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Opinionated - Best time to get back IOK

Out of 1.4 billion people, you do get anamolies...........:azn:.........so, out of 1.4 billion people, name EVEN 1advanced science or technology invented 100% indigenously by indians.........also provide the evidence too..........:azn:
35k-45k every year. You can check out from WIPO or just google individual news.

You can go through research papers and discoveries CSIR & ISRO publish weekly.
Also, do you have ANY evidence that the indian IQ has increased since 2006?.........:azn:
Unfortunately, that survey happened only once. We only have Olympiads and comparison competitive ecams, or rankings of institutions or innovation index to compare that.

Getting back to topic anyway, even if India doesn't feature in league of US, Russia & China, Pak doesn't lie in any league. Name valuable things what Pak has produced.
35k-45k every year. You can check out from WIPO or just google individual news.

You can go through research papers and discoveries CSIR & ISRO publish weekly.

Unfortunately, that survey happened only once. We only have Olympiads and comparison competitive ecams, or rankings of institutions or innovation index to compare that.

Getting back to topic anyway, even if India doesn't feature in league of US, Russia & China, Pak doesn't lie in any league. Name valuable things what Pak has produced.

What 35-45K advanced sciences or technologies do indians 100% indigenously invent or produce each year?..........:lol:If you are not lying then remember to post the links here........:azn:

The main thing Pakistan has pioneered is that we are the FIRST nation in all recorded human history to fend off an enemy nation that is more than 7× bigger than us and has the full backing of the West and Russia for Iver 75 years............:azn:
I see there is a trend of you bitching about every aspect of Pakistan.
You need to relax your hate.

I highly doubt you are a Pakistani.
You certainly don't know anything of substance, just lies and complaints that play to the gallery.
In my view there isn't much good to speak of Pakistan in the first place, especially when it comes to the establishment and the way our country is run
I understand. Thanks. Allah aap ko khush rakhay.

I'll be truly happy only when we have peace in the region, till then, let the drama continue :yahoo:, it makes for good comedy :rofl:
The average racial IQ of an indian is 82. Lower than Pakistan........:azn::

PS Are you SERIOUSLY suggesting that indian needs foreign diplomatic support to Tey to take on Pakistan?..........:rofl::rofl:
The IQ of the average Indian is about the same as the IQ of the average Pakistani, which is pretty embarrassing for Indian egos. This always kills them.
I'll be truly happy only when we have peace in the region, till then, let the drama continue :yahoo:, it makes for good comedy :rofl:

Peace, between India and Pakistan, is close to impossible, unless a great catastrophe hails down on this region. This is a civilizational conflict. Such conflicts don't resolve smoothly. That is what history tells us.
In my view there isn't much good to speak of Pakistan in the first place, especially when it comes to the establishment and the way our country is run

That's a nonsense statement, you are a free individual, but it is ridiculous to make empty statements without basis.

It's just like, if there's murder, you can't cry and blame the entire country and forget rest of the world. Any criticism has to be based on some sort of rational thinking, sensible facts, and not hot air purely based on hollow facts.

I have stories of extreme racism in the UK, one particular personal story that still makes me sick to my stomach even after almost 3 decades, but to me it is fresh and visible as my laptop in front of me. But if I said UK is evil and the society is messed up, they all hate us, that would be an extremely stupid thing to say, because it would not be true, despite my direct and indirect experiences.

That's what you are doing, you are creating an unfair, untrue and wrong image of reality in Pakistan. that's not right. It's being purposely ignorant.

Peace, between India and Pakistan, is close to impossible, unless a great catastrophe hails down on this region. This is a civilizational conflict. Such conflicts don't resolve smoothly. That is what history tells us.

Well, I have hope.
If the Europeans can sort out their mess, comparatively speaking, ours is a cake walk.
Please, don't forget, we have come close few times.
The IQ of the average Indian is about the same as the IQ of the average Pakistani, which is pretty embarrassing for Indian egos. This always kills them.

The average IQ of a Pakistani is 84. The average IQ of an indian is lower at 82:

That's a nonsense statement, you are a free individual, but it is ridiculous to make empty statements without basis.

It's just like, if there's murder, you can't cry and blame the entire country and forget rest of the world. Any criticism has to be based on some sort of rational thinking, sensible facts, and not hot air purely based on hollow facts.

I have stories of extreme racism in the UK, one particular personal story that still makes me sick to my stomach even after almost 3 decades, but to me it is fresh and visible as my laptop in front of me. But if I said UK is evil and the society is messed up, they all hate us, that would be an extremely stupid thing to say, because it would not be true, despite my direct and indirect experiences.

