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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

As it seems Aden airport has been retaken by Houthis and Yemeni army from Saudi stooges and AQ ...
As it seems Aden airport has been retaken by Houthis and Yemeni army from Saudi stooges and AQ ...

Situation in Yemen is too complex for an accurate report on the daily battles, given the bad media coverage. So don't rush to believe any news coming out too soon.

Meanwhile on the same day that Hadi, the Facebook president said Aden is 'completely liberated' (which is a lie of course) and after emerging reports of some Saudi forces in Aden, ISIS and Al-Qaeda, accidentally of course, appear in Aden.




Another gift from Saudis to people of the Southern Yemen. Every single place they set foot on or they support by sending arms and money, this virus appears. Mother and its babies.
Yes, we should take the Saudi news agencies more seriously. Saudi camel urine news agencies. Thus far what the Houthis have said turned out to be true unlike the afro arab sauds whom claimed Houthis are nowhere near the borders when videos were showing Houthis roasting sauds in their tanks and taking over border posts etc.:lol:

Take it easy i can hear your crying from here, bring up visual proof and back up your claims ya Farsi, but i understand your frustration, all that money and weapons you sent to Houthi went to waste, here's the Houthi spocksmamn with his newly received Iranian paycheck

Take it easy i can hear your crying from here, bring up visual proof and back up your claims ya Farsi, but i understand your frustration, all that money and weapons you sent to Houthi went to waste, here's the Houthi spocksmamn with his newly received Iranian paycheck


Keep posting that old Photoshoped picture and fake news to sooth your butt.
If Iran had actually sent weapons to Houthis, you would be able to show evidence, the reality is this, if the Houthis had been given Iranian weapons, countless more saud would have been roasted. Sauds are too incompetent, they can only do airstrikes, however, whenever they came face to face with Houthis, they were badly embarrassed as videos in this thread show.
Keep posting that old Photoshoped picture and fake news to sooth your butt.
If Iran had actually sent weapons to Houthis, you would be able to show evidence, the reality is this, if the Houthis had been given Iranian weapons, countless more saud would have been roasted. Sauds are too incompetent, they can only do airstrikes, however, whenever they came face to face with Houthis, they were badly embarrassed as videos in this thread show.

Photoshopped?Also where's your proof about your Houthis retaken Aden airport? The evidence of Iranian support to Houthi is overwhelming since 2004, the issue is you being the dumb Farsi you are you only able see from your butt. And as black eagle said Houthi share thousands of kilometers border with Saudi yet aside from a few pointless hit and run here and there they couldn't do sh!t despite having the Yemeni army on their side and a previous unlimited support from your mullahs which was stopped by your Saudi overlords (speaking of that where's your so called "aid" ship? Is it still on route to Yemen? :lol:) Now compare that to your useless IRGC in Iraq and Syria and how they get buttfu*ked by ISIS even though ISIS has no backers lol.
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Photoshopped? Do you have the original picture then? Or should we add this lie to your many countless lies ya Farsi? Also where's your proof about your Houthis retaken Aden airport? Oh well another Farsi lie. The evidence of Iranian support to Houthi is overwhelming since 2004, the issue is you being the dumb Farsi you are you only able see from your butt. And as black eagle said Houthi share thousands of kilometers border with Saudi yet aside from a few pointless hit and run here and there they couldn't do sh!t despite having the Yemeni army on their side and a previous unlimited support from your mullahs which was stopped by your Saudi overlords (speaking of that where's your so called "aid" ship? Is it still on route to Yemen? :lol:) Now compare that to your useless IRGC in Iraq and Syria and how they get buttfu*ked by ISIS even though ISIS has no backers lol, by God if i were an Iranian i would've killed myself a long time ago from shame.

First of all , this photo-shopped image has already been posted in this very thread and debunked. You might have even been the member to have posted the photoshopped image the first time. One of the Iranian members had posted the original:
@Serpentine @2800 @JEskandari @Takaavar @SALMAN AL-FARSI @IR-TR Can you find the original photo easier? I cannot be bothered going back pages and pages to find it.

Furthermore, Iran is currently destroying your brethrens in ISIS in fallujah. ISIS has lost countless members in fallujah alone. ISIS is getting support from Sauds, Turkey. Now that they're getting slaughtered, it's time to pretend as if sauds had nothing to do with them. :lol: Comparing IRGC to these incompetent subhumans?::lol:

Watch your saud brethren get roasted alive :bunny:
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Situation in Yemen is too complex for an accurate report on the daily battles, given the bad media coverage. So don't rush to believe any news coming out too soon.

Meanwhile on the same day that Hadi, the Facebook president said Aden is 'completely liberated' (which is a lie of course) and after emerging reports of some Saudi forces in Aden, ISIS and Al-Qaeda, accidentally of course, appear in Aden.




Another gift from Saudis to people of the Southern Yemen. Every single place they set foot on or they support by sending arms and money, this virus appears. Mother and its babies.
Take it from me, Aden is liberated.



Medieval family will be bogged down yemen for sometime. Decisive storm isn't really decisive.

Hadi Increasingly Irrelevant as Saudis Bogged Down in Yemen | Atlantic Sentinel

First of all , this photo-shopped image has already been posted in this very thread and debunked. You might have even been the member to have posted the photoshopped image the first time. One of the Iranian members had posted the original:
@Serpentine @2800 @JEskandari @Takaavar @SALMAN AL-FARSI @IR-TR Can you find the original photo easier? I cannot be bothered going back pages and pages to find it.

Furthermore, Iran is currently destroying your brethrens in ISIS in fallujah. ISIS has lost countless members in fallujah alone. ISIS is getting support from Sauds, Turkey. Now that they're getting slaughtered, it's time to pretend as if sauds had nothing to do with them. :lol: Comparing IRGC to these incompetent subhumans?::lol:

Watch your saud brethren get roasted alive :bunny:

Saudis have been a complete joke on the ground. Their elite SANG ran away like headless chickens leaving the houthis to show off their newly acquired FN F2000.

When you guys get cornered, you jump from one lie to another.

UAE soldier, Abd Al-Aziz Al-Kaabi has martyred in Aden, may Allah bless his noble soul:


hahaha, i bet that UAE minister is throwing crazy fits against Pakistan. When the first UAE soldier died his familly said that they were proud that he died protecting the country but in reality how is fighting the yemeni army and houthis protecting UAE? Shows are brain-washed gulfies are, maybe they were lying to themselves trying to convince themselves that their son didn't die a meaningless death.
43 civilians killed in rebel bombing of Yemen`s Aden: Official | Zee News

Last Updated: Sunday, July 19, 2015 - 22:08

Aden: At least 43 civilians were killed Sunday in rebel bombing of Yemen`s second city of Aden, where Saudi-backed pro-government forces have advanced against the Shiite insurgents, a health official said.

More than 100 others were wounded in the bombing of the Dar Saad neighbourhood in the north of the port city, said local health chief Al-Khader Laswar.

Backed by air support from Saudi-led warplanes and troops freshly trained in the neighbouring kingdom, forces loyal to exiled President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi have managed wrest back control of most of the port city.

Two ministers of the exiled government returned to Aden this weekend, shortly after Prime Minister Khaled Bahah heralded its "liberation", four months after the Iran-backed Shiite Huthi rebels entered the city.

Take it easy i can hear your crying from here, bring up visual proof and back up your claims ya Farsi, but i understand your frustration, all that money and weapons you sent to Houthi went to waste, here's the Houthi spocksmamn with his newly received Iranian paycheck




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