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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

BREAKING. After Israeli ammo box from 1967 Assadists found another proof of Israeli involvement: a machine gun box from 1978!


But they are being lazy. If they searched better they could find newer evidence: like M-16 mags or toilet paper left by Israeli soldiers in 2006.
#Beruit: Who is the Best 'Resister', Al-Houthi or Nasrullah ? | Daily News Analysis
Summary :
Abdulmalik Al-Houthi teaches Hasan Nasrullah a lesson and makes him shut up.

Amereeeeeeeeeeka!!! :p:
Isra'eeeeeeeeeeeel !!! :mad::mad:
Amereeeeeeeeeeka!!! :p::p::p:
Isra'eeeeeeeeeeeel !!! :mad::mad::mad::mad:
Amereeeeeeeeeeka!!! :p::p::p::p::p:
Isra'eeeeeeeeeeeel !!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

This is how the 'resistance' fights Zionists :coffee: .
BREAKING. After Israeli ammo box from 1967 Assadists found another proof of Israeli involvement: a machine gun box from 1978!


But they are being lazy. If they searched better they could find newer evidence: like M-16 mags or toilet paper left by Israeli soldiers in 2006.

The ones they found in Bint Jbeil you mean ?
Coalition forces, militia loyal to the exiled government, and separatists move on Taiz.

Relevant quotes:-

Militia forces loyal to Yemen's exiled government fought their way deep into the central city of Taiz on Sunday, local officials said, largely pushing out Houthi militiamen from the country's third largest city.

The tribal fighters seized a mountaintop citadel and an intelligence headquarters in battles with the Houthis and allied Yemeni army units, who control two military bases in the city.

Tank battles and air strikes have rocked Taiz since April, when the militia forces backed by Gulf Arab warplanes rose up against the Houthis. The combat has left much of the city in ruins and its residents pinned down inside their homes.

Fighting had been stalemated for almost four months but the Houthis' opponents have gained the upper hand with training and weapons deliveries by the Gulf states, and have seized several southern provinces in an advance northward toward Sanaa.

Residents in the capital reported the first Gulf Arab air strikes on the city for about a month on Sunday targeting the main military airport and a weapons depot.

The United Nations' envoy to Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, has been shuttling between the warring sides, including the Houthis' representatives in neighbouring Oman, in an attempt to secure Houthi withdrawals from cities and spare Yemen's ancient capital from a devastating final battle.

"There is great progress in the ongoing negotiations in Muscat. The Houthis have agreed to the plan of the international envoy and the response of the Yemeni government is expected tomorrow," a Yemeni politician told Reuters on condition of anonymity.

Anti-Houthi fighters poised to seize key central Yemen city| Reuters

An end in sight?

Houthis are withdrawing from many cities, according to Reuters. Plus they eventually withdraw from Sanaa too. Some talks underway among different factions. Saleh again joining Suadi hand. Suadi intelligence used Alqaida and ISIL factions in Yemen against Yemanis very affectively

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Houthis are withdrawing from many cities, according to Reuters. Plus they eventually withdraw from Sanaa too. Some talks underway among different factions. Saleh again joining Suadi hand. Suadi intelligence used Alqaida and ISIL factions in Yemen against Yemanis very affectively
Yemanis now is alqaida .lol
keep crying
I was bored and had sometime to go back to some lovely posts, let's start...

what will Arabs do in Yemen
Arabs will take action over Yemen if peace efforts fail :help:

Question=How Can you explain
Answer= Hammond said Britain and her western allies were discussing their response :wub:
What about now? It's the Decisive Storm era baby..
There is now an awakening in Yemen.
The Houthis are back baby! :D
Indeed, they are back to their caves in Sadaa, although I doubt they'll be back alive.. Sorry to burst it so harshly..
Soon, Yemen will be liberated.
Yep, liberated from Huthies...
Well if Saudis militarily intervene we will finally get an answer as to the real fighting capabilities of their army.
And you got the answer pretty well, didn't you?
Well, no offence to my Saudi friends but according to history Saudi is all talk. :meeting:
What about now?
Are you watching Saudi?

