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Operations in Dir and Buner

What we are seeing are teeny weeny attacks instead, attacks that make it easy for the units to be surrounded and "forced" to surrender. How encouraging!

Yes, let's just go in there and resort to a massive rampage! While we at it also show no regard or respect for innocent life. Very bloody smart. You are never satisfied, are you? Show some gratitude for once. The enemy is very deceiving and smart. It will take time and require resources which we still by the way haven't received.
The enemy is very deceiving and smart. It will take time and require resources which we still by the way haven't received.
I can't argue with that. But in the meantime, why engage in activities that can only demoralize the military because they assure defeat?
I can't argue with that. But in the meantime, why engage in activities that can only demoralize the military because they assure defeat?

Well, because otherwise people like you will start blaming the PA for not doing enough. Your government mounts pressure without any proper strategy. They simply expect the PA to engage the enemy at all times. Whether the PA has the equipment, training etc. isn't on the American mind. Haven't we already heard enough of the blame games towards Pakistan? It's a vicious circle and no one is willing to even listen to our concerns.
Well, because otherwise people like you will start blaming the PA for not doing enough. Your government mounts pressure without any proper strategy. They simply expect the PA to engage the enemy at all times. Whether the PA has the equipment, training etc. isn't on the American mind. Haven't we already heard enough of the blame games towards Pakistan? It's a vicious circle and no one is willing to even listen to our concerns.

Stop whining. Nobody gives a damn to your pathetic excuse of lack of military apparatus, training etc. 70% of Pakistan's resources go to military. That's a lot of money. And your army claims that it would mount strong resistance to Indian army in case of a full blown war. Indian army is one of the most professional in the world. The same Pakistani army can't deal with a bunch of morons with their current resources?

If at all there is a vicious circle, it is in your administration's minds which is stopping them from taking the Talibs head on.
Stop whining. Nobody gives a damn to your pathetic excuse of lack of military apparatus, training etc. 70% of Pakistan's resources go to military. That's a lot of money. And your army claims that it would mount strong resistance to Indian army in case of a full blown war. Indian army is one of the most professional in the world. The same Pakistani army can't deal with a bunch of morons with their current resources?

If at all there is a vicious circle, it is in your administration's minds which is stopping them from taking the Talibs head on.

If only you can understand the difference between conventional fighting something for which PA is trained for decades vs Counter insurgency, you wouldn't be coming out with a post such as this. And yes 70% resources do go to military but that is to counter India and not for CI.
If only you can understand the difference between conventional fighting something for which PA is trained for decades vs Counter insurgency, you wouldn't be coming out with a post such as this. And yes 70% resources do go to military but that is to counter India and not for CI.

That part about not being trained against Counter-Insurgency, I agree. Does Pakistan have any para-military forces trained for this ? India has Rashtriya Rifles and Assam Rifles that is specifically trained for anti-terror ops. They have lower amount of heavy artillery and normal than average rifles.
But some earlier poster seemed to imply that Pakistan needed more APC's sent to the area indicating that this fight is turning out to be a conventional war.
Stop whining. Nobody gives a damn to your pathetic excuse of lack of military apparatus, training etc. 70% of Pakistan's resources go to military. That's a lot of money. And your army claims that it would mount strong resistance to Indian army in case of a full blown war. Indian army is one of the most professional in the world. The same Pakistani army can't deal with a bunch of morons with their current resources?

If at all there is a vicious circle, it is in your administration's minds which is stopping them from taking the Talibs head on.

