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Opinionated - Best time to get back IOK

what unintended adavantages?


After 1962 Sino-India War, India was receiving military aid as well as equipment from both USSR and America. Pakistan knew that all this would be used against Pakistan, and not against China; because India had no intention of engaging with China after the humiliating defeat of 1962. In fact, that was the prime reason, for Pakistan, to go for Operation Gibraltar.

1965 War, for the first time, gave Pakistan the confidence, against India, that it can defend its territory, against any Indian onslaught. It has never been tested before, in a big way.
If you ask me who lost two of his Cousins via Mukhbiri and 1000 of Village fighters including my leg . Their is no right time for Kashmir ops. The majority of the Kashmiris in the mainland are Pascifist and unwillingly accepted the Slave life. Yea the villages near the LOC can be liberated via Mujahideen as the youths of those areas are Hardcore Anti Indians and Consider themself as Pakistanis

I don't agree with OP, I think it's a ridiculous overestimate of our own capability and similarly an under estimate of the enemy.

A swallow doesn't make summer, swift retort was a victory in isolation but doesn't equate to military dominance.

We also lack the economic backbone to sustain a conflict and the cost of rebuild post conflict would be beyond our current capability.


I think your assessment of the mood in Kashmir is a little out dated. We successfully managed to sustain a significant insurgency in the 90s. Today India has ratcheted up its excesses - those stone throwing youth who are engaging with the Indian army at encounter sites would love guns in thier hands and equally importantly money in thier pocket.

I think it's the perfect opportunity to revive an insurgency. With todays tech, it'll be more lethal than ever.
Kashmir's problem can never be solved through war. There is never a good time for war. Pak and Ind will have to talk it out, may be in next 30 years with sane leadership in authority.

I must highlight that priority for India now is to save land from Chinese, Kashmir is in the back-burner for India. India will even try to have good relations with Pakistan, just to save her land from China. But the current leadership is fool and doesn't understand the gravity of situation.

There was reason why Bipin Rawat was eliminated. Growing dissatisfaction within the ranks of army, due to continuous politicisation of Indian military.

This is why I think it's the prefect time to fund a full blown insurgency.
If only the Pakistani Military top brass actually cared about its people, it would use its money for strengthening and developing the army and nation and not pocketing it for development of personal land plots and housing authorities. Then they would actually be able to do something about Kashmir.

I see there is a trend of you bitching about every aspect of Pakistan.
You need to relax your hate.

I highly doubt you are a Pakistani.
You certainly don't know anything of substance, just lies and complaints that play to the gallery.
military balance between Pakistan and India is much identical to that between Ukraine and Russia.
You need to stop drinking piss and consult a psychiatrist if you think this statement is even remotely true.
There is no scenario in which Pakistan army is as week as Ukraine which can't even get 2 sqd airborne even if their lives depended on it

Wasn't best time during Indias fake air strikes which proved Indian military is very weak compared to Pakistan?
Pakistan molested your airforce and ground installation in response. It was virat Hindu dear leader who Chickened out.
If only the Pakistani Military top brass actually cared about its people, it would use its money for strengthening and developing the army and nation and not pocketing it for development of personal land plots and housing authorities. Then they would actually be able to do something about Kashmir.
there are many very capbale people in military top brass in Pakistan , there is a reason Pakistan has been able to not only cause stale mate on conventional front in all wars at its mainland but have planned ambitious moves like operation grand slam and kargil against 8X larger enemy.

If not for capability of Pakistan military , india will not waste a single day in trying to pull out what russia is doing in ukraine.
Only a stupid leadership in Pakistan will ever trust India, it's akin to shooting our own foot. We were enemies with India before we became friends with China. Once we deal with Afghanistan and Balochistan situation India is next. All accounts will be settled and Indian Muslims will have a great role to play.

Agree with everything you said apart from the last sentence. Despite the oppression indian Muslims are suffering at the hands of the sanghis, they are just as if not more anti-Pakistani than the sanghis/indian sikhs.
Of course, it will be; as you are trying again and again for Aksai Chin. I wouldn't mention the years of your endeavors.
Aksai Chin?

You are forgetting that they have been threatening to take Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan for 74 years.
At least we tried, although with stupid planning,
But they don't even have the guts to try.

It's like if a bride doesn't turn up at the wedding, and the groom says I didn't want to marry her anyway.
They don't even have the guts to try to take it back, just hot air and self aggrandisement.
Aksai Chin?

You are forgetting that they have been threatening to take Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan for 74 years.
At least we tried, although with stupid planning,
But they don't even have the guts to try.

