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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

I wonder how come The guys who still think iran armed houthis are failing to show a single iranian made weapon ?
chinese SAMs and other armament is being used by Syrian opposition this does n't prove that China is helping the Syrian opposition. Weapons of any origin are available in black market or from rogue elements. People on this thread look to be intelligent and well versed. As I think most of Iranis get military training so you should know better to use valid points to dent Iran involvement in Yemen.

Yemen is a poor country and Houtis can;t afford to get weapons on their own unlike ISIS which are getting enough money from oil smuggling and in some cases even accused of human trafficking and worse. In summary instead of accusing each other Muslims of each sect should try for peace and harmony. Both Russians and USA are gainers in this game meanwhile who are losers they know better.

If Muslims will shed the blood of their own brothers then how they will present the case of Palestine to whole world.
I want to ask my Irani brothers how they shall deny the fact that they have strong defense and economic ties with India which is shedding blood of innocent Kashmiri Muslims since more than six decades ( both Shia and Sunnis).
chinese SAMs and other armament is being used by Syrian opposition this does n't prove that China is helping the Syrian opposition. Weapons of any origin are available in black market or from rogue elements. People on this thread look to be intelligent and well versed. As I think most of Iranis get military training so you should know better to use valid points to dent Iran involvement in Yemen.
Each group we are supporting get iranian made weapon and we acknowledge our supports for each of them . Why houthis must be different ?

chinese SAMs and other armament is being used by Syrian opposition this does n't prove that China is helping the Syrian opposition. Weapons of any origin are available in black market or from rogue elements. People on this thread look to be intelligent and well versed. As I think most of Iranis get military training so you should know better to use valid points to dent Iran involvement in Yemen.

Yemen is a poor country and Houtis can;t afford to get weapons on their own unlike ISIS which are getting enough money from oil smuggling and in some cases even accused of human trafficking and worse. In summary instead of accusing each other Muslims of each sect should try for peace and harmony. Both Russians and USA are gainers in this game meanwhile who are losers they know better.

If Muslims will shed the blood of their own brothers then how they will present the case of Palestine to whole world.
I want to ask my Irani brothers how they shall deny the fact that they have strong defense and economic ties with India which is shedding blood of innocent Kashmiri Muslims since more than six decades ( both Shia and Sunnis).
We have no strong defence tie with India. But we have economic tie with them. Now a question how Pakistan can have economic ties with countries that prosecute muslims how come Pakistan can allow other non muslim country kill its poppulation which I believe are muslims.
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You even kept denying your support to Assad till things became crystal clear. And you're doing it again with Huthis. No, honey, Iran have been arming and financing them for more than a decade, and this support was dramatically stepped up after Yemen uprising in 2011. Stop doing your Taqqiya...

Yemen says intercepted ship carrying weapons was Iranian| Reuters
Look at your source more carefully: "Feb 2, 2013", "SAM-2" :lol:

Right now Houthis do not need Iranian arms to start with. They have plenty of their own.

I have seen Iranian arms from Iraq to Sudan. I have not seen one single Iranian bullet in Yemen (don't bother again to google you can't find any).
That's true, Saudi Arabia is strong and demonstrated very good performance in it's fight with Huthis, and it's performance is much better than IDF's in 2006. All of these facts were supported with proofs, numbers and credible info. Not like you most of your posts are like bla bla bla...

Pathetic guys, you Arabs are all the same, you never understand the difference of cowardice and power. No surprise that a bunch of ill-fated coward dictators posing as powerful rulers have ruled you for so long and I think that was what most of you deserve. The point that you fail to realize is that every dumbass coward with some crude oil can buy western jets and remain up in the air for months and bomb the poorest nation in the region without the capability to defence using Western intel. You are interpreting this as power; this is the peak of cowardice.

I want to ask my Irani brothers how they shall deny the fact that they have strong defense and economic ties with India which is shedding blood of innocent Kashmiri Muslims since more than six decades ( both Shia and Sunnis).
We don't have any defence ties with India.
Look at your source more carefully: "Feb 2, 2013", "SAM-2" :lol:
Exactly, that's what I said, Iran has been arming Huthies for more than a decade and this armament was dramatically stepped up after Yemen uprising in 2011.
Right now Houthis do not need Iranian arms to start with. They have plenty of their own.
Yes, they have plenty but that doesn't mean they don't need more.
I have seen Iranian arms from Iraq to Sudan. I have not seen one single Iranian bullet in Yemen (don't bother again to google you can't find any).
Actually, many credible sources prove Iranian armament of Huthies and the few arms shipment that were seized prove that, and further the Yemenite regime at the time revieled it and filed a compliant to the UN, the same complaints Nigeria and Senegal had filed before.

