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Osama bin Laden’s death: Updates & Discussions

It's a Match: How Officials Used DNA to Identify bin Laden.

As you stated: "there is no "known" sample of DNA from OBL"

This is where a deceased OBL sister comes in to picture. And she was also a half-sister.

Also, read this. DNA testing is a complicated affair. It is about probabilities.

Furthermore, during that raid inside Pakistan; US soldiers were ordered to capture all the individuals staying in that targeted home. However, this could not be done as one of the choppers malfunctioned.

And now US says it wants access to bin Laden widows (who are under custody of Pakistani security agencies). And here is an update.

Prove your statement that OBL was not there.


  • Why don't you seek information from Pakistani security agencies?
  • What were the wives and children of OBL doing in that home?
  • Why were they so secretive about their presence (including the killed man)?
  • Why did the captured OBL family members confirmed death of OBL?
  • Why did Al-Qaeda confirmed death of OBL?

US authorities have not yet released any images of OBL. The fake images have been promoted by some media sources.

And so-called "eye witnesses" did not knew about the presence of OBL and his family members in that home. They only managed to interact with Arshad Khan, Tareq Khan, and some children.

And 'revenge attacks' for death of OBL have begin to take place:

Here is first example: Pakistan: Blasts kill 80 to avenge bin Laden death | Top AP Stories | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

And skeptics like you have sought refuge under the shadow of conspiracy theorists or are becoming one of them yourselves. Is this what logic, brain, and self respect have tought you guys?

Ever wondered that these conspiracy theorists are out for fame and attention too? These conspiracy theorists are playing a vital role in spreading confusion worldwide. It seems like emergence of a new form of FITNA in modern times.

Following hadiths of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) seem relevant:

"There will be a huge confusion within my Community. There will not remain one house of the Arabs except that confusion will enter it. Those who die because of it are in the fire. The harm of the tongue in it will be greater than that of the sword."


"There will be a dissension (in which people will be) deaf, dumb and blind (this means they will be blind and not see the true issue nor listen to the voice of truth): whoever tries to control it, the dissension will control him."


"Just before the Hour there will be many liars." Jabir ibn Samurah said: "Be on your guard against them."

To me; logic, brain, and self respect dictates that it is wise to analyze both sides of the coin and show patience. Hopefully truth will prevail, as the picture will become clearer.

for you my friend, ignorance is a bliss.. Here, tell me if this is OBL.. its from the "movie" they released.. @ or around 2:22 in the movie if you wanna check..


Look at the lips, cheek bones, eyebrows and ears.. also keep in mind that OBL was lefty, this person is using right hand to hold the remote control..
Did Bush know Osama was in Pakistan all along?

The former president praised US intelligence services and recalled a meeting with the secretive and deadly US Navy Seal “Team Six” in Afghanistan.

“I said, ‘I hope you have everything you need. One guy said, ‘We need your permission to go into Pakistan and kick a$$,’” ABC quoted Bush.
Did Bush know Osama was in Pakistan all along?

The former president praised US intelligence services and recalled a meeting with the secretive and deadly US Navy Seal “Team Six” in Afghanistan.

“I said, ‘I hope you have everything you need. One guy said, ‘We need your permission to go into Pakistan and kick a$$,’” ABC quoted Bush.

For answer.. please refer to my previous post.. # 151
WASHINGTON — C.I.A. interrogators questioned three wives of Osama for the first time on Thursday, 10 days after they were taken by Pakistani security forces from the compound where the Al Qaeda leader was killed, an American official confirmed on Friday.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, declined to give any details about the duration of the questioning or what was learned.

American officials have many questions for them: where other top Qaeda operatives are located; where Bin Laden lived before moving to Abbottabad, Pakistan; which Pakistani officials may have visited the compound in Abbottabad. But the wives are believed to have lived very cloistered lives, and it is unclear what they may know or how cooperative they may be.

The three widows, Khairiah Sabar, Siham Sabar and Amal Ahmed Abdulfattah, who is also known as Amal Ahmed al-Sadah, had been held and questioned for days by Pakistani officials before the C.I.A. interrogators spoke to them. Ms. Abdulfattah, who is Yemeni, was shot in the leg during the assault on Bin Laden’s compound by Navy Seals.

Bin Laden Widows in Pakistan Questioned by C.I.A.

They could have asked these questions directly from OBL, had they not killed him when he was unarmed.. were they trying to hide something??
(using * as 5 posts needed for posting link)
Conservative group sues over bin Laden death photos

Washington (CNN) -- A conservative legal watchdog group has filed the first lawsuit seeking public release of video and photographs of the U.S. military raid and aftermath that left al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden dead.

Judicial Watch is asking the Department of Defense to comply with a Freedom of Information request for the material, especially photos of the September 11 mastermind lying dead on the third floor of his Pakistan hideout. The legal complaint to force compliance was made in federal court in Washington on Friday.

The group says it is being "irreparably harmed" by the Obama administration's "unlawful withholding of requested records."

Judicial Watch made its initial request the day after the commando assault by Navy SEALs. A similar request for material was filed against the CIA.