It's like if a bride doesn't turn up at the wedding, and the groom says I didn't want to marry her anyway.
They don't even have the guts to try to take it back, just hot air and self aggrandisement.

You know, that is one of the principal fears of India, that they deem us utterly reckless and foolhardy people. This perception arose out of 1965's adventure. :lol:
If only the Pakistani Military top brass actually cared about its people, it would use its money for strengthening and developing the army and nation and not pocketing it for development of personal land plots and housing authorities. Then they would actually be able to do something about Kashmir.

Ridiculous comment.

Military top brass is not responsible for improving the country - that is the govts job.

The military is responsible for defending the external borders of the country. They are doing that effectively.

Liberating Kashmir is also something that can be done militarily. For that you need resources.

You need enough weaponry to overwhelm your enemy. That costs money. You need a strong economy to buy all that - which is something this nearly broke *** country doesn't have.

You need capacity to resupply your troops and your general population. You need fuel storage, you need food security, you need a civil rescue service that doesn't rely on army every time a building collapses or earthquake happens. During war there will be large scale devastation - will army rescue people from bombed building or fight the war?

We need money to rebuild after the war - do we have that?

Conquest is not done on jazba alone in this day and age.
Worst time. Clear the snakes within your sleeves before undertaking such an adventure.

Mullah diesel and his army is being primed and amped. People asleep at the switches yet again. Diesel is a direct threat to Pakistan and like his face, he is a cancer that is metastasizing within Pakistan.

Add to this group the Angry students in Balouchistan, the Dakoos of Sindh, the Raiwand Dynasty, the Aackazai and PTM crowd - with the judiciary and bureaucracy as cherries on the top. Too much manure in the system. I am not saying have a squeaky clean wheel, but bring some level of charge and control before even considering such an adventure.
Exactly need a thorough clean up first, whole system needs an overhaul and traitors need to be punished. Anyone/group spreading disunity needs to also be punished. We need to be a unified front before we can achieve anything
Well, when we checked last time, military balance between Pakistan and India is much identical to that between Ukraine and Russia. Unless it turns into a nuclear war and both India and Pakistan have to restraint (if not yet, India still has triad, TNWs and higher fissile production to make 2k bombs annually and ABM capabilities, superior AD and ASAT).

The notion of 1 Pathan = 10 Baniyas brought the war in 1965 with aim to invade Kashmir to just sending back Indiaj troops from west pakistan successfully. Foreign reinforcements couldn't reach on time to help Pak in 1971. Ladai hathiyaron se jeeti jaati hai, zazba aur bahaduri bas batein hoti hain.

Somehow Pakistani government has learnt it better than internet fanboys and are now focused on garnering international support instead of directly fighting India.

LOL what happened on 27th Feb 2019?

Worst time. Clear the snakes within your sleeves before undertaking such an adventure.

Mullah diesel and his army is being primed and amped. People asleep at the switches yet again. Diesel is a direct threat to Pakistan and like his face, he is a cancer that is metastasizing within Pakistan.

Add to this group the Angry students in Balouchistan, the Dakoos of Sindh, the Raiwand Dynasty, the Aackazai and PTM crowd - with the judiciary and bureaucracy as cherries on the top. Too much manure in the system. I am not saying have a squeaky clean wheel, but bring some level of charge and control before even considering such an adventure.

Exactly need a thorough clean up first, whole system needs an overhaul and traitors need to be punished. Anyone/group spreading disunity needs to also be punished. We need to be a unified front before we can achieve anything

We need to go for the head (India) not the tail (not Indian assets in Pakistan).

They can no longer use Afghan soil.
Ridiculous comment.

Military top brass is not responsible for improving the country - that is the govts job.

The military is responsible for defending the external borders of the country. They are doing that effectively.

Liberating Kashmir is also something that can be done militarily. For that you need resources.

You need enough weaponry to overwhelm your enemy. That costs money. You need a strong economy to buy all that - which is something this nearly broke *** country doesn't have.

You need capacity to resupply your troops and your general population. You need fuel storage, you need food security, you need a civil rescue service that doesn't rely on army every time a building collapses or earthquake happens. During war there will be large scale devastation - will army rescue people from bombed building or fight the war?

We need money to rebuild after the war - do we have that?

Conquest is not done on jazba alone in this day and age.

Unlike prior governments, PMIK and the establishment are on the same page. This is a great advantage this time.

PMIK will not give away the gains at the diplomatic table what has been won by the Military on the battle field.

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