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Osama bin Laden’s death: Updates & Discussions

Fake Osama watching "Volcker Rule Speech" 21-Jan-2010...

Why does he flips to "MENU" so many times,,, especially when Obama or US senators show up...

I'm not sure what you're even trying to show here, it's such a poor attempt.
I'm not sure what you're even trying to show here, it's such a poor attempt.
For one,,, It shows at time this video was made... around Jan-21-2010...
Secondly,,, what is he doing...!!! repeatedly switching to MENU just to come back to same chanel "Al-Jazeera-Arabic"...
Thirdly,,, he seems to trying to hide with MENU screen, the part of news where it shows Obama's clips...
For one,,, It shows at time this video was made... around Jan-21-2010...
Secondly,,, what is he doing...!!! repeatedly switching to MENU just to come back to same chanel "Al-Jazeera-Arabic"...
Thirdly,,, he seems to trying to hide with MENU screen, the part of news where it shows Obama's clips...

soooooooooooooooooooooooooo what? :cheesy:
fine then. I just watched him flicking menus.

He's just some old man not well versed with technology.
Probably trying to work out how to get subtitles in Arabic ;)

or was just told to "look" active.. half of the time he was on MENU.. :)

btw, a permanent resident would have proper electricity wiring, don't u think? not a hanging extension on the wall..
By Barbara Starr, CNN
May 11, 2011 5:39 p.m. EDT

(CNN) -- Data and documents taken from the compound show that messages from Osama bin Laden did make it out of the compound to other members of al Qaeda, a U.S. official says.

"There are strong indications there is back and forth with other terrorists," the official said.

U.S. officials have said they view the raided compound as the al Qaeda leader's "command and control center" but had not explained before why they believed that to be the case.

"These are not just the writings of an elderly jihadi," the official said.

The source said there is evidence of two-way written communications demonstrating that not only was bin Laden sending messages, he was getting responses as well.

The official also provided new details on bin Laden's personal journal, which was seized during the Navy SEAL raid, the official said. The handwritten journal, which was referred to last week by other officials as the al Qaeda playbook, is being reviewed by intelligence officials. Other handwritten materials are being reviewed, too.

The initial assessment is that the writings are from bin Laden, not the other occupants of the house. The official emphasized that the U.S. government is continuing to look at all the material and the initial assessment could change.

The journal includes information about the importance of attacking the U.S. and lists key dates on the American calendar -- including July 4, Christmas and the 10th anniversary of September 11 -- and other guidance for how to attack the United States, the official said. U.S. investigators believe similar information is contained in other documents, the source said.

Both New York and Washington are mentioned in the document.

The idea of targeting railroads, which authorities warned about last week, was learned from this notebook, the official said.

At this point, the official said, there is no indication of a time, date or place for any specific attack, and much of what has been seen is more bin Laden ideas than actual plans.

Bin Laden was communicating with other terrorists, U.S. official says - CNN.com
By Barbara Starr, CNN
May 11, 2011 5:39 p.m. EDT

(CNN) -- Data and documents taken from the compound show that messages from Osama bin Laden did make it out of the compound to other members of al Qaeda, a U.S. official says.

"There are strong indications there is back and forth with other terrorists," the official said.

U.S. officials have said they view the raided compound as the al Qaeda leader's "command and control center" but had not explained before why they believed that to be the case.

"These are not just the writings of an elderly jihadi," the official said.

The source said there is evidence of two-way written communications demonstrating that not only was bin Laden sending messages, he was getting responses as well.

The official also provided new details on bin Laden's personal journal, which was seized during the Navy SEAL raid, the official said. The handwritten journal, which was referred to last week by other officials as the al Qaeda playbook, is being reviewed by intelligence officials. Other handwritten materials are being reviewed, too.

The initial assessment is that the writings are from bin Laden, not the other occupants of the house. The official emphasized that the U.S. government is continuing to look at all the material and the initial assessment could change.

The journal includes information about the importance of attacking the U.S. and lists key dates on the American calendar -- including July 4, Christmas and the 10th anniversary of September 11 -- and other guidance for how to attack the United States, the official said. U.S. investigators believe similar information is contained in other documents, the source said.

Both New York and Washington are mentioned in the document.

The idea of targeting railroads, which authorities warned about last week, was learned from this notebook, the official said.