President Barack Obama had announced that the U.S. government would not reveal any photographs of the May 2 military action and bin Laden's subsequent burial at sea. Some members of Congress have been allowed to privately view the materials this week.

Some al Qaeda-affiliated leaders, along with domestic and foreign websites and blogs, have questioned whether bin Laden was really killed and whether the details of his death released by the administration were accurate.

A May 9 letter from the Pentagon to Judicial Watch -- mentioned in the legal complaint -- stated, "At this time, we are unable to make a release determination on your request within the 20-day statutory time period" required by federal law. The legal group had the option of filing an administrative appeal directly with the Defense Department, rather than going for a lawsuit.

"The American people have a right to know, by law, basic information about the killing of Osama bin Laden," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. "Incredibly, the Obama administration told us that it has no plans to comply with the Freedom of Information law, so we must now go to court. President Obama's not wanting to 'spike the football' is not a lawful basis for withholding government documents. This historic lawsuit should remind the Obama administration that it is not above the law."

Obama had barred any public release of photos or video, telling CBS News, "It is important to make sure that very graphic photos of somebody who was shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional violence or as a propaganda tool." He added, "We don't trot this stuff out as trophies. We don't need to spike the football."

Judicial Watch calls itself a "a conservative, nonpartisan educational foundation (promoting) transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law."
Got SMS today:

Imagine, Living with THREE WIVES in one compound and never leaving the House for FIVE years,
He invited the US Navy Seals himself :lol: :lol: :lol:
Researcher’s Analysis of al Qaeda Images Reveals Surprises

By Kim Zetter August 2, 2007 | 7:16 pm

Neal Krawetz, a researcher and computer security consultant, gave an interesting presentation today at the BlackHat security conference in Las Vegas about analyzing digital photographs and video images for alterations and enhancements.

Using a program he wrote (and provided on the conference CD-ROM) Krawetz could print out the quantization tables in a JPEG file (that indicate how the image was compressed) and determine the last tool that created the image — that is, the make and model of the camera if the image is original or the version of Photoshop that was used to alter and re-save the image.

Comparing that data to the metadata embedded in the image he could determine if the photo was original or had been re-saved or altered. Then, using error level analysis of an image he could determine what were the last parts of an image that were added or modified.

Error level analysis involves re-saving an image at a known error rate (90%, for example), then subtracting the re-saved image from the original image to see every pixel that changed and the degree to which it changed. The modified versions will indicate a different error level than the original image.

You can see the difference in the two pictures (below right) of a bookshelf. Krawetz added some books and a toy dinosaur to the original image — both of which show up clearly in the second picture after he’s completed the error level analysis.


But more interesting were the examples Krawetz gave of al Qaeda images. Krawetz took an image from a 2006 al Qaeda video of Ayman al-Zawahiri (above right), a senior member of the terrorist organization. The image shows al-Zawahiri sitting in front of a desk and banner with writing on it. But after conducting his error analysis Krawetz was able to determine that al-Zawahiri’s image was superimposed in front of the background — and was most likely videotaped in front of a black sheet.

Krawetz was also able to determine that the writing on the banner behind al-Zawahiri’s head was added to the image afterward. In the second picture above showing the results of the error level analysis, the light clusters on the image indicate areas of the image that were added or changed. The subtitles and logos in the upper right and lower left corners (IntelCenter is an organization that monitors terrorist activity and As-Sahab is the video production branch of al Qaeda) have the same error level, while the banner writing was added at a different time has a different error level.

Even more interesting is the analysis he conducted on another 2006 video image of Azzam al-Amriki showing him in a white room with a desk, computer and some books in the background. Error level analysis shows that the books in the lower right-hand corner of the image have a different error level than the items in the rest of the image, suggesting they were added later. In fact the books register the same error level as the subtitles and As-Sahab logo.

Further analysis also shows that the books have a different color range than the rest of the image, indicating that they came from an alternate source. Krawetz wasn’t able to determine what the books were but says if they were religious books, they might have simply been added to lend authority and reverence to the video. It’s also possible, he says, that such details could be added to a picture to send a message in code to al Qaeda operatives.


UPDATE: For those of you who asked for Krawetz’s program, you can view the source code here.

You can also view his BlackHat presentation here (PDF). For those of you who think the software is better used to catch media manipulations of photos and video, Krawetz did present examples of these in his talk.

And to "Ann" who commented that she doubts al Qaeda would put subtitles on a video, As-Sahab, the logo in the lower left corner of the two al Qaeda videos is the production arm of al Qaeda. Yes, the organization has its own media production team.

2ND UPDATE: I quoted Krawetz as saying that the evidence indicates that the IntelCenter and As-Sahab logos were added to the al-Zawahiri video at the same time. Ben Venzke of IntelCenter says his organization didn’t add the As-Sahab logo. He points out that just because the error levels are the same for two items in an image, that doesn’t prove they were added at the same time, only that the compression was the same for both items when they were added.

