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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

You are right, but you can do nothing about it except watching and moaning...

Their moaning reminds me mosquito's, both noisy, annoying and need blood of somebody else to populate their own.
And so I agree with you that power is what prevents mosquito's :tup:
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I wish Saudi-GCC coalition won't stop in Saida. They should continue this war and airstrike until Houthies turn into glass, literally.
Do not waste your time with these extremists , they war will continue till Houthi savages return back to their caves in Saida . Welad manyooka dola ma yefhamo 3'eer el darb el gezam .
Houthis need help from their allies, A genuine help but Sanaa & Sa'ada ground assault will explains the actual capability of Saudi and emarti soldiers. It was obvious that houthis have over stretched their territory and defeating them from south was easier. but defeating them in their stronghold will show the effectiveness of Gulfi alliance.
That would be next to impossible because southerners have no public support in North Yemen. Houthis never dared to attack Aden until Qaeda exploded a big bomb in Sanaa. Heck, even Hitler only annexed two places, one is Sudetenland and the other is Austria, because these two places are ethnic German.
This is the stupidest thing i have ever read it made me lose a few brain cells. Aden was before the attack a weapons free city, al qaeda is in hadramout, the houthis(or should i say ali saleh) were always planning an invasion, they didnt dig those huge tunnels under aden in a day after al qaeda detonated a bomb, think before you speak and stop making a fool of your self.

Some dumb retards on this thread say the south yemenis want to take over taiz, honestly how dumb can you get? We want to be as far away from them as possible.The whole point of south yemeni independence is to separate from the north and its people not stay with them or take over them.
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#Beirut: Who is the Best 'Resister', Al-Houthi or Nasrullah ? | Daily News Analysis
Summary :
Abdulmalik Al-Houthi teaches Hasan Nasrullah a lesson and makes him shut up.

Amereeeeeeeeeeka!!! :p:
Isra'eeeeeeeeeeeel !!! :mad::mad:
Amereeeeeeeeeeka!!! :p::p::p:
Isra'eeeeeeeeeeeel !!! :mad::mad::mad::mad:
Amereeeeeeeeeeka!!! :p::p::p::p::p:
Isra'eeeeeeeeeeeel !!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

This is how the 'resistance' fights Zionists :coffee: .
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