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[Opinionated] The sole Indian Carrier sailed only two weeks in two years?

No need of satellite pictures or whatever it is, it is a Russian scrap just like other Indian weapon system.

Pakistan has better navy than India with cruise missiles.

The lack of satellite pictures are confirmed by Indian media which said no Indian pilot had landed on a carrier in two years! lol

Basically the Indian carrier program is nothing but an imported white elephant where they can't even write off the costs as internal development since the ships and the planes are all foreign.

could have built modern houses for shanty town, built 1000 toilets/showers/baths, education for life, healthcare for life, social welfare protection. why god why these stupid mother fcukers never help the pppl but want big tanks, ships, planes although never get to use in war or they neglect it and then scrap it.

You don't understand. Under RSS Hindu-Nazi ideology - there is a hierarchy.

But blue-eyed blonde people are hard to come by in this part of the world. So their Hindutva superiority concept is based on "pedigree" i.e. caste-ism. And who looks more fair. Only Brahmins get to eat and if you are outside of the caste system, you starve. You are nobody. You don't get to go to school, you don't get jobs, your life isn't worth $hit.

These Hindutvas do not feel anything for people of lower classes or those outside the caste system i.e. Dalits or non-Hindus. You are nothing.
You could say the same for a lot countries.

Not to the extent things are in India. If you are low caste, non-Hindu or untouchable, you are more or less screwed.

Bangladesh halved the number of poor people in no time flat, I think maybe a decade or so.

If India wanted it they could've done it. But they don't.

In every HDI index, India scores dead last, far worse than Bangladesh, no one gives a $hit about poor people in India.

India's hunger index score is also almost dead last globally.


There is actually a better than 50-50 chance that if you sink it they'll put resources into another white elephant. They have a glittering record of incompetence!

You just named almost every project - defence or otherwise in India. And also those that they do overseas - in Bangladesh for example.

Every Indian project in Bangladesh is ten years late and has already doubled the projected cost estimates. They grovel, give us suppliers' credit loans and will raise a big hue and cry if we don't accept. Then the product is of course third rate like anything they make - as they cut corners with everything.

You can count 98% of local projects with foreign involvement in Bangladesh are either Chinese, Korean or Japanese.
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You don't understand. Under RSS Hindu-Nazi ideology - there is a hierarchy.

But blue-eyed blonde people are hard to come by in this part of the world. So their Hindutva superiority concept is based on "pedigree" i.e. caste-ism. And who looks more fair. Only Brahmins get to eat and if you are outside of the caste system, you starve. You are nobody. You don't get to go to school, you don't get jobs, your life isn't worth $hit.

These Hindutvas do not feel anything for people of lower classes or those outside the caste system i.e. Dalits or non-Hindus. You are nothing.

You can see they put a lot of pride into being accepted by white people! We saw in other threads that the 30 or so Indian CEOs somehow make Indians think that because they are from Western companies they are better than the 120 Chinese CEOs leading Chinese firms in the Fortune 500!

The 120 Fortune 500 Chinese firms are run by Chinese and employ mostly Chinese. The 30 or so F500 firms run by Indians were created by white people for white people and employ mostly white people. But for Indians being accepted by the white man makes the Indian CEOs much better than the Asian CEOs who run their own companies and employ their own people. lol
You don't understand. Under RSS Hindu-Nazi ideology - there is a hierarchy.

But blue-eyed blonde people are hard to come by in this part of the world. So their Hindutva superiority concept is based on "pedigree" i.e. caste-ism. And who looks more fair. Only Brahmins get to eat and if you are outside of the caste system, you starve. You are nobody. You don't get to go to school, you don't get jobs, your life isn't worth $hit.

These Hindutvas do not feel anything for people of lower classes or those outside the caste system i.e. Dalits or non-Hindus. You are nothing.

that's y you have many divisions, de to caste system. rich whitter skin vs dark brown low caste.

You can see they put a lot of pride into being accepted by white people! We saw in other threads that the 30 or so Indian CEOs somehow make Indians think that because they are from Western companies they are better than the 120 Chinese CEOs leading Chinese firms in the Fortune 500!

The 120 Fortune 500 Chinese firms are run by Chinese and employ mostly Chinese. The 30 or so F500 firms run by Indians were created by white people for white people and employ mostly white people. But for Indians being accepted by the white man makes the Indian CEOs much better than the Asian CEOs who run their own companies and employ their own people. lol

the indian is hired as extra bottom end feeder or sweeper of the industry, who will say yes to all the chores.
You don't understand. Under RSS Hindu-Nazi ideology - there is a hierarchy.