At this point, the official said, there is no indication of a time, date or place for any specific attack, and much of what has been seen is more bin Laden ideas than actual plans.

Bin Laden was communicating with other terrorists, U.S. official says - CNN.com

Word of mouth.. unknown official.. no evidence provided.. no solid proofs.. how do we know that there are Hard Disks and Documents?.. and If there are.. how do we know that those are from that "mansion"? and not from tora bora caves? or better yet, not artificially doctored??
Republican describes 15 'gruesome' photos of Bin Laden's corpse as he becomes first to see 'proof' terror chief is dead

A Republican who has become the first politician to see photos of Osama Bin Laden's bloodied corpse has said they were 'gruesome' - but left him with no doubt the terror leader is dead.

James Inhofe, who sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said he viewed the pictures in a secure room day.

The Oklahoma politician said he saw 15 photos in all - and that some of them could be released to the public.


"I've seen them, it's him: Republican Senator James Inhofe (file photo) is the first to have viewed the photographs of Osama Bin Laden's bloodied corpse"

Nine were taken at the scene of the May 2 raid on a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

Three more were from the U.S.S. Vinson, where Bin Laden's body was prepared for burial at sea; and three older photographs were available to compare for positive identification.

'Absolutely no question about it,' he said.

'A lot of people out there say 'I want to see the pictures' but I've already seen them. That was him. He's gone. He's history,' he told CNN.

'They're gruesome, of course, because it was taken right after the incident,' he said in a separate interview on Fox News.

Mr Inhofe described some photos that showed brain matter protruding from an eye socket.


Renewed pressure: President Obama, pictured speaking today in El Paso, has faced fresh calls to release photos of Osama Bin Laden's corpse

Read more: Osama Bin Laden dead photo: James Inhofe is 1st to see 'proof' Al Qaeda chief is dead | Mail Online


'I want to be martyred with you': Bin Laden's young wife's suicide pledge to terror mastermind

  • Wife's family recalled Bin Laden telling them of a 'big event' just before 9/11
  • Young bride wanted to 'rise above her station' with loyalty pact
  • Pledge was made before 9/11 when he offered to let her leave Afghanistan
  • She said life of moving 'from cave to cave' was bitter - yet she would stay
  • Bin Laden paid $5000 in dowry for Yemeni wife

Osama Bin Laden's Yemeni wife refused to leave Afghanistan so she could be 'martyred' alongside him, her family revealed tonight.

Amal al-Sada, 29, was shot in the leg as she rushed Navy SEALs after they stormed Bin Laden's Pakistani compound earlier this month.

According to Amal's family, she refused her husband's offer to leave Afghanistan in a desperate bid to 'rise above' her divorced mother's humble origins.

She made the pledge, they said, before the September 11 attack that led to the decade-long manhunt for Bin Laden.

Amal is now in Pakistani custody, along with her daughter and two other Bin Laden wives.


Hideout: Osama Bin Laden was sharing his squalid lair with several of his children and three of his wives, including Amal al-Sadah, right, the youngest. She was shot in the leg when she charged at U.S. forces

Read more: Osama Bin Laden wife Amal al-Sada's suicide pledge to terror mastermind | Mail Online
Fake Osama watching "Volcker Rule Speech" 21-Jan-2010...

Why does he flips to "MENU" so many times,,, especially when Obama or US senators show up...

Why is holding remote control in his right hand? he is supposed to be lefty.
Republican describes 15 'gruesome' photos of Bin Laden's corpse as he becomes first to see 'proof' terror chief is dead

Read more: Osama Bin Laden dead photo: James Inhofe is 1st to see 'proof' Al Qaeda chief is dead | Mail Online

The authenticity of James Inhofe aka Jim Inhofe:

Life and Deatherage

An extract from the article.. and i quote:

Inhofe has taken the Senate floor and demanded that because his literal reading of the Bible (specifically, Genesis 13.14-17) says that God gave the West Bank to Abraham and his descendants, the US is violating God's law with any policy other than elimination of Palestinians from any territory Abraham could have seen from Hebron 4,000 years ago.

Here's another Link:

James "Jim" Inhofe on Israel

Lies upon Lies.. one "word of mouth after another".. where are the PROOF????
Why is holding remote control in his right hand? he is supposed to be lefty.

In the haste of making video proof.. either they forgot that he was left handed.. or right handed was the only one available at that time.. other lookalikes were on their 9-5 job :P
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