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[Opinionated] The sole Indian Carrier sailed only two weeks in two years?

We’re afraid of Jadeed Tareeen Taklogy of Pakistan.

Thanks for the complement appreciated. Funny thing is we only say " Jadeed Tareeen Taklogy of Pakistan" which is middle of the road but we get more out of that. We don't say the "Jadeed Tareeen Taklogy of the wold" like Indians do which gives the impression that Pakistan forces destruction will be just like a video game.
According to mighty Indian. They have decades of aircraft carrier ops experience and miles ahead of PLAN. By staying 95% of their time in harbour most of the time! :enjoy:
This explains why we almost never see satellite photos of the Vikramaditya at sea unlike the two Chinese aircraft carriers which are constantly at sea.

we spent $1b on refurbishing Vikky, another $1b on Mig29K air wing, 1 honeytrap scandal, what did our tax payer money get? a 'training carrier' that is barely able to sail 2 weeks in last 2 yrs, a 29K unable to take sustained shocks of carrier landings and zero accountability.
No problem, there are no satellite pictures of Pakistani subs in the open sea also 😆
In such a case, how India is managing the training, skills, and vision of carrier crew. IMO such a carrier will become a liability to IN rather than an asset and they will have to pay attention to the need to hide this carrier if the war broke out.
The incompetent Indian navy knows they might do something stupid when sailing out in the water.

Some nations have experience operating aircraft carriers in military conflicts while others have experience being at the receiving end of enemy's aircraft carriers not once but twice

First Taiwan Strait Crisis
Second Taiwan Strait Crisis

The latter is always going need permanent supply of copium for historic humiliations
What conflict has Indian experience using it's aircraft carrier?

The number of sorties China conducted in just a decade are equivalent or more than decades of indian carrier ops.
What conflict has Indian experience using it's aircraft carrier?

The number of sorties China conducted in just a decade are equivalent or more than decades of indian carrier ops.

I think what the Liaoning and Shandong do in one year is more than what India did this entire decade since they got their carrier.

You simply cannot find satellite photos of the Vikramaditya like you do consistently for the Chinese CVs.
A random tweet saying India bad makes whole PDF go bonkers :lol:
you have a tweet to proof this tweet wrong please share it, don't forget 1965 when a lone sub made your aircraft shiver in the bays
We need to save our assets for the time of war. We cannot afford to operate them during peace time and lose them in the process.
If you are not going to practise for war times then the fate on thi AC would be like Abhi chaye wala
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