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Cowards are always concerned about everything , this they use as an excuse for their indecisiveness and inaction . Take my word for it , because I study human behavior .
have they missed what TTP has been doing since the shame dialogue? TTP might be disappointed with TTP that its carnage was not big enough for PTI
What the heck is your problem? who are you with!?
Reminds me of another Tribal nationalist and quite bigoted fellow. Wished for an independent tribal homeland or integration with Afghanistan. Eventually was trailed by the agencies and then ran away to England.
Couldn't ignore this.

This also has a hint of truth in this.

Can we create a separate thread on PTIs stance on the operation? It's needlessly taking up real estate in this discussion.

This was really important. As long as the militants have no escape, they can be culled in like sheep. The Lankans had the advantage of having the LTTE with its back against the sea, we have a rather easy pass to a hostile Afghanistan with these TTP. If they do not seal the retreat off totally..this operation will not have the success it should.

Maybe some of them wanted to surrender and the more extremist did not let them.

If this operation fails and there are more terror attacks (not within short time span because that will be a blow back) but in the medium term (after 1 year) -

Than the present govt, all the GHQ money jernails and the local tribe officials WILL RESIGN, investigated and given life imprisonment.

The only way to justify operations is "MEDIA ACCESS & ACCOUNTABILITY"

These both lack when it comes to Pakistan and her dad, Amrika.
This was really important. As long as the militants have no escape, they can be culled in like sheep. The Lankans had the advantage of having the LTTE with its back against the sea, we have a rather easy pass to a hostile Afghanistan with these TTP. If they do not seal the retreat off totally..this operation will not have the success it should.

Well the Army /Gov has requested Afghans to keep an eye on their side as well.

But if they don't then at least the TTp will be on the run and will not be settled in our areas. They wouldn't have such an easy time holed up in there.

But, that does give them a nice safe place to constantly launch attacks against us.
Its better to kill the disease than have it run off and then needing to maintain constant vigil(at unaffordable expense) to keep them out.


If this operation fails and there are more terror attacks (not within short time span because that will be a blow back) but in the medium term (after 1 year) -

Than the present govt, all the GHQ money jernails and the local tribe officials WILL RESIGN, investigated and given life imprisonment.

The only way to justify operations is "MEDIA ACCESS & ACCOUNTABILITY"

These both lack when it comes to Pakistan and her dad, Amrika.

Suggest you study the history of insurgencies to see how they all played out for various countries before taking that opinion as truth.
But, that does give them a nice safe place to constantly launch attacks against us.
Its better to kill the disease than have it run off and then needing to maintain constant vigil(at unaffordable expense) to keep them out.

Well...that could get us in a diplomatic mess.

But hey...who's complaining.

As long as we don't kill or harm any Yanks over in A-stan, then I think we can handle the Afghan pressure. A few air strikes or boots in the ground (2-4 km inside Afghan territory) won't do any harm.
Suggest you study the history of insurgencies to see how they all played out for various countries before taking that opinion as truth.

The only thing I know is that dispute is only settled via comprehensive dialogue. A military operation is a small part of that strategy. The only way PAKISTANIS will believe this operation was fair and just is when its successful. If it is not, civilians and jernails should face the same fate.

Accountability is the key here. With accountability comes innovation and a comprehensive strategy is developed.

The fact that we have faced Kargil, given air space to the Amrikans that killed countless (your good taliban and civilians), Unkale Mushy and his buds made money although 50K people dead. All this happens due to the lack of ACCOUNTABILITY.

If this operation is to be seen as a decisive one with a good will (not just getting CSF $$$) - Than the ones that plan should be held accountable. In any case.
The only thing I know is that dispute is only settled via comprehensive dialogue. A military operation is a small part of that strategy. The only way PAKISTANIS will believe this operation was fair and just is when its successful. If it is not, civilians and jernails should face the same fate. Accountability is the key here.

What is success?
Will you measure success then if the operation is successful but eventually leads to a Taliban type revolution starting from South Punjab?
Or will you measure success as a beginning to the end of the hegemony of the militant Mullah and his usage of religion to oppress people in Pakistan?
Or will you measure success as a beginning to the end of the hegemony of the militant Mullah and his usage of religion to oppress people in Pakistan?

^^Success will be this.

Add one more thing to the list:

Success will be when the $$$ jernails will be punished too. Zarrar Zamin types. And the Gwadar land scam too. Heard many jernails were involved in that pump too. Add foreign acquisition commissions too.
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