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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

You child, words don't mean whatever you want them to mean. I can't say "table happiness rectum or keyboard pink lullaby" and then pretend it means something.

Invasion has a specific meaning.

Shias are not Arabs makes no logical sense.

Start from the beginning. Try to make sense instead of trying to randomly string words together.
Listen, I've no desire wasting time on this crap. Your brothers are being roasted in Yemen, they will lose this war and your country can do nothing about it. If you care so much about them then gather as many Iranians as you can and get down streets and protest your country coward policy toward it's allies.

According to the definitions which you graciously the invading force need not be foreign to be considered an invader. The Houthi's didn't just stroll into cities across Yemen they used military force to capture them.

But if you think there's a word that can describe what the Houthi's and forces loyal to Saleh did I would like to know what it is.
When they get defeated, they tend to drag you into these endless useless debates in which they take the high ground of morality and human rights which they have no clue about.
According to the definitions which you graciously provided the invading force need not be foreign to be considered an invader. The Houthi's didn't just stroll into cities across Yemen they used military force to capture them.

But if you think there's a word that can describe what the Houthi's and forces loyal to Saleh did I would like to know what it is.

The invading force has to invade. Invade means to enter. You can only enter a place when you are not in it.

There are many better words you can use depending on which side you are. If you are on the side of Hadi, may I suggest the word "coup". That's when a local force overthrows the government.

If a person is on the side of Houthis, they will probably consider their action an extension of the revolution that was started a few years ago.

If a person is on the side of Saleh, they could consider it overthrowing the usurper Hadi.

But in no side, could the Houthis be called invaders. However, the Saudis could be called invaders, as they have forcefully entered a country using force.

Listen, I've no desire wasting time on this crap. Your brothers are being roasted in Yemen, they will lose this war and your country can do nothing about it. If you care so much about them then gather as many Iranians as you can and get down streets and protest your country coward policy toward it's allies.

It would be nice if you spend some time wasting time on this crap, because you might actually learn how to debate and be able to actually talk like a sensible person, instead of yapping crazily without making any sense.

It's a shame that Yemen is going through such a crisis, but I don't really consider Houthis as my "brothers" in whatever sense you mean. Someone in Yemen doesn't suddenly become my "brother" based on his religious beliefs.
UAE army Leclerc in Yemen,equipped with the Azur kit.
I hope it could perform well there,and hope the emiratis to have a good opinion about it.

The invading force has to invade. Invade means to enter. You can only enter a place when you are not in it.

There are many better words you can use depending on which side you are. If you are on the side of Hadi, may I suggest the word "coup". That's when a local force overthrows the government.

If a person is on the side of Houthis, they will probably consider their action an extension of the revolution that was started a few years ago.

If a person is on the side of Saleh, they could consider it overthrowing the usurper Hadi.

But in no side, could the Houthis be called invaders. However, the Saudis could be called invaders, as they have forcefully entered a country using force.

It would be nice if you spend some time wasting time on this crap, because you might actually learn how to debate and be able to actually talk like a sensible person, instead of yapping crazily without making any sense.

It's a shame that Yemen is going through such a crisis, but I don't really consider Houthis as my "brothers" in whatever sense you mean. Someone in Yemen doesn't suddenly become my "brother" based on his religious beliefs.
Since they are not your brothers, then why do you care so much? Oh let me guess, it's your human instincts which can't bear seeing other human beings suffer...

You know, you want some sense, here you go, you are the most hypocrite people I've ever known, you are a freaking Iranian, like others of your kind support your regime which happens to be the most sadistic, dictator terrorist dark regime in the world who generously support the blood thirsty mass murderer giraffe in Syria, and further finance, train and arm terror groups in Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan to fight Syrians, more than 300+ thousand have been killed by you, and yet you dare to come here and pretend to be sensitive human over a bunch of crazy terrorists who took over Yemen and ousted it's legitimate president? Get lost buddy.

That's why I don't take you or your kind seriously.
Demonstrations today in Sana'a against Saudi aggression. Compare that to those pics with 2 dozen stooges posing for camera with UAE, Saudi flags as 'proof' that Saudis are popular in there.





Most of N.yemen supports Houthis but in S.Yemen they are weaker

Lets see what happens when gulfies start moving northwards
Demonstrations today in Sana'a against Saudi aggression. Compare that to those pics with 2 dozen stooges posing for camera with UAE, Saudi flags as 'proof' that Saudis are popular in there.



Protests against Huthies in Sanaa before they repress and prevent them from protesting again:





Interesting... Then, where were you the last four years when Syrians were being slaughtered and gassed? Come on Mr. Sensitive human, answer me without the disgusting lies you use when you get cornered.
Interesting... Then, where were you the last four years when Syrians were being slaughtered and gassed? Come on Mr. Sensitive human, answer me without the disgusting lies you use when you get cornered.

When the choice is between stability and extremist terrorist headcutting scum, then the choice is easy.
That's why I say the language you understand is the language of power. There's noway for logic to make it into your heads.

Hah. Your logic is this: The Houthis are invading Yemen because they are not Arabs (since they are Shias).

Thats what happens when a person bases their whole political mindset on Israeli intelligence material. It wraps their minds.
Hah. Your logic is this: The Houthis are invading Yemen because they are not Arabs (since they are Shias).

Thats what happens when a person bases their whole political mindset on Israeli intelligence material. It wraps their minds.
You are right, but you can do nothing about it except watching and moaning...

You are right, but you can do nothing about it except watching and moaning...


Do not waste your time with these extremists , they war will continue till Houthi savages return back to their caves in Saida . Welad manyooka dola ma yefhamo 3'eer el darb el gezam .

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