To Kill President Obama

Wow... for all the people in world, why Obama? and When there was no Obama, what was Osama doing then?
Wow... for all the people in world, why Obama? and When there was no Obama, what was Osama doing then?

The whole assassination thing isn't playing well - people understand good guy, bad guy stuff and here, since the US now owns Osama, they control the narrative - I mean what's he going to do, show up alive ?
OBL is a coward

sending young people to do his dirty work

lol PAK people praising OBL and burning the US Flag on TV.....

soo sad to see many people about to die for this coward

What does that make of Obama?..Using innocent Pakistani and American lives to do his dirty work!
..U dont really expect a leader of any organization or a country to do the dirty work himself do u?
..Osama wanted to kill Obama and Obama actually killed him..so who is the saint here?
True or not. I think the Americans are playing a very dangerous game that cannot be won.
Never will they be able to kill every single extremists there is on earth. Their hatrid and eagerness to wait for their revenge are time tested.
The only way they can solve this is by resolving it in a diplomatic way. Otherwise they will simply kill and wait to kill and it could go on for years, decades or centuries.
Thousands of Muslims who have sinned die everyday all over the world. Why do you never pray for them in your parliament?

What was so special about Osama?

What?? We (99% of pakistanis not 1% extremist mullahs) are of the opinion that who ever has sinned should be prosecuted in court of law, if found guilty, should be executed. No one supports extra judicial killings, even if it is TOM DICK HARRY or OSAMA.
BTW today media reported Bush is not happy with Osama killing operation
True or not. I think the Americans are playing a very dangerous game that cannot be won.
Never will they be able to kill every single extremists there is on earth. Their hatrid and eagerness to wait for their revenge are time tested.
The only way they can solve this is by resolving it in a diplomatic way. Otherwise they will simply kill and wait to kill and it could go on for years, decades or centuries.

In this case i support America! there should be no compromise with extremists in early 20th century it was the Nazis ,today its the religious one.
Some people don;t understand diplomacy,so let lead do the talking.
It's funny how these news reports are talking like this about a man who's been pretty much 'non-existent' in the world (operationally that is). He was practically living a 'retired life'.

It does not matter if he was in hiding like a coward rat, which you euphemistically call 'retired'.

If he was such a brave chap and a Islamic hero, then he should have stayed in Saudi Arabia or Yemen. Why was he hiding in Pakistan and bringing Pakistan the misery that it is in?

He is no hero.

A disgusting wretch who has brought the average Muslim, by his stupidity, to be fighting against each other and also putting the Muslims unnecessarily on the defensive the world over.
I guess I have a very nice answer for this US claim....that
.....OBL wanted to take Sh*t every day too.....that is what US forgot to tell us......:smokin:
When is the new episode of OBL plans coming out from Washington???? :lol:
It does not matter if he was in hiding like a coward rat, which you euphemistically call 'retired'.

If he was such a brave chap and a Islamic hero, then he should have stayed in Saudi Arabia or Yemen. Why was he hiding in Pakistan and bringing Pakistan the misery that it is in?

He is no hero.A disgusting wretch who has brought the average Muslim, by his stupidity, to be fighting against each other and also putting the Muslims unnecessarily on the defensive the world over.

U are absolutely right ...cuz he has been created by CIA,Mosaad and MI6 to destroy Islam and Islamic Ummah....show Islam as a bad/evil religion.....he never benefited Islam instead of spoiling it.....He has been infact funded and sponsored by these foreign agencies.... for their special interests....Alhamdolillah at last we got rid of this nuisance....:what:
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