But blue-eyed blonde people are hard to come by in this part of the world. So their Hindutva superiority concept is based on "pedigree" i.e. caste-ism. And who looks more fair. Only Brahmins get to eat and if you are outside of the caste system, you starve. You are nobody. You don't get to go to school, you don't get jobs, your life isn't worth $hit.

These Hindutvas do not feel anything for people of lower classes or those outside the caste system i.e. Dalits or non-Hindus. You are nothing.

It ironic, I think it was Italian/German blue eyed nazi woman runaway to India. After wwll , there she discovered Hinduism and made a new doctorine rss, combing element of nazism and Hinduism.

The rest is history
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Not sure why people are having high expectation from Indian carriers

India actually has close to 90 years experience with aircraft carriers.............. especially being at the receiving end of them

First in 1932 with Japanese carrier Kaga and Hōshō both bombing India's financial capital Shanghai with impunity specially airfields at Hangzhou and Suzhou
January 28 incident

Then later in 1937 Japanese carriers Ryūjō, Hōshō and Kaga once again bombed Guangzhou with supreme satisfaction

Afterwards American carriers toyed around with India's sovereignty thrice with the fabled gunboat diplomacy in the 50s
The Taiwan Straits Crises: 1954–55 and 1958
Third Taiwan Strait Crisis
You don't understand. Under RSS Hindu-Nazi ideology - there is a hierarchy.

But blue-eyed blonde people are hard to come by in this part of the world. So their Hindutva superiority concept is based on "pedigree" i.e. caste-ism. And who looks more fair. Only Brahmins get to eat and if you are outside of the caste system, you starve. You are nobody. You don't get to go to school, you don't get jobs, your life isn't worth $hit.

These Hindutvas do not feel anything for people of lower classes or those outside the caste system i.e. Dalits or non-Hindus. You are nothing.

Most Hindus in these times are extreme.
Pakistan isn't much different from these Indians. Due to their strange secret affiliations to Hinduism the Pakistanis messed everything, due to their short sightedness.

Pakistan was predicted to be a developed country by late 70's or 80's. Pakistan Post colonial, was the richest of all these post colonial countries.

They spent 2-3 decades most of Pakistan United life mismanging it and discriminating against bengalis.

Whilst bengalis were earning the export dollar , also charging bengalis a markup for profit for importing. Even though bengalis imported less and were the majority.

Pakistanis haven't fallen far from the tree.
Not to the extent things are in India. If you are low caste, non-Hindu or untouchable, you are more or less screwed.

Bangladesh halved the number of poor people in no time flat, I think maybe a decade or so.

If India wanted it they could've done it. But they don't.

In every HDI index, India scores dead last, far worse than Bangladesh, no one gives a $hit about poor people in India.

India's hunger index score is also almost dead last globally.
You are right brother. I dont think there a more delusional group of people in the world than Indians.

Sanghis for example are some most if not the most islamophobic people in the world yet millions of them live in the GCC.

Recently I was discussing with a pajeet on Reddit that wanted the Hijab to be banned in Indian schools because it promotes "female oppression". Once I mentioned I was Pakistani he did not want to discuss further "because I am from a uncivilized and backwards country". The dude blocked me.

His comment was highly ironic considering that "Great India" has the highest number mass rape, rape and sexual assault in the world. Just a decade ago 50% of Indians where living in poverty and hundreds of millions lacked toilet. Not to mention ganges river.
Not sure why people are having high expectation from Indian carriers

India actually has close to 90 years experience with aircraft carriers.............. especially being at the receiving end of them

First in 1932 with Japanese carrier Kaga and Hōshō both bombing India's financial capital Shanghai with impunity specially airfields at Hangzhou and Suzhou
January 28 incident

Then later in 1937 Japanese carriers Ryūjō, Hōshō and Kaga once again bombed Guangzhou with supreme satisfaction

Afterwards American carriers toyed around with India's sovereignty thrice with the fabled gunboat diplomacy in the 50s
The Taiwan Straits Crises: 1954–55 and 1958
Third Taiwan Strait Crisis
The last time you operated a carrier was woth VTOL aircrafts. Why dont you say Japan operated carriers since WW2?
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