Yes yes, we're watching..
Well, i personally wish to see, Saudis to kick the @ss of these mullah backed dogs who tries to cause trouble in every Arab state.... but i'm not getting my hopes up.
You should have...
I dont know how much involved Iran is. As I have said earlier, I have yet to see any proof.
But if it turns out that they are, I can understand the rationale. Probably motivated by ksa's misadventure in Syria by trying to topple Assad.
So while I would not call it revenge, I would definitely say that Iran would do it to want to establish a strong deterrence against ksa and give them a lesson that engaging in such an aggression against an Iranian ally is going to have a great cost. Right now the cost being that Yemen, traditionally in ksa's orbit, having been fallen out of their hands.
So that would make them think twice before they contemplate doing such a thing again.

Assuming Iran is involved, which I have not seen proof of yet.
And what a lovely revenge it was, what an entertaining lesson it is.
Or declare new capital in Riyadh. lol
Or in Sanaa.. Just saying
I swear to god, I was taking a shower when I heard about the campaign at about 12 AM from the TV, then I rushed out dancing and singing, then I made myself French Fries and enjoined them while watching the News on the TV till morning. What an amazing wonderful night it was.
Huthis are about to get slaughtered. If GCC wants to go inside Yemen, it will begin by a complete wipe out of Huthi airpower followed by a No Fly Zone which Iran won't be able to break nor be able to lift the naval blockade. With no supplies, GCC jets bombing them day in, night out, Iran looking the other way as if they never existed and Yemeni opposition being armed and advancing into Huthi territory, we are looking at a slaughter and nothing less. Saudis will make sure a big bang is sent over to all Iranian proxies that when you are getting screwed, the Iranians don't show up. Iran has no capability to fight a full scale war with GCC, the GCC will achieve air dominance over Iranian airspace rendering their Ballistic Missiles and Navy utterly useless. Due to these constraints, the Huthis are in for a slaughter.
And you were right.
Yemen Joins The Axis Of Resistance
Not anymore.
I was bored and had sometime to go back to some lovely posts, let's start...

What about now? It's the Decisive Storm era baby..

Indeed, they are back to their caves in Sadaa, although I doubt they'll be back alive.. Sorry to burst it so harshly..

Yep, liberated from Huthies...

And you got the answer pretty well, didn't you?

What about now?

Yes yes, we're watching..

You should have...

And what a lovely revenge it was, what an entertaining lesson it is.


Or in Sanaa.. Just saying

I swear to god, I was taking a shower when I heard about the campaign at about 12 AM from the TV, then I rushed out dancing and singing, then I made myself French Fries and enjoined them while watching the News on the TV till morning. What an amazing wonderful night it was.

And you were right.

Not anymore.

lol you went through all that trouble to find older posts just to glow? :lol:
The overall performance by ksa has been pathetic, with airplanes killing their own allies in friendly fire several times, and houthis having steamrolled through entire Yemen in the span of a month. And just now (after 5 months), you have enjoyed some success, but there is no sign that the war is over.
saudi entanglement is the best news, now they can get bogged down in an endless conflict at their southern border, that has been going on since March. And again, there are no signs of it ending anytime soon. The longer it goes on, the worse news for Saudi Arabia.
And other Arabs like yourself celebrate killing other Arabs and pretend this is somehow a successful campaign against Iran. Waging war against Iran, by destroying a neighboring Arab state. Hmm....I swear, I have never met a more fail people in my entire life.
The longer term trends does not point in your favor.

Oh, and get a life you pathetic dimwit. :rofl:
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lol you went through all that trouble to find older posts just to glow? :lol:
The overall performance by ksa has been pathetic, with airplanes killing their own allies in friendly fire several times, and houthis having steamrolled through entire Yemen in the span of a month. And just now (after 5 months), you have enjoyed some success, but there is no sign that the war is over.
saudi entanglement is the best news, now they can get bogged down in an endless conflict at their southern border, that has been going on since March. And again, there are no signs of it ending anytime soon. The longer it goes on, the worse news for Saudi Arabia.
And other Arabs like yourself celebrate killing other Arabs and pretend this is somehow a successful campaign against Iran. Waging war against Iran, by destroying a neighboring Arab state. Hmm....I swear, I have never met a more fail people in my entire life.
The longer term trends does not point in your favor.

Oh, and get a life you pathetic dimwit. :rofl:
I feel a slight case of butthurt, dont cry pal.
I was bored and had sometime to go back to some lovely posts, let's start...

What about now? It's the Decisive Storm era baby..

Indeed, they are back to their caves in Sadaa, although I doubt they'll be back alive.. Sorry to burst it so harshly..