Are you a daft being? Do you lack brain cells? It's easy for you being an Indian to claim that no one gives a damn, which of course is a blatant distortion of the reality. Why are you and your Indian buddies on this forum taking part in this discussion? Why is the world so worried? Obviously everyone cares. You always have an anti-Pakistan agenda. Your negative and arrogant attitude doesn't surprise me at all. You Indians after all are continuously fed with anti-Pakistan propaganda. It's part of your DNA. Everyone knows that the 70% of the GDP spent on the defence budget still amounts to peanuts. It's very easy for you to misuse stats. 70% may sound enormous, but what's the actual amount? Compared to the defence budgets of other armies it's actually not much at all. Also, these few resources are dedicated for defence against India. Your hostile country is hell-bent on destroying Pakistan. Did you read the newspaper today? Your so-called democratic and mature government terms us as an enemy. You are fuelling an arms race in this region and expect Pakistan to just remain idle? You are naive and childish. Which brings us back to the point that PA requires additional appropriate equipment such as drones etc. to fight the militants effectively. The PA currently doesn't have any UCAVs or Cobra spares for instance. We also require not only new, but also more equipment that we already posses. We current lack the numbers to fight the terrorists. Also, don't forget that currently the Americans are operating drones which is a sensitive issue in Pakistan. No Pakistani would like to see any foreigner involved on their soil.

As far as India is concerned, our army will have you for breakfast, lunch and dinner and still won't be satisfied. We have already fought three wars with your country which is at least five times larger. We know how strong India really is. Wow, you must be proud of having a professional army whilst more than 500 million people are starving, dying of diseases and living below the poverty line. How much has your economy boost benefited these poor Indians? That's the reality right in your face. There is nothing professional about your army. They are getting their rear ends kicked by a bunch of separatists.

Don't lecture us who we can and cannot handle. There is much more than handling or your simplistic rhetoric. Our army is already involved in taking on the enemy. Obviously, once your pathetic government stops interfering and aiding terrorists from across the border it will make our task a little easier. Also, the enemy is much more sophisticated. The Americans with all their might couldn't handle the insurgents in Iraq and got massacred. The Americans cannot even handle the Taliban in Afghanistan let alone Pakistan. Get that through your thick skull before making any stupid assumptions about the PA.
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Yes, let's just go in there and resort to a massive rampage! While we at it also show no regard or respect for innocent life. Very bloody smart. You are never satisfied, are you? Show some gratitude for once. The enemy is very deceiving and smart. It will take time and require resources which we still by the way haven't received.

Pakistan has a 500,000 strong army with the very best equipment available. What other resources are needed, and from whom?
thre should be a constant plan of action , not like the opreations which were carried out scince, last 8 years !
opreations shouldnt be stoped in any circumstances, the will to fight should be showen agrresivly?
Read the above. I'm not going to repeat myself each time.
Apart from ranting against the previous poster, you didn't list a thing.
Let's try again. What equipment is it that you are lacking?
I am well aware that the FC is starved of money and equipment and they are the ones doing the fighting, why should anyone give more money and gear to the PA to sit in their barracks while their people die?
Pakistan has a 500,000 strong army with the very best equipment available. What other resources are needed, and from whom?

For some reason the best equipped armies are not always good at doing house-to-house searches and fighting street corner battles. US army is the only force that seems to actually send in their ground forces for peace keeping operations. European countries use their "Legions", "Gurkhas" or send forces under "multi national operations" group.
For some reason the best equipped armies are not always good at doing house-to-house searches and fighting street corner battles. US army is the only force that seems to actually send in their ground forces for peace keeping operations. European countries use their "Legions", "Gurkhas" or send forces under "multi national operations" group.

Yes, although the US has had to learn the hard way. I understand the FC was set up in Pakistan to deal with these issues but has it's resources diverted to the army instead?
Apart from ranting against the previous poster, you didn't list a thing.
Let's try again. What equipment is it that you are lacking?
I am well aware that the FC is starved of money and equipment and they are the ones doing the fighting, why should anyone give more money and gear to the PA to sit in their barracks while their people die?

Are you stupid? Read the above. Don't expect me to react to your BS any more.
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Stop whining. Nobody gives a damn to your pathetic excuse of lack of military apparatus, training etc. 70% of Pakistan's resources go to military. That's a lot of money. And your army claims that it would mount strong resistance to Indian army in case of a full blown war. Indian army is one of the most professional in the world. The same Pakistani army can't deal with a bunch of morons with their current resources?

If at all there is a vicious circle, it is in your administration's minds which is stopping them from taking the Talibs head on.

Hey man what you talking about we are not doing enough we have Hired Talibans to deal with Talibans swat peace deal and others :crazy::rofl:
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