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Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

They are concerned about the blow back it is in the news report

Cowards are always concerned about everything , this they use as an excuse for their indecisiveness and inaction . Take my word for it , because I study human behavior .
As a result of the last night precise and targeted air strikes, 8 hideouts of Terrorists in NWA were destroyed killing 105 terrorists, most of them Uzbek foreigners. As of now North Waziristan Agency has been isolated by deploying troops along its border with neighboring agencies and FATA Regions to block any move of terrorists in and out of the Agency. Within the Agency, troops have moved and cordoned off all terrorists bases, including in the town of Mirali and Miranshah. Announcements will be made for local population to approach designated areas for their orderly and dignified evacuation out of the Agency. Necessary Logistics and administrative arrangements for IDPs have been made by Political Administration and Disaster Management Agency. Registration points and IDP camps have been made at, as being announced by Civil Administration. Surrender points have also been made for those militants who chose to quit violence and give up their arms. Meanwhile Aerial surveillance of the area is being carried out by own aerial surveillance platforms. Afghan security forces i.e. Afghan National Army and Afghan Border Police have also been requested to seal the border on their side to facilitate elimination of terrorists who attempt to escape across the border. They have also been requested to initiate immediate measures to eliminate TTP terrorists and their sanctuaries in Kunar, Nuristan and other areas of Afghanistan.

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Operation intensified in Karachi . Rangers to specially focus on areas where the terrorists who flee the tribal areas during previous operations in F.A.T.A are hiding and have taken refuge in .
A force against which the most powerful military in the world fell down too.

The most powerful military didn't know better than us , was fighting thousand of miles from home and didn't have as much to lose as we have , there lies the difference . These terrorists can most certainly be defeated , its the extremism and radicalization within the society which has to be taken care of , in the larger scheme of things .
i think they will try to run towards afghanistan
the Afghan chief recently met Mullah Fazlullah.. the Afghan intelligence has been exposed 2 times by the Americans when they snatched the messenger of former TTP leader Hakimullah from Afghan intelligence.

the Northern alliance will accord full support to the TTP and might start skirmishes and cross border firing at Pakistan army to cause problems to it. its leadership has never tried to hide its hatred towards Pakistan
The most powerful military didn't know better than us , was fighting thousand of miles from home and didn't have as much to lose as we have , there lies the difference . These terrorists can most certainly be defeated , its the extremism and radicalization within the society which has to be taken care of , in the larger scheme of things .

Which is why i believe we can actually win this. We can be more successful then them as they failed to kill their leaders,destroy their hideouts and reduce their influence however we are a different breed. We know the terrain and we know how to fight like this and hunt them down.
The Swat operation is proof that they can be defeated. Their influences can be reduced,leaders killed and hideouts destroyed. If we do the same in FATA and purge them over there and make them weak then we can put an end to this. We can bring back the peace that was lost.

This wont be easy and if we pull it off we will be the first army to eradicate terrorism from such a large area. The title alone is proof of the difficulty level of this operation but if i had to bet on one armed force that can pull it off in the world i would bet on ours.

I know and believe that we can be successful and i pray for their safety and the security,

After these are removed without a doubt we must control the extremism in our society. So that once purged they never return and we once again take the steps towards mass development which we left in 1960,s. I pray for it to end in our lifetime and we get to see the hint of a prosperous Pakistan.

the Afghan chief recently met Mullah Fazlullah.. the Afghan intelligence has been exposed 2 times by the Americans when they snatched the messenger of former TTP leader Hakimullah from Afghan intelligence.

the Northern alliance will accord full support to the TTP and might start skirmishes and cross border firing at Pakistan army to cause problems to it. its leadership has never tried to hide its hatred towards Pakistan

We cant allow such disruptions this time. We must make a case for ANA to be either help us or get out of our way. The operation wont be successful if they keep running across the border. We must follow them if they run. Get ready for a complicated war that will require guts of steel Mr. Nawaz.
Which is why i believe we can actually win this. We can be more successful then them as they failed to kill their leaders,destroy their hideouts and reduce their influence however we are a different breed. We know the terrain and we know how to fight like this and hunt them down.
The Swat operation is proof that they can be defeated. Their influences can be reduced,leaders killed and hideouts destroyed. If we do the same in FATA and purge them over there and make them weak then we can put an end to this. We can bring back the peace that was lost.

This wont be easy and if we pull it off we will be the first army to eradicate terrorism from such a large area. The title alone is proof of the difficulty level of this operation but if i had to bet on one armed force that can pull it off in the world i would bet on ours.

I know and believe that we can be successful and i pray for their safety and the security,

After these are removed without a doubt we must control the extremism in our society. So that once purged they never return and we once again tz.
Operation zarb-e-azab has 100% chance of success but dont expect TTP will be defeated with this operation. As a matter of fact, NATO has defeated taliban in every operation in Afghanistan but their whole war was declared a defeat as they were unable to finish taliban. Pakistan is facing a similar situation, TTP as a whole would simply escape to Afghanistan and you have to maintain very large presence of army in tribal areas to avoid re-capture by taliban. From across the border, TTP would attack border force and army in tribal areas on constant basis.
now where did the numbers of posts jumped in.. this is the problem with you guys, u cant digest criticism, Frankly i dont a dam sh!t what IK, PTI or any other political outfit thinks about this OPRN, but its always encouraging to see all on the same page and .. reality is .. its doesnt matter what u want or if u support or dont... the OPRN is ongoing & will b successful, so sit back grab :pop: and enjoy the onslaught .:sniper:....:coffee: :pakistan:

operation is not a problem with pti whereas pmln support for army is known by all . pmln even cant side with army on a messily geo news issue

ab jhatay post kartay raho....................................
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qwe will see. n their interviews they have never hidden their desire to cause problems for Pakistan. their opening line adn reasoning is always that Pakistan is responsible for all Afghan problems and its army is not stopping Haqqanis and supporting Mullah Omar so why should it expect any relief from Northern Alliance... the guy even grimaced while giving interview to a western journalist saying that since Pakistan army is helping taliban so it should'nt complain when we wont be that forthcoming in relation to its operation against TTP
Pakistan should launch air-strikes inside Afghanistan in order to kill TTP leaders.


May Allah grant complete victory to Pakistan, ameen!
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