3rd UPDATE: I was finally able to reach Neal Krawetz at the BlackHat conference to respond to the questions about the IntelCenter and As-Sahab logos (Krawetz doesn’t have a cell phone on him so finding him at the conference took a while). He now says that the error levels on the IntelCenter and As-Sahab logos are different and that the IntelCenter logo was added after the As-Sahab logo. However, in a taped interview I conducted with him after his presentation, he said the logos were the same error levels and that this indicated they were added at the same time. Additionally, after I’d written the first blog entry about his presentation, I asked him to read it to make sure everything was correct. He did so while sitting next to me and said it was all correct. He apologizes now for the error and the confusion it caused.
Conservative group sues over bin Laden death photos

Washington (CNN) -- A conservative legal watchdog group has filed the first lawsuit seeking public release of video and photographs of the U.S. military raid and aftermath that left al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden dead.

Judicial Watch is asking the Department of Defense to comply with a Freedom of Information request for the material, especially photos of the September 11 mastermind lying dead on the third floor of his Pakistan hideout. The legal complaint to force compliance was made in federal court in Washington on Friday.

The group says it is being "irreparably harmed" by the Obama administration's "unlawful withholding of requested records."

Judicial Watch made its initial request the day after the commando assault by Navy SEALs. A similar request for material was filed against the CIA.

President Barack Obama had announced that the U.S. government would not reveal any photographs of the May 2 military action and bin Laden's subsequent burial at sea. Some members of Congress have been allowed to privately view the materials this week.

Some al Qaeda-affiliated leaders, along with domestic and foreign websites and blogs, have questioned whether bin Laden was really killed and whether the details of his death released by the administration were accurate.

A May 9 letter from the Pentagon to Judicial Watch -- mentioned in the legal complaint -- stated, "At this time, we are unable to make a release determination on your request within the 20-day statutory time period" required by federal law. The legal group had the option of filing an administrative appeal directly with the Defense Department, rather than going for a lawsuit.

"The American people have a right to know, by law, basic information about the killing of Osama bin Laden," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. "Incredibly, the Obama administration told us that it has no plans to comply with the Freedom of Information law, so we must now go to court. President Obama's not wanting to 'spike the football' is not a lawful basis for withholding government documents. This historic lawsuit should remind the Obama administration that it is not above the law."

Obama had barred any public release of photos or video, telling CBS News, "It is important to make sure that very graphic photos of somebody who was shot in the head are not floating around as an incitement to additional violence or as a propaganda tool." He added, "We don't trot this stuff out as trophies. We don't need to spike the football."

Judicial Watch calls itself a "a conservative, nonpartisan educational foundation (promoting) transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law."

Its good to know that there are people asking US government questions that our spineless leaders cannot ask.. Lets see what they can come up with.. other than "homeland security" excuse..
Day 12 after OBL's drama.. we are still waiting for any SOLID proof that OBL was in that "mansion" in ABBOTTABAD..

US Govt.!! All the questions are still unanswered, all the lies are still there.. Come out with what really happened.. History needs to be written, Apologize for lies or give concrete evidence.. what is it?? pick your choice!!
Day 12 after OBL's drama.. we are still waiting for any SOLID proof that OBL was in that "mansion" in ABBOTTABAD..

US Govt.!! All the questions are still unanswered, all the lies are still there.. Come out with what really happened.. History needs to be written, Apologize for lies or give concrete evidence.. what is it?? pick your choice!!

Do not wait, nobody is interested to provide proofs. For those who wanted to believe, for them enough proof is there, for who do not want to believe. nobody cares.
Do not wait, nobody is interested to provide proofs. For those who wanted to believe, for them enough proof is there, for who do not want to believe. nobody cares.

Did i ask for an opinion?? You do have right to it though.. but after accepting it without proof.. don't you question your intellect??.. oh wait.. if you have accepted it without proof then... sorry.. people with intellect.. Have you got any proof??
Just look at these liars...

They don't want to show grusome photos BUT will take good time to explain graphic details verbally...

Bullet went into his eye & out of his ear...
Eye cavity is overflowing with brain mass...
Bits of bone mass...
His forehead is blown-up...

He saw 5 of photos when he was ALIVE (Minutes:1:00+)... those 5 that this liar saw, let us see those....!!! They canNOT be grusome
Min:3:00+ host himself said CIA is running "psy-ops"...

In pictures that these LIARs saw he had dyed his beard again... u know what that means,,, it means get ready for more fake Osama photos with dyed beard,,,
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Show ppl those 5 photos where he was ALIVE......

Just look at these liars...

They don't want to show grusome photos BUT will take good time to explain graphic details verbally...

Bullet went into his eye & out of his ear...
Eye cavity is overflowing with brain mass...
Bits of bone mass...
His forehead is blown-up...

He saw 5 of photos when he was ALIVE (Minutes:1:00+)... those 5 that this liar saw, let us see those....!!! They canNOT be grusome
Min:3:00+ host himself said CIA is running "psy-ops"...

In pictures that these LIARs saw he had dyed his beard again... u know what that means,,, it means get ready for more fake Osama photos with dyed beard,,,
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