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Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

They'll be hibernating. But its gonna be a pain because they will regroup. Do u know why they are having the shawal operation next year?
A good decision by the commanders just remember how Napoleon and Hitler were defeated in Russia due to snow and then this decision makes a lot of sense as PA is the side that would be operating the heavy weapons unlike TTP who are light and mobile.
Drone Strike
  • Two separate drone strikes on October 7 killed several militants and were the fourth and fifth such strikes to take place in the Waziristan region over the last three days. In the first attack on October 7, a drone strike targeted the compound of a militant commander named Mustaqeem, killing seven suspected militants and injuring five others in the Kandghar area of the Shawal Valley, bordering North and South Waziristan. In the second attack that day, a drone strike killed three militants and injured five others in the Madakhel Kunal Sar area in of Datta Khel sub-district, North-Waziristan. Two strikes reportedly took place the day before, on October 6. In one strike, drones killed four militants at a militant center operated by “Uzbek rebels” in the Mangrotai area of the Shawal valley, in the North and South Waziristan border region. A separate strike on another “Uzbek facility” in the same area killed at least another five militants. Conflicting reports claim one of the strikes on October 6 targeted the compound of a “commander Habib,” killed eight militants and wounded six others and took place in the Bari Mail area of Shawal sub-district, North Waziristan. The first of the five separate attacks took place on October 5 and reportedly killed five people, also in the Kandghar area of the Shawal Valley.[1]

Shawal Valley is the target of Zarb-e-Azb. all militants arehiding in this area and many have fled across into a/stan.
  • On October 9, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif addressed troops in Miram Shah, North Waziristan Agency and claimed that the military was winning the war against militants in tribal areas under the leadership of army chief Gen. Raheel Sharif. He also expressed hope for a peaceful Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif became the first Prime Minister to ever visit restive North Waziristan Agency. He was accompanied by Gen. Raheel Sharif on his trip to the tribal region.[3]
  • In a statement released via an audio recording on October 6, Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) head Maulana Fazlullah clarified that, contrary to media reports, the TTP had not announced its allegiance to Islamic State (IS) and that the TTP was still loyal to Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar.[4]
  • On October 6, an improvised explosive device (IED) destroyed an under-construction police station building in the Charbagh sub-district of Swat district, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. Ten kilograms of explosives were reportedly used in the blast. No casualties were reported.[5]
  • On October 12, Pakistani military airstrikes killed 21 militants in North Waziristan and Khyber Agency. Targeted airstrikes on militant hideouts in Anzarak area of Datta Khel sub-district in North Waziristan reportedly killed 11 suspected militants. Separately, airstrikes by the Pakistani Air Force killed 10 militants and injured several in the Rajgal, Wacho Wanom Fatih Sar and Duwa Khuly areas of the Tirah Valley in Khyber Agency.[7]
  • According to the Afghan Ministry of Interior, police forces arrested two militants associated with Pakistan Taliban and the Haqqani Network in northern Kunduz province on October 11. The police recovered suicide jackets from the militants.[8]
  • On October 13, the Sindh Rangers foiled a major jailbreak attempt by discovering an underground tunnel being dug from inside a house in Ghousia colony to the barracks in Karachi’s Central Jail. The Rangers arrested three terrorists from the house who had completed about 45 meters of the 55 meter- long tunnel. Five more accomplices were also arrested. The police also discovered weapons and mining equipment from the house. October 14, Sindh Minister for Prisons Manzoor Wasan said that officials also feared a possible attack on the Hyderabad jail. [9]
  • On October 11, unidentified militants attacked a medical team of the Frontier Corps (FC) in the Mand area of Turbat, Balochistan. One militant was killed in the encounter.[10]
  • On October 11, unknown gunmen shot and killed Qadir Raisani, District President of Muttahida Mahaz Balochistan in Quetta.[11]
  • On October 11, a roadside improvised explosive device (IED) killed two members of the local anti-Taliban militia in the Sipah area on the boundary between Kohat district and Orakzai Agency.[12]
  • On October 11, unidentified gunmen shot dead a member of an anti-Taliban militia in the Mangwal Tan area of Charbagh sub-district in Swat district. In a resulting search operation on October 12, security forces killed three militants.[13]
  • On October 11, police raided hideouts of a militant group known as the Zareen group in the Kamar Dhand area of Kohat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, injuring one policeman in the resulting clashes. The police also destroyed five suspected militant hideouts in the raid.[14]
  • On October 11, police forces reportedly killed three militants in a shootout in Uch Sharif city in Punjab’s Bahawalpur district.[15]
  • On October 14, unknown assailants on a motorbike shot and killed a second-lieutenant of the Pakistan Army and injured two of his brothers outside their house in Journalist Colony, Hyderabad.[16]
  • In messages posted on Twitter on October 10, spokesman for the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Jamaatul Ahrar, Ehsanullah Ehsan, chief of Jamaatul Ahrar’s Ihya-e-Khilafat media division Saleh Qassam, and media member Ibrahim Khorasani jointly criticized the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Malala Yousafzai, calling her an “agent of kuffar (disbelievers).” Ehsan further threatened that the group would continue to target people who portrayed “anti-Islamic positions.” The Shuhada Foundation of Pakistan also disapproved of the award, calling Malala the “enemy of Islam.”[17]
  • On October 13, former deputy convener of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), Dr. Farooq Sattar, declared that 11 of the MQM’s leaders were facing extortion threats from the TTP. The members have been asked to pay Rupees 1.5 million ($15,000) or suffer the pain of them and their families being assassinated.[18]
  • On October 10, German officials declared that a German aid worker who had been kidnapped in Multan, Pakistan in 2012 by Islamist militants has been freed in Afghanistan.[19]