Pathetic guys, you Arabs are all the same, you never understand the difference of cowardice and power.
Are we? Tell me now, who is pathetic and coward, the one who uses his own force and uses his own guns to talk for himself or the one who use others to talk for himself no matter how much humiliation it has got by the first side?

Huthies now are in great trouble, show us your bravery and dare to help the way you helped them when they were showing their muscles over Yemeni people.
No surprise that a bunch of ill-fated coward dictators posing as powerful rulers have ruled you for so long and I think that was what most of you deserve.
Just disgusting. First of all Jordan and the GCC are like Switzerland compared to Iran in terms of freedom and welfare. Second of all, it's you who live under the most sadistic, dictator and oppressive regime in the world, you are no more than slaves to them. Third of all, it's you and your regime who have been relentlessly supporting the most murderous dictators in history who happen to be Bashar Al-Assad. So have some shame and put your head down when you talk about dictatorship and their support.
The point that you fail to realize is that every dumbass coward with some crude oil can buy western jets and remain up in the air for months and bomb the poorest nation in the region without the capability to defence using Western intel. You are interpreting this as power; this is the peak of cowardice.
Again and again:

1- Huthies are the heaviest armed militias as they have air-defense, air force, hundreds of tanks, IFVs, APCs, MRLS, artillery as well as four hundred ballistic missiles, not to mention the tens of thousands of Saleh forces fighting along with them. Many militias around the world have much less arms and personel fought much better than Huthies against stronger enemies than Saudi Arabia.

2- Regarding the air-force part, Huthis and their allies had air-defense systems and air-force in which some them modern and most of them are the same as the Iranian army still have.

3- Huthies share1600 km long mountainous border with Saudi Arabia, yet their performance have been pathetic.

Therefore, if you compare Huthis terrorists performance with other militias around the globe, theirs is the most pathetic, noting that they are much stronger.
Exactly, that's what I said, Iran has been arming Huthies for more than a decade and this armament was dramatically stepped up after Yemen uprising in 2011.

Yes, they have plenty but that doesn't mean they don't need more.

Actually, many credible sources prove Iranian armament of Huthies and the few arms shipment that were seized prove that, and further the Yemenite regime at the time revieled it and filed a compliant to the UN, the same complaints Nigeria and Senegal had filed before.

Are we? Tell me now, who is pathetic and coward, the one who uses his own force and uses his own guns to talk for himself or the one who use others to talk for himself no matter how much humiliation it has got by the first side?

Huthies now are in great trouble, show us your bravery and dare to help the way you helped them when they were showing their muscles over Yemeni people.

Just disgusting. First of all Jordan and the GCC are like Switzerland compared to Iran in terms of freedom and welfare. Second of all, it's you who live under the most sadistic, dictator and oppressive regime in the world, you are no more than slaves to them. Third of all, it's you and your regime who have been relentlessly supporting the most murderous dictators in history who happen to be Bashar Al-Assad. So have some shame and put your head down when you talk about dictatorship and their support.

Again and again:

1- Huthies are the heaviest armed militias as they have air-defense, air force, hundreds of tanks, IFVs, APCs, MRLS, artillery as well as four hundred ballistic missiles, not to mention the tens of thousands of Saleh forces fighting along with them. Many militias around the world have much less arms and personel fought much better than Huthies against stronger enemies than Saudi Arabia.

2- Regarding the air-force part, Huthis and their allies had air-defense systems and air-force in which some them modern and most of them are the same as the Iranian army still have.

3- Huthies share1600 km long mountainous border with Saudi Arabia, yet their performance have been pathetic.

Therefore, if you compare Huthis terrorists performance with other militias around the globe, theirs is the most pathetic, noting that they are much stronger.
Don't be patethic yemen army is different from houthi movement
When you guys get cornered, you jump from one lie to another.