Yep, liberated from Huthies...

And you got the answer pretty well, didn't you?

What about now?

Yes yes, we're watching..

You should have...

And what a lovely revenge it was, what an entertaining lesson it is.


Or in Sanaa.. Just saying

I swear to god, I was taking a shower when I heard about the campaign at about 12 AM from the TV, then I rushed out dancing and singing, then I made myself French Fries and enjoined them while watching the News on the TV till morning. What an amazing wonderful night it was.

And you were right.

Not anymore.
lol you went through all that trouble to find older posts just to glow? :lol:
The overall performance by ksa has been pathetic, with airplanes killing their own allies in friendly fire several times, and houthis having steamrolled through entire Yemen in the span of a month. And just now (after 5 months), you have enjoyed some success, but there is no sign that the war is over.
saudi entanglement is the best news, now they can get bogged down in an endless conflict at their southern border, that has been going on since March. And again, there are no signs of it ending anytime soon. The longer it goes on, the worse news for Saudi Arabia.
And other Arabs like yourself celebrate killing other Arabs and pretend this is somehow a successful campaign against Iran. Waging war against Iran, by destroying a neighboring Arab state. Hmm....I swear, I have never met a more fail people in my entire life.
The longer term trends does not point in your favor.

Oh, and get a life you pathetic dimwit. :rofl:

A-lot of Frustration in your writing besides your dog in syria has been fighting for over 4 years and the us campaign in iraq which includes iran has been over a year now fighting a bunch savages with ak-47 ,
A-lot of Frustration in your writing besides your dog in syria has been fighting for over 4 years and the us campaign in iraq which includes iran has been over a year now fighting a bunch savages with ak-47 ,

Frustration? I've been chillaxing and occupied with real life you dumb little mosquito. :rofl: There is nothing to be frustrated about anyway because its the Arab people that are preoccupied with slaughtering each other 24/7. And then we have other idiots celebrating it because they think its a stab against Iran. Killing their own kin to get at Iran. Thats why I say you people (well not you, seeing as how you're a malaysian) are by and large a failure at life.
Oh and Bashar is sitting firmly because we say so. He has lost more cities in the periphery recently, but is still in firm control of all the major arteries and cities (where the majority of the population live). So no, Im not frustrated. Not as frustrated as you gulf junkies got when you got a temper tantrum, after uncle sam decided not to bomb Assad. :lol:
Where did you get air from anyway? haha
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Frustration? I've been chillaxing and occupied with real life you dumb little mosquito. :rofl: There is nothing to be frustrated about anyway because its the Arab people that are preoccupied with slaughtering each other 24/7. And then we have other idiots celebrating it because they think its a stab against Iran. Killing their own kin to get at Iran. Thats why I say you people (well not you, seeing as how you're a malaysian) are by and large a failure at life.
Oh and Bashar is sitting firmly because we say so. He has lost more cities in the periphery recently, but is still in firm control of all the major arteries and cities (where the majority of the population live). So no, Im not frustrated. Not as frustrated as you gulf junkies got when you got a temper tantrum, after uncle sam decided not to bomb Assad. :lol:
Where did you get air from anyway? haha
I sense your frustration but that's how things will be from now on in the Arab peninsula . All you can do is simply pay lip service and condemn . Anyone who will seek alliance or close ties with Iran will have their country sent back to the stone age such as syria or occupied like yemen and Bahrain.

Frustration? I've been chillaxing and occupied with real life you dumb little mosquito. :rofl: There is nothing to be frustrated about anyway because its the Arab people that are preoccupied with slaughtering each other 24/7. And then we have other idiots celebrating it because they think its a stab against Iran. Killing their own kin to get at Iran. Thats why I say you people (well not you, seeing as how you're a malaysian) are by and large a failure at life.
Oh and Bashar is sitting firmly because we say so. He has lost more cities in the periphery recently, but is still in firm control of all the major arteries and cities (where the majority of the population live). So no, Im not frustrated. Not as frustrated as you gulf junkies got when you got a temper tantrum, after uncle sam decided not to bomb Assad. :lol:
Where did you get air from anyway? haha
Problem is in your backward fake Shia religion which promotes hate and takfirism . When you have a bunch of savages who believe some weird guy hiding in a basement will come out and rule the world for sure there would never be peace in any country where these creatures live .
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