I noticed some weapons were displayed 'Indian' in this video

all their weapons and ammo dumps have been captured and destroyed - miranshah and mirali area.

Drone Strikes
  • On October 11, two separate drone strikes killed eight militants in Khyber and North Waziristan Agencies. In the first attack, drones targeted a compound in Chancharano Kandaw area in the Tirah Valley of Khyber Agency, killing four militants and injuring two others. One of the dead militants was identified as Sheikh Imran Ali Siddiqi alias Haji Shaikh Waliullah, a senior member of the newly formed al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS). AQIS spokesperson Usama Mahmood confirmed Waliullah’s death. In the second attack, U.S. drones killed four suspected militants and injured one in the Maraga area of Shawal sub-district in North Waziristan. Taliban commander identified as Muhammad Mustafa, belonging to the Hafiz Gul Bahadur group, was among those killed. Foreign militants were also reportedly among the dead.[1]
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21 militants killed in Khyber air strikes

LANDI KOTAL: Twenty-one suspected militants were killed on Thursday when military planes pounded positions of the outlawed Lashkar-i-Islam group in the Akkakhel area of Khyber Agency.

Five hideouts of the Bara-based militant group were destroyed in the air strikes.

The Inter-Services Public Relations said in a statement that in “early morning precise aerial strikes in general areas of Tirah in Khyber Agency, 21 terrorists were killed and five hideouts were destroyed”.

Khyber Agency Political Agent Shahab Ali Shah told journalists that a precise military offensive had been launched against militants holed up in Sipah and Akkakhel areas.

He said that ‘Operation Khyber 1’ was launched on credible information about the presence of militants in parts of Sipah and Akkakhel areas.

“No timeframe of the operation has so far been set...it will continue till the clearance of...areas of all undesirable elements,” Mr Shah said.

Meanwhile, security forces stationed at Meel Wat and Fort Salop pounded militant hideouts with heavy artillery in different localities of Bara. A curfew was also imposed in parts of Bara and all entry and exit points were closed.

More families reportedly arrived in Orakzai Agency after they fled Akkakhel because of military operation being carried out there.

Sources said that fresh army contingents aided by artillery, tanks and armoured personnel carriers had reached Akkakhel and parts of Sipah where Mangal Bagh-led Lashkar-i-Islam had a strong presence.

The families said militants had threatened them that their houses would be torched and their belongings looted if they left the area. They said Lashkar-i-Islam wanted to use innocent men, women and children as human shield if security forces started an operation against militants.

LI spokesman Mohammad Umar said Akkakhel residents were not fleeing and insisted that no military operation was being conducted in areas under LI’s influence. He denied having prevented any person from leaving the area.