UAE soldier, Abd Al-Aziz Al-Kaabi has martyred in Aden, may Allah bless his noble soul:


One doesn't simply say RIP to a mercenary who bites the dust.
Both parties can't claim their killed ones as martyrs as they are fighting more or less sectarian/economic war not a wholly war against Israel

As per history Houtis attacked KSA several times in the past so similarly KSA helped Gov/opposing forces there. If Iran has right to defend it's interests even by interfering in far away countries like Syria then why not KSA.
The free and fair elections should be held both in Syria and Yemen for sake of peace resolution of problems is not complicated but due to material benefits both Iran and KSA are not resolving matters peacefully. Consequently dividing Muslim world on sectrerian grounds. One is Shia Govt and other is Radical Wahabi Monarchy.
Pictures of pro saudi subhumans sent to hell in the last days:



It seems to me this recent increase of saudi support for the Yemeni terrorists is their last desperate attempt in trying to "counter" Iranian influence after the nuclear deal was signed. They are running very desperate and don't know what to do. Just imagine if Iran did actually arm the Houthis in the beginning. Countless more of these saudi rats would have been killed. :lol:

Southern Resistance fighters look as smoke rises from the site of a Saudi-led air strike on a position of Houthi fighters in Yemen's southern port city of Aden July 16, 2015.

Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:06pm EDT
Yemen's exiled government says Aden 'liberated', Houthis expelled| Reuters

Saudi-backed Yemeni fighters completed their offensive to retake the southern city of Aden from the Houthi militia on Friday, residents said, as fighting in one main district subsided.

Their victory in the port city - backed up by training and heavy weapons delivered by an Arab military coalition - marks a turning point in almost four months of aerial bombing and civil war in which battle lines seldom changed but more than 3,500 people have been killed and a million displaced.

The war in Yemen has pitted the Sunni Muslim Gulf states which support the exiled government against the Shi'ite Houthis allied to Iran, in a conflict that has further raised the stakes as the Middles East grapples with regional rivalries and sectarian strife.

Aden has been a focus of fighting since the Iranian-allied Houthis first laid siege to it in March when it was the last bastion to the government which then fled to Saudi Arabia.

Several residents displaced from their homes in Tawahi, a district in the west of the city which had been the last redoubt of the Houthis in Aden, told Reuters they had returned to their homes and that despite occasional gunfire the streets were controlled by anti-Houthi gunmen.

Khaled Bahah, vice president of Yemen's exiled government in Riyadh, hailed the "liberation" of the city on his Facebook page, and several ministers and top intelligence officials touched down in the city on Friday to prepare it as a base to revive the shattered Yemeni state.

Once one of the world's busiest ports, Aden sits near the Bab al-Mandab shipping lane, a major energy gateway for Europe, Asia and the United States via the Red Sea and the Suez Canal.

Exiled president Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi praised the fighters and the Arab alliance, promising that the gains in Aden were the start of a drive to take back the country.

"We will soon achieve a glorious victory in Yemen, our beloved country, in its entirety ... the victory in Aden will be the key to saving our cause," Hadi said in a televised speech.


Reuters witnesses reported seeing streets filled up with cars and pedestrians and residents pinned down my deadly shelling day and night emerged in safety.

"Praise God," said 35-year-old fish seller Wasseem al-Hiswa.

"We're so happy we can return to our normal lives after such suffering for almost four months. But huge problems remain - water and electricity cut off often, so we're still suffering a lot," he said.

Ali Al-Ahmedi, spokesman for the local fighters in Aden, told Reuters that dozens of Houthi fighters had surrendered to the militiamen as they lost ground.

The advances began on Tuesday when local fighters seized the city's international airport, followed by the main sea port the next day, then one district after another.

Fighters and eyewitnesses say the Aden offensive was backed up by donations of heavy weapons by the Arab alliance including around 100 armored vehicles by the United Arab Emirates.

Dozens have been killed on both sides in the clashes since the beginning of the week, medics said.

The Shi'ite Muslim Houthis seized the capital, Sanaa, in September and pushed into Yemen's south and east in March and April in what they say is a revolution against a corrupt government and hardline Sunni Muslim militants.

Their spread has been aided by most of Yemen's army, which remains loyal to former strongman President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who was ousted in Arab Spring protests in 2011.

In a statement on his official twitter page, Saleh said Yemen would continue to resist the Saudi-backed campaign.

"We will thwart one of the most dangerous conspiracies yet against our people ... no matter how long the aggression continues and the aggressors go to far in their war of extermination, no matter how long it lasts it will end in failure," Saleh wrote.

Fighters said they were advancing toward the Anad air base 60 km (40 miles) north of Aden with backing from air strikes.

Nevertheless, on the Muslim feasting holiday of Eid, food and basic supplies were being blocked at Houthi checkpoints on the city's outskirts, residents said.

(Additional reporting by Mohammed Ghobari; Writing by Noah Browning; Editing by Giles Elgood)
Reuters / Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Southern Resistance fighters check the wreckage of a destroyed Boeing 747 plane at the international airport in Aden, Yemen July 15, 2015. REUTERS/Stringer
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