That's what you are doing, you are creating an unfair, untrue and wrong image of reality in Pakistan. that's not right. It's being purposely ignorant.

Well, I have hope.
If the Europeans can sort out their mess, comparatively speaking, ours is a cake walk.
Please, don't forget, we have come close few times.

Are you willing to tell that racist incident from 30 years ago? 30 years ago, me and my brother were the ONLY 2 Asian kids in a school of over 1100. Everybody else was either white or black.
Unlike prior governments, PMIK and the establishment are on the same page. This is a great advantage this time.

PMIK will not give away the gains at the diplomatic table what has been won by the Military on the battle field.
Brother you point out another great risk. What you have mentioned should be the norm. In Britain Parliament stood by its armed forces in every illegal war they participated in.

The day we are in a drawn out war - can we trust our politicians to stand by us? Can we trust our media not to spread enemy propaganda?
Do you seriously believe that 2006 survey when India's income levels were worse than Pak? If that would work, India wouldn't be filing 46k patents in WIPO every year compared to Pak's 800 nor Pak would rank below hundred in knowledge infestation in industry. That survey stopped validating itself a decade ago with change in economies.

Indians didn't use to take part in Olympiads earlier. Spam as much as you like to believe on racial superiority, Pakistan as a national institution was always incompetent and backwater in all recorded regards.
Leave him, I had countered his fake claim of this IQ nonsense long ago, he’s just a troll who’ll keep spamming the same thing again and again.

Not now because you need atleast 2 years of preparation before such campaign starts and also Why the fuk go for Jammu? Do you know how stupid that is.. Going thru nuke warfare for a tiny province? that is just idiotic We will not cross the LOC if it is not for all of India. The scale of the war has to meet the scale of the ambition and harvest..

Hence such preparations could even take 4-5 years you will have to recruit more and add reservers and incorparate the IEA into your line of offensive and ethablish interoperability with them plus modernizing their armed forces in quick speed hence in total it could take 3-4 years of preparations and when it is all said and done 6m could march into India from all axes points...

There also needs to be done in preparations for upto 4 years the tactical operation map and engagement analysis and calculations going thru every single scenario and possibilities that can arise and determining the timeline of the invasion on before hand..

This will also require inviting some high ranking IEA Generals and commanders into the operation room for the interoperability including putting down a road map for the modernizing of their forces before the launch into Paradise..

There is no power on earth that could stand in our way trust me on this..
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I have a slightly different take on this matter.
Nothing is constant right, please keep that in mind.

India has never thought of Pakistan as reckless and foolhardy, because they know us, they know our cultural heritage, they trained with the same people, and same concepts in military. We love to project a reckless and foolhardy image, and convinced ourselves that's how the world see us, because that's an image we don't mind projecting, let's say psychological warfare.

But, Indians are not stupid, although arrogant, they are clever and used to be more so, there are reasons but those are not important right now. By knowing us, they certainly did not buy into the image, but on their part they didn't mind spreading it as well, for their own reasons, to make us look irresponsible. So, the same image is being portrayed by Pakistan and India for different reasons.

However, they did and do think that we have a good fight in us, it's that recognition of the capacity to fight that's kept them from directly attacking Pakistan.

The reckless and foolhardy image was accepted by the rest of the world, especially the West, for various reasons. They did not know us, we were ready to accept that image, and India was spreading that image because they wanted to make us look irresponsible.
A single motive can have various reasons, and be accepted by opposing parties for their own reasons.

However, after decades of interactions with Pakistan, this image no longer holds true in the west either, certainly not in policy making circles, it gets played around because it is easier to justify. And, because India still wants to project Pakistan as an irresponsible state. But the image itself no longer holds true in the west either. They have dealt with us for decades, by now, they know us as very well.

That's why two decades of "Do More" was just hot air, nothing more. it was the respect and recognition of Pakistan's capabilities, the western countries could not force Pakistan to "Do More".

A reckless and a foolhardy state, does not and cannot hold off an enemy many times bigger then itself on a permanent basis, even after losing half the country. They know losing something 2000 miles way isn't a big deal, think Vietnam and Afghanistan etc...

A reckless and a foolhardy state does not make strategic decisions, think continuous relations with China, think actual development from nothing despite the unstable environment, think nuclear program, think missile program, think relatively stable society.

So, what each party is ready to repeat for sake of sound bites is totally different from what they actually recognise and accept.

Pakistan is the only main player holding up the negotiations on the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty, despite pressure from the entire world for over a decade, because it is not in our interests. A reckless and foolhardy state cannot do that. The rest of the world knows that very well. These are the new realities.
Brilliantly written, but I disagree.
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