Officials of the Fata Disaster Management Authority confirmed the recent influx of internally displaced persons from Akkakhel and said they had set up a registration desk in Jalako Mela locality of Orakzai Agency with the help of the political administration.

They said 4,285 people, including 1,192 women and 2,136 children, had so far been registered.

21 militants killed in Khyber air strikes - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
  • On October 15, Pakistani military airstrikes killed at least 21 militants and destroyed five hideouts in the Akakhel and Sipah areas of the Tirah Valley in Khyber Agency. Security forces also reportedly sealed all roads leading up to the Bara area of Khyber where a military operation is expected to begin soon. A search operation is already underway in Khyber’s Shakas area.[1]
  • On October 14, Afghan security forces arrested two senior leaders of the Haqqani Network in Afghanistan. Anas Haqqani, son of the network’s founder Jalaluddin Haqqani, was arrested along with commander Hafiz Rashid. According to the Afghan National Directorate for Security (NDS), Anas Haqqani played an important role in forming the network’s strategy and fund-raising. Hafiz Rashid allegedly trained and equipped suicide bombers. The Haqqani Network has been held responsible for many sophisticated attacks on U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan.[2]
  • On October 16, intelligence agencies claimed that they arrested the mastermind behind the recent jailbreak attempt at Karachi Central Prison from the Mehmoodabad area of Karachi. Intelligence officials also recovered two government-issued sub-machine guns from the arrested man and confirmed that he was the owner of the house from which a tunnel was being dug to the jail. The suspect is reportedly a trusted aide of renowned terrorist Attaur Rehman alias Naeem Bokhari.[3]
  • On October 15, Karachi security forces arrested a key suspect responsible for the June 2013 bombing targeting Sindh High Court judge Justice Maqbool Baqar which killed nine people. The suspect is believed to have masterminded the attack.[4]
  • On October 16, unidentified gunmen shot dead a retired air force official Latif Aalam Butt, a well-known member of the Ahmadi community in Kamra, Attock district. Seven people from the Ahmadi community have been killed this year in targeted violence.[5]
  • On October 16, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif convened a meeting of Pakistani’s civil and military leadership to discuss national and regional security matters at the Prime Minister’s house in Islamabad. The meeting’s agenda reportedly included a discussion on the ongoing military offensive, Operation Zarb-e-Azb, in North Waziristan, as well as the recent border clashes between India and Pakistan.[6]
it seems like the militants were moving toward khyber agency and related agencies but PA is chasing them everywhere.

The Death toll of the militants might have surpassed 1500 mark already,with the operation suppose to end in feb-march next year,I believe we might end up having more than 2500-3000 militants killed
My brother unit is stationed there, it was all set to move ahead but the OP was delayed since winter is about to start, heavy snow fall makes it really difficult for ground units to operate.
Does that mean operations against the TTP are going to be put on hold? That's a bad idea as it would give an opportunity to the TTP to regroup again and it will be back to the status quo. Since most of the head honchos of the TTP have given their allegiance to the ISIS, it would not be far fetched to assume that they could combine forces sooner than later and pose a threat once again.
Does that mean operations against the TTP are going to be put on hold? That's a bad idea as it would give an opportunity to the TTP to regroup again and it will be back to the status quo. Since most of the head honchos of the TTP have given their allegiance to the ISIS, it would not be far fetched to assume that they could combine forces sooner than later and pose a threat once again.

He must be talking about shawal only.

anyway your right,ground operation need to be started in shawal if it is not started yet( i have heard that it started mid sept)

shawal is the center of many criminals from the rest of kpk apart from TTP.
  • On October 17, security forces killed at least nine militants and injured 10 others a new military operation named Khyber I, targeting the Bara area of Khyber Agency. The militants were killed as security forces successfully gained control of a border check post. The main objective of Khyber I is to clear Bara district to the border of the Tirah Valley. Then, an as-of-yet undefined second phase of the operation will begin. Security forces have imposed a curfew throughout the area and prohibited entry and exit form Bara. The Capital City Police Chief Peshawar Muhammad Ijaz stated that Operation Khyber I will negatively affect Peshawar due to its proximity to Bara district as displaced tribesmen and militants will likely enter Peshawar from Khyber.[1]
  • On October 16, security forces arrested 20 suspected persons in search operation in Charbagh Bazaar, Swat, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.[2]
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